We have written since last summer about Mayor Domenic Sarno’s pleas to slow or stop the flow of impoverished third worlders to Springfield and no one is listening to the Mayor.

This should be a lesson for any city contemplating “welcoming” refugees—once the flow has started and the contractors are set up in your town or city, they DO NOT STOP.
This article tells us why—family reunification cannot be questioned and there is no incentive for the contractor to stop the flow.
Once a seed community has been established, the contractors are paid to resettle family members—it is called family reunification and anyone who opposes reuniting the poor families is treated like a cold-hearted SOB. Are you listening Wyoming?
From MassLive:
SPRINGFIELD – Mayor Domenic Sarno has renewed his request for a moratorium on new refugees in Springfield after learning that possibly 70 more will be resettled here in the coming year.
Sarno raised his concerns in a letter submitted Thursday to U.S. Rep. Richard E. Neal, of Springfield, with copies sent to U.S. Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey, and Gov. Deval Patrick. [Good luck getting any help from that trio!—ed]
In his three-page letter, Sarno asked Neal for assistance in encouraging the area agencies to have a moratorium on new refugees in Springfield “until the City is able to adequately address the impact of further refugee placement, and, in the interest of fairness to all involved, until other communities accept some percentage of the displaced refuguees.”
A Jewish agency and the Lutherans are doing the resettling in Springfield and they call the shots—not the local government!
The Jewish Family Service of Western Massachusetts and the Lutheran Social Services of New England serve as the refugee resettlement agencies in the region.
In response to the city’s request for information, Jewish Family Service stated in a recent email that it “is proposing to resettle 250 individuals to Hampden County” in the coming year, including 35 individuals in Springfield. The number includes adult and children.
“Of this number, we will only be resettling refugee families in Springfield with existing ‘U.S. Tie’ family members or family reunification,” said Mohamud Mohamed, who is New America Program director for Jewish Family Service.
By the way, for the third year in a row, I’ve called for a Moratorium on refugee resettlement for many of the same reasons Mayor Sarno is. Here are my ten reasons submitted to the US State Department most recently last month.
And, here, a former refugee worker from Massachusetts told the US State Department the same thing!
Now with the crisis on the border of the so-called asylum seekers from Central America, it is all the more reason for Congress to halt the whole darn refugee program until there is a thorough investigation and reforms are initiated.
More “pockets of resistance” tomorrow!