CIS: High levels of LEGAL immigration will erode Republican Party

It is pretty simple math.  Most immigrants vote for Democrats who promise them stuff, or they come from cultures where government gives them stuff and expect it here as well.  Pat Buchanan penned a whole book on the numbers, here, a few years ago.

The Center for Immigration Studies confirms in a new report that Buchanan is right—with increased legal immigration, conservative, small government voters will be simply outnumbered.

And, my personal view is that GOP RINOs can’t convert Hispanics to Republicans fast enough to save themselves without drastically reducing the numbers of LEGAL migrants entering the US.  And, heck they can barely say no to illegal aliens, imagine any of the Republican leadership having the testicular fortitude to slow LEGAL immigration.

Here is a CIS press release earlier this week (emphasis is mine):

WASHINGTON, DC (April 15, 2014) — The nation’s prolonged flow of legal immigration has changed – and continues to change – the political landscape. A new Center for Immigration Studies report, “Immigration’s Impact on Republican Political Prospects, 1980 to 2012”, finds that each one percentage-point increase in the immigrant share of a large county’s population reduces the Republican share of the two-party presidential vote by an average of nearly 0.6 percentage points.

This shift is relatively uniform throughout the country, from California to Texas to Florida, regardless of the local party’s stance on immigration. It is due to immigrant communities’ lopsided support for big-government policies, which are more closely aligned with progressives than with conservatives. As a result, survey data show a two-to-one party identification with Democrats over Republicans. Increased immigration also significantly expands the low-income population [ie. refugees—ed], making voters overall more supportive of redistributive policies championed by Democrats to support disadvantaged populations.

See the report at

“As the immigrant population has grown, Republican electoral prospects have dimmed, even after controlling for alternative explanations of GOP performance,” wrote James Gimpel, author of the report and a professor of government at the University of Maryland at College Park. “Republicans are right to want to attract Latino voters,” he continued. “But expanding the flow of low-skilled immigrants into an economy ill-suited to promote their upward mobility will be counterproductive.”

Over one million legal immigrants enter the United States each year. If this number were drastically increased, as called for by the Gang of Eight bill (S.744), the decline of the Republican Party would be accelerated. “The impact of immigration is easily sufficient, by itself, to decide upcoming presidential elections,” Gimpel wrote.

And, what is so maddening to me is that we taxpayers are footing the bill for the invasion!

El Cajon: Iraqi “hate crime” hoaxer is guilty in murder of wife

The courtroom erupted in chaos when the guilty verdict was read in a San Diego courtroom yesterday.

Iraqi refugee wants help from “overseas” to get him out of American prison.

Kassim Al-Himidi was found guilty in the bludgeoning death of his wife who had asked for a divorce (she didn’t die right away, but lingered for three days).

Besides shouting that he was innocent, Al-Himidi demanded that someone get him “international help” to pursue the hate crime allegation and to get him someone “overseas” to get him out of jail.

Update April 24th:  Son speaks out about his own outburst in courtroom, here.

From NBC7 San Diego (be sure to watch the video!):

A broken family’s screams erupted in a San Diego courtroom after a guilty verdict was announced in the trial of an Iraqi immigrant who killed his wife.

As the defendant cried out in Arabic “not guilty,” his mother-in-law flailed her arms, screaming “you killed my daughter,” while his two teenage sons chose opposing sides.

Jurors found Kassim Al-Himidi, 49, guilty in the death of his wife Shaima Alawadi — a bloody, brutal beating once considered a hate crime that was, in the end, an act of domestic violence.

I guess these Iraqi’s haven’t quite assimilated (or is it integrated?) enough to accept that they live in America and their crimes are judged in an American justice system.

“This is bulls—!” This is f—ing bulls—!” the son yelled. “My dad is innocent. He was tried unfairly.”

Al-Himidi smirked, crossed his arms, shook his head, wagged his finger and began praying as the jury was polled one by one. At one point, he put his head on the table in front of him. Then, he too began yelling.

According to a translator, Al-Himidi screamed out in Arabic, “God knows I’m not the killer. I’m not the killer! I’m innocent. Not guilty.”

As deputies rushed to place handcuffs on Al-Himidi, he continued to yell, telling his family to seek international help on this case and have investigators look at it as a hate crime. He said to get him help from overseas to get him out of jail, the translator said.

By the way, the “hate crime” hoax had frightened Muslims in the El Cajon area into thinking there was a raving Islamophobe on the loose killing Muslims in their kitchens.  CAIR and the Southern Poverty Law Center were right in the forefront helping fan the flames.

Brenda Walker tells us about the NY Times “hate crime” coverage which I didn’t know about.  Gee, do you think the NYT will have an update story now?

