Resettlement contractors hold “consultations” in your town, “stakeholders” invited, but not you, the taxpayer!

Editor:  It is very exciting that our learning curve is growing exponentially now that so many of you are digging into documents and asking questions where you live.  Here is one more piece of information activists have found in St. Cloud, MN.

The other day I reported that the US State Department told Rep. Trey Gowdy that the resettlement subcontractors “hold community consultations” to gather information to prepare plans for your town.

But, guess what! You, the concerned citizen and taxpayer are not permitted to attend!

Lutheran Social Service of MN, director of Refugee Services Kim Dettmer (far right) in a panel discussion held by the Bremer Bank Foundation. Follow the money! Everyone must begin investigating the role these large rich foundations are having as they work to change your communities. Photo is from a 2012 meeting in St. Cloud:

This is the text of an e-mail a concerned citizen activist received from a spokeswoman, Kim Dettmer, for Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota:


I have received your email regarding your interest in refugee resettlement consultations. I will attempt, here, to clarify the purpose of these meetings .

The U.S. State Department requires all resettlement organizations, such as Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota, to comply with federal program regulations that call for quarterly meetings among the key stakeholders directly involved in coordinating or providing services to refugees as part of the resettlement process.

The regulation reads:

” The Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM) issued guidance in their Program Announcement # 14, dated September 26, 2013 (Appendix 1), to all Reception and Placement Agencies and State Refugee Coordinators concerning the need for greater Reception and Placement (R&P) local consultations concerning the placement of refugees. PRM requires all local R&P affiliates to convene quarterly consultations with stakeholders involved in the resettlement process.

Furthermore, per the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), requires states to convene meetings, no less than on a quarterly basis, where representatives of local resettlement agencies, local community service agencies, and other agencies that serve refugees meet with representatives of state and local governments to plan and coordinate the appropriate placement of refugees in advance of the refugees’ arrival.”

The regulations go on to state:

“The consultations may take place in-person, via teleconference, videoconference, or a combination of these. Resettlement agencies should ensure that the representatives from the following sectors are invited to the consultations.

· State refugee coordinator
· State refugee health coordinator
· Local governance (city and/or county, as applicable)
· Local and/or county public health (local health partners)
· Welfare and social services
· Public education

Local resettlement organizations should ensure discussion includes:

· Year-to-date arrivals and projections through the end of the current federal fiscal year compared to approved placement numbers
· Characteristics of arriving refugee populations, including nationality, ethnicity, average family size and composition, language and education background, and medical conditions
· Participant stakeholders’ abilities to adequately serve the actual and projected caseload
· Best practices
· Issues that prevent adequate resettlement or result in changes in placement plans”

To summarize, the purpose of these quarterly meetings is to convene those individuals and organizations directly engaged in delivering services to refugees during the resettlement process, and provides us with a crucial forum through which to coordinate those services.

Each participant is responsible for bringing to those conversations any concerns expressed by the broader public; however, these consultations are not intended to include the general public.  [Note that the regulations must not say the public is to be excluded, or she would have quoted that. They are simply writing their own law here!—ed]

I hope this clarifies the purpose of these required meetings, and I welcome any feedback or input you might have that I could share with the quarterly consultation group.

 Kim M. Dettmer, M.A.
Director of Refugee Services
Lutheran Social Service of MN
2400 Park Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55404


Please call Rep Trey Gowdy, tell him this lack of transparency (this secrecy!) is wrong!  Hold oversight hearings and get this whole law reformed or repeal it!

Call 202-225-6030 

Gowdy is chairman of the Subcommittee responsible for the Refugee Admissions Program.

Readers, this post and others like it is archived in our ‘where to find information’ category.

I can’t emphasize enough that you, in your city or state, must begin to write a website, a blog or a facebook page to catalog everything you learn.  Please exercise your free speech (people like Pamela Geller are putting their lives on the line for your right! ).  Do your investigations and make sure you spread what you learn to others!  Avoid the lazy, often hostile, mainstream media!

