San Diego refugee, one of 50 sent to Washington to lobby for the Lutherans

We told you here last month that the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) was organizing fifty refugees to go to Washington last week to lobby for more funds (more of your tax dollars) for themselves and their fellow resettlement contractors.***

Poor Sedrick Ntwali probably thinks his quest for your money will be money to help his fellow San Diego refugees, but instead any windfall will go first to the “unaccompanied minors” now called “refugees” and then to fat salaries and nice office digs for the contractors.  And, I sure hope LIRS paid for the trip out of privately raised dollars and not federal grants! (96% of LIRS budget comes from US taxpayers!).

Ntwali went to Washington and I bet you paid for his trip!

‘San Diego Refugee Lobbies Congress For More Resettlement Dollar’, from KPBS:

[Sedrick] Ntwali is in Washington, D.C. this week to ask members of Congress to boost funds for refugees. He’s one of 50 others selected for the trip by the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, a 75-year-old resettlement agency.

Those “unaccompanied kids” are getting all the new money!  (Although remember that LIRS is also contracted to take care of a bunch of the kids and is lobbying for more $$$ for that too!).

This year’s U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement budget included an additional $530 million, increasing its budget to nearly $1.5 billion. But that went to help with a spike in the number of unaccompanied children crossing into the U.S. from Central America. There was little change in resources for the growing number of refugees coming from Burma, or Myanmar, and the recent influx of refugees from Iraq and Iran. Next fiscal year, Congress again is adding funds for child immigrants crossing the border.

Problems in San Diego for refugees, according to Ntwali:

He said there isn’t enough affordable housing and employment resources for refugees in San Diego.


There’s a lot of agencies here in City Heights that help refugees. But their support is not really enough to give to all refugees that are here. There are three big issues here in San Diego. First of all is housing. They are really having problems finding affordable housing. You’ll see a family of six or seven sleeping in a one- or two-bedroom. Secondly, opportunity; refugees do not have good job opportunities here. And the other issue is integration.  [Lots of problems with resettlement in San Diego, click here for more—ed].

Not enough housing, not enough jobs but no one ever says:  Let’s slow this program down, we can’t take care of all these people!

(Lots of problems with resettlement in San Diego, click here for more)

By the way, another $1 billion goes to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees every year (they pick our refugees!) and the US State Department budget must be approaching $2 billion by now for refugees.

Readers, if you are of the Lutheran faith and are sick of what is happening with your church being taken over by the Religious Left,  join the on-line discussion at and connect with your fellow Lutherans on this topic and others.

***The contractors:


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