The New York Times reported at the time, March 2012, Iraqi Immigrants in California Town Fear a Hate Crime in a Woman’s Killing and included an emotional photo of the distraught husband Kassim Alhimidi weeping over his wife’s body, clutching her feet.

Our first coverage of the fishy tale is here.

By the way, note to “welcoming” San Diego:  California and county taxpayers had to foot the bill for this trial (translator alone probably cost a bundle!), why not submit the bill to the US State Department for repayment!

I’m beginning to lose track of how many major criminal trials involving refugees that we have posted in recent months—the Iraqis are especially busy in court.

Oshkosh, WI reaches out to refugees with “welcoming smile” as State Dept comes for a visit

Barbara Day, the US State Department’s chief resettlement officer, visited Oshkosh on Tuesday presumably to make sure the community (the media!) was getting the right message about the next batch of refugees to arrive in Oshkosh.  She was essentially shoring-up the base.

Remember there was a flurry of opposition this past January when a city alderman in nearby Appleton raised a ruckus.

Barbara Day wants to be sure Oshkosh stays on board with refugee placement.

Oshkosh and Appleton are 25 miles apart and as is often the case, when a city begins to overload with refugees, there is spillover into another nearby city.  When the State Department does family reunifications they like to stay within a hundred miles of the family or ethnic group enclave.

This is a public relations visit by Day to be sure the Oshkoshers stay on track with “welcoming” the “new Americans.”  You see, they are running out of suitable places to resettle refugees and since there are so many “family” members coming now who want to be with their families that towns quickly get overloaded, especially when the secondary migrants arrive on top of the newly resettled.

From the Northwestern (emphasis is mine):

Oshkosh is expected to continue to be a hub for the resettlement of refugees who are coming to Northeast Wisconsin to establish new roots after fleeing their home countries.

Like previous years, about 70 refugees are expected to arrive in Oshkosh and call the city home in 2014. Most of the refugees will be Iraqis, Congalese or Burmese, said Myriam Mwizerwa, Oshkosh director for World Relief Fox Valley.


“Refugees can’t survive in a community without knowing other people and becoming involved in the community itself,” said Barbara Day, the Domestic Resettlement Section Chief at the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration.


Day spoke to members of the Oshkosh Refugee Resettlement Task Force Tuesday at the Oshkosh Public Library.

Once a seed community of certain ethnic groups are established in your “welcoming” community, the resettlement contractors, like those mentioned here from World Relief/Evangelicals (one of the top nine federal contractors), are paid to process the paperwork for “family members” to join the original group. It puts your town or city in a bad light if it suddenly wants to stop the flow (how dare you block families reuniting!)  That is what the following reference is to:

In 2013, 69,926 refugees resettled within the United States, with between 70 and 75 percent of them moving to places near family or friends.

“That fact really drives placement,” Day said. “They’re coming to join family and close friends who are already here.”

World Relief’s regional representative wraps up the piece with a little slap down to other towns that are not ‘welcoming the stranger.’

Punjabis shipped to US in containers, Punjabis in detention in Texas, Punjabis arrested in CA

The Punjabis come from Eastern Pakistan or Northern India and they are coming to the US illegally with some seeking asylum in ever-larger numbers.  The primary religions of Punjabis are Islam, Hinduism and Sikhism.  Most of those in our post today appear to be Sikhs.  Reader ‘pungentpeppers’ has come across these important stories over the last few days.

First, this one is from The Tribune in India.   I’m sure when the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service hears this news they will want to take the “youths” home with them— not to their neighborhoods, but to yours!

Look at this route! They are clearly getting help in Russia, Turkey, Guatemala and Mexico!

The Tribune (India):

The well-oiled human trafficking network and business, involving the ferrying of hundreds or thousands of Punjabis to North America, is alive and kicking. Unscrupulous travel agents operating from the USA and New Delhi are minting money from these shady deals.

As many as 64 Punjabi youths [numbers vary, some reports say 40, this one 64 and yet another says 100—ed], who travelled across more than half the world in search of greener pastures, have been detained in El-Paso processing centre (jail) in Texas, USA.

Forty-two of them are on hunger strike against their prolonged detention and the jail authorities’ “inhuman” action of withdrawing communication and other facilities to them. The startling revelations made by some detainees there and their families in the Doaba region of Punjab has indicated that human smuggling to the USA by travel agents from India is going on unabated.


At times, youths (mostly from India and Pakistan) were concealed in containers — having little air or almost no food and water for days — for the purpose of shipping them to North America.

One account of the “youths” (believed to be young men in their twenties) has them coming through Cuba as well.

In that same story,  we learn that the North American Punjabi Association has gone to their defense, but ICE says there are no hunger strikers among the “youths.”