St. Cloud, MN mosque vandalism called hate crime; Muslim arrested this week

Back in December the St. Cloud Islamic community was all in a rage over several incidents of vandalism that had occurred at a local mosque.  The local ‘interfaith’ community rallied and the Minnesota chapter of the Council on American Relations (CAIR) arrived on the scene and even called in the feds in hopes of proving that a “hate crime” had occurred.

Here is CAIR’s commentary—making sure that everyone is notified that Muslims are victims of hate crimes in America!

Lori Saroya
‘Our biggest concern is that it will escalate.’

Lori Saroya, [former] executive director of CAIR-MN, said the biggest concern is that the situation will escalate. There have been situations where vandalism has risen to arson in other cases, she said.  [Where, Ms. Saroya, has a mosque been burned by Islamophobes?—ed]

Saroya urged community leaders to use safety measures outlined in a CAIR booklet “Best Practices for Mosque and Community Safety,” which was published in response to previous attacks on American mosques.


Since 2010, every new mosque project in Minnesota has faced community opposition, Saroya said, which can lead to safety concerns once a mosque is built.

Now comes news that an arrest has been made of a Muslim ‘worshiper’ who was caught in the act of vandalizing his mosque in a similar manner to previous attacks. 

Is he just a nut? Or, did he have instructions to help create a public relations event to elicit sympathy for the local Muslim population at this particular time when tensions are high in St. Cloud?  We may never know the answer because his story will never go beyond random-drunk-guy acting crazy!

Mosque vandal St. Cloud
Abdourahamane Diallo, a worshiper at the mosque, was arrested in the act of vandalizing St. Cloud Islamic Center.

From the St. Cloud Times (hat tip:  June):

A St. Cloud man was arrested early Thursday after a report of vandalism at the Islamic Center of St. Cloud, in the 300 block of Fifth Avenue South.

Abdourahamane Diallo, 29, told officers he had vandalized the Islamic Center and a vehicle because he was frustrated and had lost an expensive phone earlier in the evening, according to a report from the St. Cloud Police Department. [Oh sure, you lose your phone and then go attack a mosque!  Give me a break!—ed]

Police were called to the site shortly before 5 a.m. They learned that the window in a door and a window in a nearby vehicle had been broken while several people were attending prayer inside the center. Witnesses chased Diallo from the building to the end of the block and were walking him back to the scene when police arrived, the report said.


Diallo told officers he regularly attended prayer at the Islamic Center in the past.

Next time you hear about some mosque being attacked by vandals consider the very real possibility that it is an inside job!

Our extensive archive on St. Cloud going back to 2008 is here.  St. Cloud is being colonized with Somalis with the help of Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota!

See Wednesday’s excellent opinion piece in the St. Cloud Times by AJ Kern, here.

Want to save your town from this?  Time to make Muslim immigration a major issue for 2016!

Muslim immigration to America must be 2016 Presidential campaign issue!

Update: FBI: Thousands of ISIS followers in US, here.  Hat tip: Diane

Breitbart News, which has been doing a lot of good work on the issue of immigration generally, has posted a review of how much Muslim LEGAL immigration of one sort or another is occurring in the US.  The news hook is that Dutch Parliamentarian Geert Wilders, one of the world’s top targets for assassination by the Islamists, was in Garland, Texas for the ‘draw Mohammad’ competition.  And, he has called for a halt to Muslim immigration to the Netherlands.

wilders-markedHere are just a few nuggets that I thought were the most interesting.   There is some blah-blah-blah by politicians saying the problem is lack of “assimilation” which just shows how deep their heads are in the sand.  The word “assimilation” has been banned from our vocabulary going back to the Bush years!

From Alex Swoyer at Breitbart:

The Muslim immigration warnings offered by Dutch politician Geert Wilders—who was in the facility in Garland, Texas, that was attacked by terrorists last weekend—seem to be coming true.


Immigrants from the Middle East are currently the fastest growing immigration demographic coming into the U.S., a recent report from the Center for Immigration Studies shows. America in just three years imported more immigrants from the Middle East than from Mexico and Central America combined.


In fact, the United Nations is currently planning to settle roughly one million refugees – mostly Muslims – in western countries, Fox News reports.


