Update August 14th: Here comes the Ebola scare.
We have been so busy writing about the invasion of America that we have let news pile up about the mostly Muslim migrant invasion of Europe which is not being covered by the American dinosaur media. Europe represents the ‘canary in a coal mine’ for western civilization.
While ISIS fights militarily for the Caliphate in Iraq and Syria, their Muslim brothers wage the demographic war in Europe.
Catalonia is a region of Spain seeking to break away from Spain. From Breaking Israel News:

Muslim leaders in the Spanish autonomous region of Catalonia say they have been promised a mega-mosque in Barcelona if they support independence from Spain in a referendum set for November 9.
Officials from the Catalonia’s ruling Convergence and Union Party (CiU) are seeking the ballots of all of the roughly 100,000 Muslims in the region who are eligible to vote. “If you support us in the referendum, there will be a mosque,” CiU officials are said to have promised Muslim leaders, according to Spanish media.
The mega-mosque in question is said to involve a 2.2 billion euro ($3 billion) project to convert a historic bullfighting stadium in Barcelona into the third-largest mosque in the world, after those in Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia.
The tentative plan calls for the Emir of Qatar to purchase the stadium, known as the La Monumental, and to cover all costs associated with converting the property into a mosque. The five-year project would be completed sometime around 2020.
The mosque would have an interior capacity for 40,000 worshippers and an exterior capacity for another 80,000. The mosque complex would include a Koranic study center, a library, a conference room and a museum of Islamic art and history.
The mosque would also include a research center on the history of Al Andalus, the Arabic name given to those parts of Spain, Portugal and France that were occupied by Muslim conquerors (also known as the Moors) from 711 to 1492.
Moreover, the mosque would be accompanied by a towering 300-meter (985-foot) minaret which, if approved, would dominate the Barcelona skyline. The proposed minaret would completely overshadow the spectacularly emblematic Sagrada Familia, a Roman Catholic cathedral that is situated less than one kilometer from the bullfighting arena. The spires of the church, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, are only 170 meters (560 feet) tall.
Catalonia is home to an estimated 465,000 Muslims, who account for more than 6% of the total Catalan population of 7.5 million. This gives Catalonia the largest Muslim population in Spain.
By way of comparison, if Catalonia were to achieve independence, it would emerge as the country with the third-largest Muslim population in Western Europe, in percentage terms, just behind France and Belgium, and far ahead of Britain and Germany.
Calais, France has been “taken hostage“: Clashes continue between migrants trying to reach the UK (Shangri-La for migrants) and French police (hat tip: Cathy). This AP story is from last week, but the riots are on-going:

PARIS (AP) — Migrants flowing into Europe in unprecedented numbers are causing a tense summer in France, as clashes break out among asylum-seekers in overcrowded camps and police fire tear gas to quell the chaos.
Sudanese and Eritreans battled in the heat in France’s port city of Calais, frustrations rising as the Africans jockey for space while trying to sneak into Britain – the dream destination some 30 kilometers (20 miles) away.
Most migrants in Calais start the European portion of their treacherous Mediterranean journeys in Italy, arriving on boats in the island of Lampedusa. Last year, total arrivals in Italy tallied 42,000 – which was already surpassed by spring. With the year far from over, over 60,000 migrants have arrived on Italian shores.
EU immigration law says that illegal aliens (would-be asylum seekers) are to be processed in the first country in which they arrive, but obviously many are heading north and there seems to be nothing EU authorities can do. Read the whole story.
Italian Navy rescues another nearly 1,000 migrants this past week alone. From Gazzetta del Sud:
Pozzallo, August 6 – As many as 958 illegal migrants arrived in the Sicilian port of Pozzallo Wednesday aboard a coast guard vessel as thousands of people trying to reach Europe from Africa were plucked from small craft in the Mediterranean by Italian Navy and merchant ships, port officials said. The arrival of the 958, including many women and children, aboard the ship Dattilo was the largest number of migrants to land at the small port in the province of Ragusa since Italy launched Operation Mare Nostrum aimed at preventing loss of life in Italian waters.
They represented a constellation of nationalities from Africa, the Middle East and Asia including Egyptians, Pakistani, Eritreans, Syrians and Somalis.
In Berlin, Germany a “crush” of refugees from News Round:
In July Berlin accepted 1047 new refugees. That is the highest monthly entrance for 15 years, explained health and Minister for Social Services Mario Czaja (CDU) on Wednesday. Besides in July approximately 900 further asylum seekers in the city arrived and for several days were cared for, before they further-traveled to other Federal states. In the first seven months approximately 5000 refugees came to Berlin, for the entire year count Czaja on an entrance of altogether 10,000 humans.
The refugee crush places the city before large challenges, said the senator. After the Königsteiner key, which regulates the distribution of asylum seekers on the Federal states, must take up Berlin five percent of all refugees, who place a request for asylum in Germany. The Federal Office for migration expects 200.000 applicants in this year.
And the beat goes on…..with no end in sight because no one seems to have the will to fight it!
[Alas, the canary is passed out, near death, on the floor of its cage.]
For all of our posts on the ‘invasion of Europe’ click here.