Somali community organizer, Fatuma Hussein, quoted in the Lewiston abuse story, lobbies for more welfare for Maine migrants earlier this year.
A pregnant Angolan asylum seeker was run down and killed on a Lewiston street last week by her angry ex-fiance and so this story is all about how African women should speak up so that the police can protect them from the cultural norms they brought with them from Africa.
Frankly I am sick of stories about cultural conflicts and problems in Lewiston, Maine, the ‘Little Mogadishu’ of the Northeast. So check it out yourselves (Portland Press Herald) titled:
Domestic violence often kept hidden by Maine immigrants, refugees
I don’t think the debate should be about how African women should speak up, it should be about why we are inviting so many to the US from cultures that are so diametrically opposed to our culture in respect to women’s rights (and a whole lot of other things).
By the way, Maine has become the go-to state for asylum seekers because the state gives welfare to them while the feds only give welfare to successful asylum seekers who have been granted asylum and been declared a “refugee.” Many of Maine’s would-be refugees arrive in the US illegally or overstay a visa, head to Maine, and then apply for asylum claiming they will be persecuted if sent home.
There is a concerted PR campaign going on to get your minds right on the issue of flooding America with illegal and LEGAL migrants so that you will shut up about the rapidly changing demographic make-up of America.
Federal contractor and head honcho of ‘Welcoming America’ David Lubell (right) with the mayor of Atlanta (center).
One of the leaders of the PR campaign is ‘Welcoming America.’ We first learned about the Office of Refugee Resettlement CONTRACTOR here in June of 2013 when we attended a refugee pow-wow in overloaded Lancaster, PA.
It was announced that this new hire was in response to “pockets of resistance” to more refugee resettlement popping up around the country. (They are running out of cities willing to be overloaded!)
Let me repeat, Welcoming Americais being paid by US taxpayers (and George Soros! among others) to gin up a PR campaign to try to keep you quiet about the demographic change (and more Democrat voters!) they are bringing to your towns and cities.
Now to the dirty dozen (of course they are not dirty to Welcoming America, that is what I am calling them!).
Surely this letter is timed to coincide with Obama’s decision to create a new refugee classfrom Central America. After all, ‘Welcoming America’ is a federal contractorso it’s pretty easy to coordinate PR with your federal bosses.
A dozen U.S. mayors have agreed to support immigrant children from Central American seeking refuge.
Welcoming America, a nonprofit organization that promotes cooperation between foreign-born and U.S.-born Americans, released a lettersigned by 12 mayors and a county executive promising to “compassionately support and welcome the young children from Central America seeking refuge in the U.S.”
“As we reflect back on the initial concerns raised around children fleeing violence, we see that our values have prevailed,” said Welcoming America Executive Director David Lubell. “These leaders are demonstrating that communities have responded with compassion, and can successfully help children in need, now and into the future.”
Blah, Blah, Blah…..
Go here for the whole letter. Below is the dirty dozen plus Isiah Leggett County Executive of my old home county—Montgomery County, MD.
(LOL! I betcha we could come up with our own 12 (maybe more!) Mayors who oppose more immigrant drop-offs in their towns and cities!)
Mayor Kasim Reed
City of Atlanta, Georgia
Mayor Martin J. Walsh
City of Boston, Massachusetts
Mayor Rahm Emanuel
City of Chicago, Illinois
Mayor Stephen K. Benjamin
City of Columbia, South Carolina
Mayor Michael B. Hancock
City of Denver, Colorado
Mayor Eric Garcetti
City of Los Angeles, California
County Executive Isiah Leggett
Montgomery County, Maryland
Mayor Michael A. Nutter
City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Mayor William Peduto
City of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Mayor Daniel L. Bianchi
City of Pittsfield, Massachusetts
Mayor Edward B. Murray
City of Seattle, Washington
Mayor Francis G. Slay
City of St. Louis, Missouri
Mayor Jonathan Rothschild
City of Tucson, Arizona
All of our posts on ‘Unaccompanied minors’ extending back several years are archived here.