Germany: Asylum seeker numbers skyrocketing

More fuel for PEGIDA’s fire?

One of my favorite photos: Invaders at the Brandenburg Gate.

Most are from Muslim countries.

The big question left hanging for me is what is happening to those rejected (around 4,000 just in the first 18,000)—is Germany shipping them ‘home?’

From Deutsche Welle (oops! had the wrong link in here earlier, thanks to ‘PP’ for the catch):

In January, 25,042 people applied for asylum status through Germany’s Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), the Interior Ministry announced Monday in Berlin. The total includes 21,679 first-time applications and 3,363 follow-ups. That represents an increase of 73 percent over January 2014 and 23 percent over December 2014.

There has already been a decision on almost 18,000 of the applications made in January. Forty-four percent were accepted as refugees, and the government has prohibited the deportation of 137 more applicants. The applications of just over a quarter were rejected.

In 2014, Germany received 203,000 applications for asylum, 60 percent higher than in 2013 – the third-highest total in national history and more than any other EU country last year.

Go here for all of our posts on Germany’s migration tragedy.  And here is our archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ which we follow closely because we are headed to the same place, just a little bit behind Europe.