Anne C. Richard, Asst. Secretary of State (running scared?): The public will not be permitted to know what refugee contractors recommended for FY2015.
Your testimony went into a black hole at the US State Departmentwhich makes it even more important that you get your statement to your US Representatives and US Senators. Also, complain to your elected officials about the State Department keeping the comments secret.
It really is outrageous that in past years the statements were available to the public if one attended the hearing, but with no public opportunity to comment in person this year, we are not permitted to see what the contractors asked for in their statements!
We just received this e-mail from the State Department:
The Department of State values the input you have provided to the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program. We also received your request to have access to comments made by other members of the public. We regret that we are unable to fulfill this request, due to privacy considerations. The Federal Register notice did not indicate that comments submitted would be made public.
I guess it is Freedom of Information Act time.
If you would like to see your testimony in print, send it to us.
So, the countries of Italy, Greece and Malta will continue to get the brunt of the illegal migration as the ‘invasion of Europe’ continues.
The architects of a disastrous US foreign policy in N.Africa
The UN squawks about the deaths of migrants trying to get to Europe across the Mediterranean, but is scared of setting up camps in Libya to hold them (or could the UN actually be supporting the invasion of Europe by mostly Muslim illegal aliens?).
They don’t say they are scared, we do!
Libya is a lawless hellhole largely thanks to the Obama gals—Hillary, Susan Rice and Samantha Power!
The United Nations is not considering setting up holding camps in North Africa and the Middle East to prevent migrants from making the dangerous sea crossing to Europe.
Contrary to what was reported in The Guardian, an influential UK newspaper, the UN refugee agency insisted it would only explore external processing “under the right circumstances and with adequate safeguards”.
A spokesman for UNHCR in Malta told Times of Malta the agency “was not considering holding camps” as an alternative to address the challenges of refugees and migrants risking their lives at sea.
“Rather, UNHCR is working on a comprehensive set of proposals, focused on saving lives and helping refugees find alternatives to dangerous journeys,” the spokesman said.
The Guardian yesterday reported that the UN was forced to consider the opening of holding camps where asylum applications could be handled in a bid to prevent thousands of migrants crossing the Mediterranean.
Countries like Libya, which is not a signatory to the Geneva Convention on refugees, are not considered safe for migrants by human rights groups.[LOL! and the human rights groups don’t want to go there either!—ed]
The boats will continue to be launched and more migrants will drown, so much for the “responsibility to protect.”
Obama wants Congress to allocate another $1.4 BILLION for the kids!
We have been writing about the unaccompanied minors (mostly teens) for years, but the situation is now getting out of control as the kids head here during the remaining years of the Obama Open Borders Administration.
Officially the Office of Refugee Resettlement is in charge of the problem, but now FEMA and the military will get involved in the babysitting as well.
And, you can bet with potentially new taxpayer money flowing, as one of my readers said just yesterday, the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Servicemust be “salivating” as the “refugee” numbers are doubling overnight. (The US Conference of Catholic Bishops has contracts to take care of the kids too, and I wouldn’t be surprised to find others of the major resettlement contractors scrambling for their piece of the pie as well!).
Obama mouthpiece Cecilia Munoz: It is a “false rumor” that they will all be able to stay. (Of course they will, who is going to deport the “kids.”)
President Barack Obama on Monday described a surge in unaccompanied immigrant children caught trying to cross the Mexican border as an “urgent humanitarian situation,” as the White House asked Congress for an extra $1.4 billion in federal money to cope. Obama said the U.S. will temporarily house the children at two military bases.
Obama appointed the head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Craig Fugate, to be in charge of the situation.
In its new estimates, the government said as many as 60,000 children, mostly from Central America, could be caught this year trying to cross the Mexican border illegally, costing the U.S. more than $2.28 billion to house, feed and transport the children to shelters or reunite them with relatives already living in the United States. The new estimate is about $1.4 billion more than the government asked for in Obama’s budget request sent to Congress earlier this year.
In the last eight months alone, 47,000 children have been apprehended at the Southwest Border.
Obama described the growing humanitarian issue at the border in a presidential memorandum Monday that outlined a government-wide response led by Fugate.
Kids to be housed at military bases (now that the war on terror is over, guess the military has nothing better to do!):
The growth has surpassed the system’s capacity to process and house the children. Last month, the federal government opened an emergency operations center at a border headquarters in South Texas to help coordinate the efforts and the Office of Refugee Resettlement, a division of the Health and Human Services Department, turned to the Defense Department for the second time since 2012 to help house children in barracks at Lackland Air Force Base near San Antonio.
More than 90 percent of those sheltered by the government are from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. [Did I miss a war going on in Central America? Or, are these just economic migrants looking for jobs, low-cost college degrees at Americans’ expense, and amnesty on the horizon?—ed]
And, then we get our daily laugh out of the Obama Administration, this time from the director of domestic policy, Cecilia Munoz, as she gives us the White House talking points. What is it with these supposedly smart women (Susan Rice too!)?
Munoz said Monday the administration is aware of false rumors that have circulated that migrant children who get to this country would be automatically allowed to stay here or benefit from some future immigration reform legislation.
Mark my words, not one will be sent back to Central America.
I suppose we should have long ago created an ‘invasion of America’ series, just as did our ‘invasion of Europe’ archive.
Editors note: Daily readers know that the US State Department asks for testimonyevery year on the “size and scope” of the Refugee Admissions program for the upcoming fiscal year.
In past years in addition to mailing in testimony, the State Department invited members of the public to appear and comment in person. This year that did not happen and we can only assume the long-established procedure was abandoned as members of the public who had concerns about the program came to outnumber the contractors and their supporters (I joked with one of our friends there two years ago that I bet everyone in the room was there on salary except us!)
This year only mailed-in testimony was accepted. If you sent testimony and would like it published, please send it to us for our consideration. And, don’t forget to send it to all of your elected officials!
So that testimony doesn’t disappear into a black hole, write to Delicia Spruell ( and ask for the entire public record of the consultation/hearing.
Burmese Muslim Esar Met convicted of raping and murdering child in first month in America. Walker: …stupid-generous America offered the problematic, unemployable young man a new home in the First World.
Walker: It is neither morally right nor Constitutional for the government to harm Americans so that foreigners may be helped, no matter the initial good intentions.
For that reason, the refugee resettlement program should be shut down as an improvement for the American people.
Here is how the California native begins to build her case:
America is in its sixth year of a jobless “recovery,” yet the State Department continues to import tens of thousands of unskilled refugees from the Third World as if the economy were bubbling along with jobs for all who want them. The entire program seems painfully out of touch with the degree of economic suffering in the country and the effect on our poorest citizens of increasing job competition.
Here in California, the unemployment rate has dropped below 8 percent for the first time in six years as of April, indicating the long difficult struggle to climb back from the recession. Child poverty is running around 22 percent this year, another sign of the state’s poor economic performance. But the State Department resettled 5,173 refugees in California in 2012 when the economy was even more dismal.
Also in 2012, it was reported that the government placed hundreds of lead-poisoning-impaired Burmese refugees in Oakland, a chronically depressed city with too much homegrown crime and poverty. The federal program of dumping poor Third World people with learning disabilities has added to an already crushing burden on the city, and seems altogether a cruel use of government power.