Invasion of Europe series continued….
From the Express (hat tip: pungentpeppers). Emphasis is mine:

New figures revealed Middlesbrough has topped England’s asylum seeker league with the town becoming the first in the country to breach Government accommodation guidelines.
The amount of cheap housing in the Teesside town means it has become a magnet for penniless arrivals seeking sanctuary in the UK.
The Government insists no local authority area should need to house more than one asylum seeker per 200 of population. [Interesting, I don’t think we have anything comparable—a ratio for a community of how many refugees/asylum seekers per Americans could be accommodated in the community—ed]
But a Middlesbrough Council report has revealed almost 1,000 asylum seekers are currently being housed in the town, which has a population estimated at 138,400 – putting it almost one-and-a-half times the Government limit.
Asylum seekers are generally housed at taxpayers’ expense homes while the Home Office decides whether to grant them asylum.
The process can take up to a year and a total of 982 asylum seekers are currently housed in paid-for accommodation in Middlesbrough.
In the report to be discussed by the Labour-run authority next week, Richard Horniman, economic development manager at Middlesbrough Council says the town has seen a rise in the number of asylum seekers through Government-funded regional contracts.
He said it was down to “lower value housing” offered in parts of the borough – which make it cheaper to house people.
The report highlights Gresham and Stockton districts as receiving the largest influx.
Yesterday locals told of the dramatic strain this has put on local services.
But Justice First, a Stockton-based charity that supports refugees and asylum seekers and helps them to build new lives in the UK, said current conditions for asylum seekers were tough… [Is Justice First a government contractor?—ed]
Please read on here and see what the British citizens are saying about housing, schools, healthcare for them when competing with the asylum seekers. They feel they have lost their town.