Update February 24th: Have Somalis been resettled in your state, go here to find out!
The news comes from the Somali capital of America—Minneapolis! And, LOL! one of three cities that the Obama Administration touts as an example of how Muslims are happily settled in!
Mall of America officials increased security on Saturday after a terror group linked to al-Qaida released an online video that appears to call for an attack on the popular shopping destination.
Islamic terrorist group al-Shabaab specifically named the Mall of America, the West Edmonton Mall in Alberta and London’s Oxford Street in the more than hourlong video that was being circulated on Twitter.
Federal law enforcement officials told CBS News that they are investigating the video.
Mall of America officials released a statement Saturday saying that they were aware of the video that mentions the megamall and shows an image of it and its GPS coordinates.
“We will continue to monitor events with the help of federal, state and local law enforcement agencies,” according to the statement.
The video posted Saturday shows six minutes of graphic images celebrating the Westgate Mall attack. Near the end of the video, a masked man wearing a camouflage jacket appears on screen.
“If just a handful of mujahedeen fighters could bring Kenya to a complete standstill for nearly a week then imagine what a dedicated mujahedeen in the West could do to the American or Jewish-owned shopping centers across the world?” he asks.
See our coverage of the carnage at the Westgate Mall in Kenya, here.
Come on mainstream media—you are fixating now on the Syrian Muslims who might come to the US—but never focus on the number of Somalis we are admitting every single month!
For new readers (and hopefully media types!)
Look at the numbers! Here is our postwhich chronicles the over 100,000 Somalis we have admitted as refugees to your towns and cities. Then be sure to seethat in 2008, the State Department uncovered widespread fraud in Somali family reunification (P-3 program)—thousands, possibly 20,000 Somalis, got into the US by lying on refugee applications.
And, then see that in FY2014we admitted 9,000additional Somalis to the US. This is huge pool of potential jihadists!
In the first 4 months of FY2015 we admitted 3,536 new Somali refugees to America! That is 884 a month! If that large stream continues it will put us at over 10,000 Somalis in FY2015!
Al-Shabaab must feel confident that they have operatives in the US Somali community.
An after thought! Don’t you think the timing of this video release is interesting—right after the Obama/Biden ‘hug a Muslim’ conference. It is almost as if the terrorists are making fun of the O-man!
As I have been saying, here and here, everyone is talking about the Obama plan to admit Syrian refugees to the US.
Maybe Obama could persuade the new Saudi King, Salman bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud, to “welcome the stranger”—co-religionists from Syria, Iraq, Somalia and Burma.
No truer words (more logical words) could be spoken than these by Bryan Fischer writing at ReNew America:
If President Obama and former President Bush are right, that Islam is a wonderful religion of peace, then each of the other 56 Muslim nations around the world ought to be havens of tranquility and stability. Let’s use our resources to help Syrian Muslims find a home in one or more of these other nations which are guided by the “religion of peace.”
Of course, the resettlement industry types would be quick to say that Lebanon, Turkey and Jordan already have tens of thousands of temporary Syrian refugees, but you should know that the rich oil states, like Saudi Arabia, take zero!
We are even bringing Muslim ‘refugees’ from Malaysia to the US!
Breitbartreports that radio talk show host Mark Levin weighed in on the Syrian refugee resettlement plan on Friday.
To better understand how the resettlement is evolving, check our post yesterdayabout how everyone is now talking about the planned Syrian refugee resettlement (driven by pressure from resettlement contractors and the UN).
And, PLEASE go here to see that Syrians are already arriving!
And, please, please tell Mark Levin and others who have now woken up to the Muslim migration to America that it is worse than he knows—we brought in 20,000 Iraqi refugees (three fourths are Muslims) and 9,000 Somali refugees just last year alone!
Here is Mark Levin:
Talk radio host and author of “The Liberty Amendments,” Mark Levin declared that a government who has mishandled Obamacare shouldn’t be trusted with vetting Syrian refugees coming to the US on Friday.
“Don’t worry, when it [the government] brings in these refugees from Syria, right in the heart of the Islamonazi battle, everything’s going to be vetted very, very well…because lookee here ‘Feds sent incorrect tax information to 800,000 people on ObamaCare.’ These clowns can’t even run a website, but don’t worry, we’re gonna know if people [who] come into this country mean us harm” he stated.
Levin continued, “and don’t worry, should Jeb Bush*** become president, we’ll change the rules. Rather than assume that people coming here are going to violate our laws, which is our current assumption under the immigration laws, we’ll assume that they’re here to love us.”
***See Jeb Bush and Grover Norquist, here. They want more refugees too!