We have mentioned this previously, but the pieces began to come together over the last few days when first, David Miliband (head honcho of refugee contractor the International Rescue Committee), penned his Washington Post op-ed on the subject, and then I happened to catch Fareed Zakaria’s guilt-tripping report on the Syrian refugees here at ‘Fareed Zakaria—GPS.‘ Zakaria said the US isn’t doing enough!
All of the players in the refugee industry were counting on a large number of Syrians to enter the US in FY2015 until…..
The FBI sends resettlement industry into a tailspin with Hill testimony!

The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (which picks our refugees and has 10,000 mostly Muslim Syrians queued-up for America right now), the US State Department (which was promising we would take 9,000-10,000 this year!), and the federal contractors *** (looking for more paying “clients” aka refugees) basically got kicked in the teeth a few weeks ago when the other partner in the resettlement process—the Department of Homeland Security (FBI) told the House Homeland Security Committee that they can’t properly screen for terrorist connections in the Syrian refugee population because there is no way to gather information on them.
So the flow to America is going to be slow and the numbers no where near the 10,000 and up this year that the contractors were pushing for!
(ISIS has said it will use the refugee stream to get into Europe, so why not the US as well!)
The sob-story lobbying campaign to go around the FBI has begun!
There is a track record of the contractors, open borders advocacy groups, and the media teaming up to circumvent procedures in Washington to get what they want—more refugees than your cities can manage. (If anyone needs evidence, let me know, we have it all archived here).
Make no mistake, the majority of Syrian refugees the UN has chosen for America are Sunni Muslims!
When Zakaria looked into the camera this past weekend with sad eyes and made his plea for America to take in more Syrians he didn’t tell Americans that the FBI had already said that the numbers would be small for NATIONAL SECURITY REASONS.
I can’t impress on readers enough, you must speak out and tell Washington—tell your elected representatives—that we should not be resettling any more Syrian Muslims!
If Obama is going to make a move to raise the ceiling, from a total of 70,000 refugees this year to perhaps 100,000 as the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society is demanding to accommodate Syrians, it will be soon!
One thing you might do, if you are concerned about the Christians, the Yazidis, and other religious minorities is to tell your representatives that we will only take the persecuted minorities (Canada has already said that those will be their priority) and watch the UN rage! Real Christians will offer to help sponsor them and not expect the US taxpayer to shoulder the entire burden.
***Six of the federal resettlement contractors masquerade as ‘religious’ charities but their refugee work is largely funded from the federal treasury:
- Church World Service (CWS)
- Ethiopian Community Development Council (ECDC)
- Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM)
- Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS)
- International Rescue Committee (IRC)
- US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI)
- Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS)
- United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
- World Relief Corporation (WR)