And, as for this “greener pastures” comment it tells us these are economic migrants not legitimate asylum seekers.  By the way, some think if they are granted asylum they can never go back “home,” but that was not the case with that charming Tsarnaev family (of Boston bombing fame)—we know they traveled back and forth. And, we have had many reports of Somali ‘refugees’ traveling back to Somalia (even though they claimed they needed protection from persecution).

What about persecuted Americans?

Punjabi youths driving a Mercedes arrested. One charge against them is “elder abuse.”

California:  Punjabi “youths” arrested for ATM robbery of former Marine

From the San Jose Mercury News:

FREMONT — Two men and a teenager were arrested Wednesday on suspicion of robbing a retired U.S. Marine at a bank ATM last week, authorities said.

Prabhleen Singh, Manjot Dhillon, and a 17-year-old boy were arrested in connection to the April 9 armed robbery in Fremont, police said. The arrest came hours after authorities released surveillance photos of the suspects.

Police say the 67-year-old was using the ATM at a Fremont Bank of America, located at 46650 Mohave Drive, at 1:05 a.m. when a Mercedes car pulled up. Singh, 22, of Fremont, allegedly got out of the car, pointed a gun at the victim and demanded his wallet. The former U.S. Marine threw his wallet to Singh, authorities said.

Dhillon, 24, of Union City, allegedly drove the getaway car. Authorities did not release the 17-year-old’s name because he is a minor.

Will the North American Punjabi Association be coming to their defense?

Looks like one more ethnic group adding diversity to our cities and towns that we need to keep an eye on.

Santa Barbara, CA: TB outbreak among Mexican ethnic group called “tip of the iceberg”

Although the ethnic group members harboring an outbreak of active TB in scenic Santa Barbara are not refugees, but largely illegal aliens, this is still an important story especially coming at the same time as the case in Illinois we reported last week.

We have, over the years, been following TB outbreaks largely coming from the foreign-born because we think it is one of the most under-reported problems (due to political correctness!) with our willy-nilly immigration system.  See our ‘Health issues’ category, here.

Another RRW geography lesson: The state of Oaxaca in Mexico.

From the Santa Barbara Independent last week (Hat tip: ‘pungentpeppers’):

Santa Barbara health officials have been quietly working for months to contain a tuberculosis (TB) outbreak, and are now ramping up suppression efforts after publicly announcing that a Santa Maria High School student has been diagnosed with the infectious disease.

While the single diagnosis is a cause for concern, prompting both a community meeting on Friday and mass screenings at the school next Monday, the County of Santa Barbara Public Health Department’s grander ground plan has been actively kept under the radar for the past six months due to fears of alienating an already marginalized population and concerns about political backlash.

In 2013, 26 Santa Barbara residents were diagnosed with TB; 16 are North County residents, and nine are of Oaxacan descent. Figures for 2014 are not yet available, said Public Health Department spokesperson Susan Klein-Rothschild. At least one person died in 2013 from the disease (which typically attacks the lungs and has a 50 percent mortality rate if left untreated) and many had let it progress to advance stages before receiving treatment (which makes it much more contagious). Three children younger than 10 years old were diagnosed last year, and one was left severely and permanently disabled.

The disease has taken a real hold in the Oaxacan community!

Five of the Oaxacan cases “have epidemiologic links and the same genetic pattern on their TB isolate,” meaning they are all part of the same transmission chain. The Center for Disease Control declares an “outbreak” when three of more cases display that genetic link, and this week’s high school student case has been connected to the chain……the disease appears to have taken a real hold in the Oaxacan community.

Challenging job partly because they speak neither English or Spanish (diversity is strength, right!)

Thoman explained during an interview this Wednesday that Public Health nurses have been combing North County communities “day and night” in recent weeks, searching for signs of the disease. It’s a challenging assignment, she went on, as some of the Oaxacan individuals may be undocumented and harbor a distrust of government workers. Plus, many of them only speak Mixteco.

Only ten percent of California TB cases will become active!  Do the math!  Yikes! Isn’t ten percent of 3 million, 300,000?

While an estimated three million California residents carry the bacteria that causes the disease, only about 10 percent of them will come down with active TB, which can be cured with medication.  [if they get it in time, and if the foreign-born person completes the prescribed drug treatment regime—ed]

Why isn’t this story all over the national news?  For the same reason Santa Barbara health officials kept it quiet for so long—political correctness!

If fears of terrorism or crime don’t wake up Americans regarding our present out-of-control immigration, then surely the fear of ones kids getting TB in school will do it.  Or, how about Mom bringing the disease home because she is a public health nurse, a social service worker, or simply a volunteer for refugee and immigrant groups?