Since yesterday was the end of the month, I thought it was time to check out the government data bases to see how many Syrian refugees have been admitted to the US over the last few years (I went back to January 1, 2012). Remember that the UN has 11,000 Syrians picked out for us and that the FBI testified in February that they cannot be screened because there are no records available on these people who fled Syria and are mostly living in UN camps.

The US State Department is on a push to get 2,000 to your towns by September 30th (the end of FY2015). That is not nearly what the UN wants, but is the result of the difficult security screening process that the FBI told Congress about.
This is what I learned:
Since 2012 we admitted 815 Syrian refugees through the Refugee Admissions Program. On April 4th, I reported 682.
They are on a roll now—133 admitted in the last few weeks.
The top five states receiving Syrians are:
California (103)
Texas (100)
Illinois (87)
Arizona (64)
Pennsylvania (51)
36 states received some Syrians.
Of the 815 Syrians, 749 are Muslims of some sort with the vast majority (701) being Sunni Muslims. That means 92% are Muslim.
If you are being told in your town that you are going to get mostly Christians, don’t believe it. Only 43 self-identified ‘Christians’ (that includes 1 Catholic) have been admitted. That is 5% of the total.
Don’t forget! The contractors are pushing for 65,000 Syrians to be admitted to the US by the time Obama leaves office!
By the way, if you are saying to yourself that there are a lot more than 815 Syrians around, remember that there are other legal programs that have admitted, or allowed Syrians to stay in the US , and also some very likely illegal alien Syrians in the mix as well.