Census data reveals roughly 100,000 Muslim immigrants are admitted to the United States each year. Immigrants who enter the U.S. legally are entitled to welfare, U.S. jobs and to vote.  [Refugees get everything, but some other classes of legal immigration do not, and that is why everyone wants to be a refugee.—ed]


The Washington Post reported that immigration from Africa is a contributing factor to the increased Muslim immigrant population: “The number of African-born residents in the United States has doubled every decade since the 1970s, with the greater Washington region remaining among the most popular areas for them to live, the U.S. Census Bureau reported Wednesday.”


In addition to the immigration from the African Continent, the nation’s student visas program also contributes to the growing number of Islamic immigrants. “Nearly 81,000 subjects of the Saudi kingdom are studying in the U.S. this school year, up from about 5,000 in 2000-01,” the Wall Street Journal reported.

Muslim immigration a major issue for 2016? Let’s help it ‘burst on the scene!’

Few candidates or potential candidates have zeroed in on the issue yet, but with terrorism and national security concerns on the rise—heading into an election season where immigration is a top-tier issue according to every honest pollster—this is likely to burst onto the scene as a major 2016 front burner issue.

There is more, including lots of links, click here.

Every time you meet a Presidential candidate over the next year ask them how they feel about Muslim immigration and the Refugee Admissions Program.  I’ll bet they won’t have a clue about what you are talking about, so educate them!

It is my opinion that there is no greater issue for America’s survival going forward than how we handle immigration, and especially immigration from the Muslim world.

Check out my little book at AmazonRefugee Resettlement and the Hijra to America. Hijra is the Islamic Doctrine of Immigration.

Obama is transforming American towns and cities with migrants; called “social engineering writ large”

Leo Hohmann, writing at World Net Daily, has another in what is turning into a series on Obama’s plan to change America by changing the people.

Chris Farrell, Director of Research at Judicial Watch, characterizes it as “social engineering writ large.”

However, one of the revelations in this article entitled ‘Mayors join Obama’s ‘welcoming’ parade for immigrants’  is that the social engineering began long before Obama took office!

According to Nashville citizen activist Joanne Bregman, it began in earnest during the Bush Administration!

We told you about Atlanta and public-enemy-number-one—David Lubell—here last October in our post on the ‘dirty dozen mayors’ selling out America!

Hohmann begins his narrative with news from ‘Welcoming’ Atlanta:

For the millions of immigrants and refugees who might feel unwelcome in Georgia, Texas, Alabama and any other state not on board with President Obama’s plans to “build welcoming communities” for “new Americans,” Mayor Kasim Reed has a message: Come to Atlanta.


City spokeswoman Melissa Mullinax told WND that Reed began working with Welcoming America more than a year ago.

Welcoming America is headed by David Lubell, a close associate of President Obama who met with the president when he announced his executive amnesty plans in Nashville last November. Lubell’s group was hatched in 2010 with $150,000 in seed money from billionaire George Soros and is now flush with federal grants.  [‘Welcoming America,’ patterned after Lubell’s earlier group ‘Welcoming Tennessee,’ first came to my attention at an Office of Refugee Resettlement ‘stakeholders’ meeting here in Lancaster, PA in 2013.—ed]

Gotta get those Democrat voters registered!

According to city documents, Reed agreed on Sept. 17, 2014, to implement a list of 20 recommendations from the Welcoming Atlanta Working Group, an outgrowth of Lubell’s national Welcoming America. Number 10 on the list was to open “citizenship corners” at local libraries and to “conduct voter registration drives and outreach at City of Atlanta festivals.”

Changing Nashville, TN began in 2001 with a federal grant!

Hohmann continues:

A local activist who opposes new settlements of refugees in Tennessee and asked not to be identified, told WND the city has received thousands of Kurdish and Somali refugees over the past 15 years and most have not assimilated, living in “enclaves.”

“They call Nashville ‘Little Kurdistan,’” she said. “We have the largest Kurdish community in the U.S. thanks to refugee resettlement. They’re mostly Sunni, and most of the Islamic activism has come out of the Kurdish community here.”

