Obama: We need the migrant kids! Limbaugh: for Democrat voters!

Did you catch Rush Limbaugh yesterday?

Limbaugh: If our future rests on the illegal alien kids, why are we depriving their home countries of their best people?

He talked about Obama’s trip to Massachusetts where Obama pushed the idea (to Democrat donors!) that America needs the ‘dreamer’ kids like the thousands recently streaming illegally across our border.***

Limbaugh says Obama needs them, of course, for fresh blood as Democrat voters, but Limbaugh also said, and I wish I had thought of it, if these dreamers are so important to our future why are we luring them from their poor homelands mostly in Mexico and Central America? 

Hey Obama, aren’t you in fact stealing their best people and robbing those countries of their futures?

Here is a post at National Review Online about Obama’s talk to Democrat donors, a talk that Limbaugh referred to:

President Obama reminded Democratic donors that “our future rests” on the success of people brought to the United States illegally as children, who would qualify for citizenship if Congress had passed the DREAM Act.


Obama made the comments at a Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee fundraiser in Massachusetts, in reference to students at Worcester Tech.


“We need it badly from a purely — purely economic point of view,” Biden said Tuesday, per The Hill. It’s an argument that corporations tend to support, but the White House push comes as Congress is still coming to terms with the shock of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R., Va.) losing his primary to Dave Brat, a political novice supported by local Tea Party activists who faulted Cantor for being out of touch with the district.

Radio talk show host Laura Ingraham promises to make sure the Republican nominee for President in 2016 is not Jeb Bush!

Cantor’s support for DREAM Act-style legislation, which he announced a few months after the 2012 election, inspired conservative radio host Laura Ingraham to rally grassroots voters against him.

“Now, Ingraham is setting her sights on 2016: In particular, she wants to ensure that the Republican nominee is not cut from Cantor’s cloth,” National Review Online’s Eliana Johnson reported. “Brat’s victory, she says, is a step in the right direction: ‘Everybody that’s hoping and praying for a Jeb Bush run, they should spend a lot of time focusing on what just happened in Virginia.’”

Remember Bush’s controversial remarks a couple of months ago about the illegals flooding in from Central America and Mexico when he called their illegal entry an “act of love?”

One of my friends wondered yesterday if the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services lobbying campaign for the “kids” called #ActOfLove was inspired by Bush!

If you are on twitter, be sure to tweet your stories about the “vulnerable kids” to #ActOfLove!

Also, see Obama Admin forbids photos of illegal alien kids detention facility, here.

***The kids will be under the care of the Office of Refugee Resettlement and its contractors, here.

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