Obama Task Force on “New American” plans to seed your communities to be released today

Valerie Jarrett, Cecilia Munoz, and Obama: Changing America by changing the people!

Update April 18th:  Read about what happened here.

Editor:  See our earlier post on this incredibly brazen initiative where they admit they are seeding American towns and cities.  Your town is the soil and you better darn well “welcome” the seedlings!

Also, see what we have said previously about the Migration Policy Institute putting on the shindig today.

Hat tip:  Julia  (sorry, just inserted this e-mail directly into a post to get it out fast, so it looks a little messy!)

A Federal Strategic Action Plan on Immigrant & Refugee Integration
The White House Task Force on New Americans
April 2015
An event with Cecilia Muñoz, Assistant to the President and Director, Domestic Policy Council, The White House
Friday, April 17, 2015
1:30 to 2:45 P.M.
APRIL 17, 2015

The New National Integration Plan: Making the Most of a Historic Opportunity

Friday, April 17, 2015
1:30 to 2:45 P.M.


MPI Conference Room
1400 16th Street NW
Suite 300 (Third Floor)
Washington, DC 20036
Cecilia Muñoz, Assistant to the President and Director, Domestic Policy Council, The White House
Margie McHugh, Director, MPI National Center on Immigrant Integration Policy
Eva Millona, Co-Chair, National Partnership for New Americans, and Executive Director, Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition
Michael Fix, President, Migration Policy Institute
Felicia Escobar, Special Assistant to the President for Immigration Policy, Domestic Policy Council, The White House
The recently convened White House Task Force on New Americans, in a historic first, on April 14 unveiled a report to the President that aims to improve and better coordinate federal strategies that support the successful integration of immigrants into U.S. communities. The delivery of this National Integration Plan represents a major step forward in improving the federal government’s ability to both directly address the linguistic, economic, and civic integration needs of immigrants and refugees, and serve as a resource for state and local governments working to integrate immigrants into their classrooms, workplaces, and communities. Join us for a conversation with the Director of the Domestic Policy Council and Co-Chair of the Task Force on New Americans, Cecilia Muñoz, to discuss the plan’s promise and implementation goals. MPI’s National Center for Immigrant Integration Policy, which has long advocated for creation of a White House Office to provide the “brain circuitry” the federal government needs in order to better understand and address immigrant integration needs, made a series of recommendations to the Task Force, as did a number of organizations that provide services to immigrants or advocate on their behalf. We invite you to join us for this special discussion, and to visit our webpage that provides further information about the Task Force.
Space is extremely limited, so we invite you to RSVP immediately. No registration is necessary to view the livestream.

More on Spartanburg refugee plan and Rep. Trey Gowdy’s entry into the fray

There are two good news stories out since yesterday about what is happening in Spartanburg, SC where the citizens there are demanding to know how it came to be that their small city was secretly targeted as a new refugee resettlement site.

By the way, it is so important to note that Spartanburg is not alone.  In December, the US State Department referenced the fact that their resettlement contractors*** had offices in 180 cities, and just about three months later the State Department is saying they have offices in 190 cities.  So they have found more new sites—is your town one of them?

Call Rep. Trey Gowdy and ask him to investigate the Refugee Admissions Program!


If you think we are being too casual in using the word ‘secretive,‘ some of you may remember the incredible admission by the board of Lutheran Family Service Rocky Mountains in March 2014 (revealed in a letter to the editor), that the reason there was a public controversy over opening a resettlement office in Wyoming (the only state in the nation without a program) was because word of what they were planning leaked to the public before they were ready to spin it.

Here is what I said then, and say now about Spartanburg:

We can’t stress to you enough that federal contractors, like Lutheran Family Services, cannot sell a refugee resettlement plan to a community by telling citizens the whole truth up front! 

In fact, the driving force behind this blog from day one has been our fury over this very point—if it’s a good program, then dammit tell the public the whole plan.  If you can’t sell it with the truth, then it shouldn’t be done with secrecy (or emotional appeals using refugees as poster boys and girls).  In fact, this is exactly why citizens everywhere are sick of government at all levels, government-funded non-profits like this Lutheran bunch, and our so-called leaders.

Maybe we have finally gotten a leader in Washington!

Here are the two stories making the rounds today about Rep.Trey Gowdy’s excellent letter to Secretary of State John Kerry. If you see more stories let us know.

The Daily Caller:  ‘Gowdy demands halt to refugee resettlement in his district’

Frontpage Magazine, Daniel Greenfield, ‘An Invasion of refugees’

Many of you ask:  What can I do?  

Today you can call Gowdy’s office (202-225-6030), thank him and tell him to hold hearings (he is chairman of the House subcommittee responsible for the Refugee Program as it is now being administered).  It is secretive, complicated, expensive and unfair and must be either scrapped or completely overhauled.

***These nine major contractors (who receive the majority of their funding from you, the taxpayer) oversee 350 subcontractors in 190 US cities and towns:

Refugee Resettlement and the Hijra to America has been reprinted

My little book has been reprinted by the Center for Security Policy Press after a few revisions.  First there is a slight title change.  We have also added chapters and subheadings to make it easier to navigate, and an important forward has been added by Frank Gaffney, President and CEO of the Center for Security Policy.

It is the second book in CSP’s ‘Civilization Jihad Reader Series.’   The first book in the series is here.

Here at Amazon.

Muslim ‘refugees’ throw Christians overboard in Mediterranean crossing

Just yesterday we told you about the latest wave of European invaders from North Africa launching from the coast of the failed state of Libya (Thanks Hillary!).

Our correspondent on Malta had previously reported that the Italian press says many destitute Africans and Middle Easterners were being herded onto boats (presumably by Islamic terror groups) instead of paying their way through human traffickers.

Rescued migrants arrive in Palermo harbor in Italy. http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/aid-agency-41-migrants-feared-dead-sea-tragedy-30361985

Thanks to all who sent it!  This story might give us more evidence that such a scenario is happening—were murdering Islamists placed on boats with Christians on purpose?

So much for a free ride to Europe.

From USA Today (thanks to all who sent it):

Italian police arrested 15 Muslim migrants who survivors said tossed 12 Christians from a boat during a recent Mediterranean crossing attempt. In a separate incident, 41 migrants were feared drowned as the situation in the region intensifies.

The Muslim migrants involved in the clash with Christians were arrested in the Sicilian city of Palmero and charged with “multiple aggravated murder motivated by religious hate,” police said in a statement Thursday, according to the BBC. The victims were from Nigeria and Ghana. The suspects were from Ivory Coast, Mali and Senegal.

Police learned of the incident through interviews with survivors, who said they boarded a rubber boat Tuesday off the Libyan coast with 105 passengers aboard, the Associated Press reported. The surviving Christians were able to remain onboard only by forming a “human chain” to resist the assault, police said.

While the UNHCR and the ‘humanitarian industrial complex’ generally say, to save lives, Europe should fling open its gates to any one who wants entry…..

There is only one way to save Europe.  The Italian Navy among others must form a blockade on the North African coast and turn back all of the migrant boats.  That would save lives (and save Europe).

Reminder!  We are taking some of these very same migrants as ‘refugees’ to America as we pick up Malta’s over flow!  Where is Congress on that?

For our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive, click here.