Like the mayors in Chicago, Atlanta and L.A., Nashville Mayor Karl Dean has created a special high-level office, the New Americans Advisory Council, to advise him on how to integrate the growing population of foreign-born residents.

Planting seed communities in smaller cities

Nashville’s foray into the immigrant welcoming business began in earnest when it agreed to join a pilot program funded by a federal grant to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in 2001. Nashville joined Portland, Oregon, and Lowell, Massachusetts, as the three experimental testing grounds.

That experiment, called Building the New American Community Initiative, contained a mission that became the model for transforming the demographics of cities of all sizes across the U.S.

“The whole point of this grant if you look in retrospect what they were trying to do, is expand the resettlements outside of the traditional gateway cities of L.A., New York, Houston, Boston, Miami and Chicago and plant new seeds throughout the country,” the Nashville activist said.

“They roped in the Chamber of Commerce, which took this federal grant,” she added. “And one of the outgrowths of this twisted thinking is to very quickly get the refugees invested in local government and forming coalitions within their communities.”

There is much, much more, please read it all!

For those of you conflicted about the humanitarian issues involved with refugees and immigrants, make no mistake, this is about money and power, straight up! 

Most refugees (who don’t have an Islamic supremacist agenda) and refugees and immigrants (who aren’t looking for a handout of taxpayer-funded goodies) are pawns for the Chamber of Commerce, big businesses and progressives hungry for power.  Is it all about money for the Republican elitists who turn a blind eye?

Your tax dollars raise terrorists as one more refugee wages Jihad

We haven’t written about the very brave American hero Pamela Geller and what happened in Garland, Texas, when she and other organizers of a ‘draw Muhammad’ contest flushed out a pair of jihadists living in our midst, because you would have to be living under a rock to have missed the news.

One more recipient of American generosity and good will! I bet you will never see the mainstream media mention the ‘R’ word (refugee) when reporting on Muhammed Hassan (aka Miski)

However, it now appears that another of the Somali “youths” you raised to adulthood with your tax dollars is at the center of the attack.

Remember readers that Somalis do not “find their way” to America.  The vast majority of Somalis in the US came (and continue to come!) through the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program.  You feed them, you house them, you give them medical care and you educate them!

Minnesota, where Muhammed Hassan is from, is Somali-central having received 10,000 Somali refugees in ten years directly from Africa and elsewhere around the world thanks to ‘Christian’ resettlement contractors.   (We are not counting the ‘secondary migrants’ who moved to Minnesota after being resettled somewhere else in the US and then move to join their kind of people in MN).

In the first six months of FY2015 we have admitted 4,425 Somalis to the US. Why are we bringing in any?

From ABC News:

A mysterious ISIS recruiter known online as “Miski” was in close and repeated social media contact with Elton Simpson for months before the Sunday attack in Garland, Texas, an ABC News investigation has found.

Miski is well known to FBI officials who say his real name is Muhammed Hassan, a fugitive since 2009 when he fled Minneapolis as a teenager to join terror groups in Africa.

Speaking in late April about the forthcoming Prophet Mohammad cartoon contest – the one targeted in Gardner Sunday – would-be shooter Simpson tweeted “When will they ever learn?”

A few minutes later Miski responded, “Where are the warriors of this Ummah [community]?” And then, “The brothers from the Charlie Hebdo attack did their part. It’s time for brothers in the #US to do their part.”


Since leaving the country in 2009, Miski has popped up repeatedly online as a vocal proponent of jihad. Each time Twitter shuts down his account, he simply returns in under a slightly different username and quickly reconnects with his supporters and potential recruits.

“His influence is quite extensive,” David Ibsen, Executive Director of the Counter Extremism Project, told ABC News. “He’s known as one of the go-to individuals online who individuals who want more information about how to travel to ISIS-controlled territory, who want information about what these radical groups are doing, they go to him.”

For new readers, we first began following the ‘missing Somali youth’ news way back in 2008, here.

We must demand a moratorium on the resettlement of Muslims from anywhere in the world—from Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan, Burma, Uzbekistan and Syria to start with—if we want to have any hope of surviving!  Let the rich Arab countries take them!