Some more of that “vibrant diversity” coming to a city near you!

He supposedly wanted to kill some Shiite Muslims in Rochester too! (Diversity is not beautiful to Sunnis.)
Who knows how this apparently legal immigrant got into the US, but the feds should check if his convenience store was ripping off US taxpayers while they are at it!
From AP at the Wall Street Journal:
ROCHESTER, N.Y. — A New York business owner from Yemen plotted vengeance attacks against members of the U.S. military for American actions overseas and Shiite Muslims over the civil war in Syria, according to federal authorities.
Federal authorities said in court papers that Mufid Elfgeeh, 30, of Rochester, bought two handguns and two silencers as part of a plan to kill members of the U.S. armed forces returning from war, as well as Shiites in the Rochester area.
Elfgeeh was arrested Saturday and faces two counts of receiving and possessing an unregistered firearm silencer.
Check it out, he ran a convenience store too!
Elfgeeh, a naturalized U.S. citizen who operates Halal Mojo and Food Mart in Rochester, paid the informant $1,050 in the transaction completed Saturday afternoon and was immediately arrested for possession of the silencers not registered in his name.
We haven’t reported much on immigrant food stamp fraud lately, but click here for our archives where we have posted dozens and dozens of cases over the years.