This is a story we missed last week while traveling. From Breitbart:
Racial and ethic minorities children under the age of five are now the majority as non-Hispanic white children make up an ever-smaller slice of the population, according to the Census Bureau.

New population estimates released Thursday reveal a striking shift in the composition of America’s population as racial and ethnic minority births are also outpacing minority deaths.
Meanwhile non-Hispanic whites are experiencing negative population growth, seeing 61,841 more deaths than births between 2013 and 2014.
The Census reports that in the past decade, the population has become more diverse, with the percentage of ethic and racial minorities growing from 32.9 percent to 37.9 percent over the last decade.
With the nation as a whole barreling toward a minority-majority future, there are already states where racial and ethnic minorities actually make up the majority. Specifically there are four states and the District of Columbia: Hawaii (77.0 percent), the District of Columbia (64.2 percent), California (61.5 percent), New Mexico (61.1 percent) and Texas (56.5 percent).
If you didn’t see Jim Simpson’s follow-up report to mine (erasing America!) at the Center for Security Policy, he mentions the fact that we baby boomers (the well-educated boomers) did what we were told and stuck with two kids per family to save the planet, while minorities (not worried about saving the planet!) said s**** that and the results are now becoming obvious.
I expect this transition to minority status for whites to happen even faster than projected because of the high numbers of immigrants entering the country legally and illegally.
See Census Bureau report earlier this year, here.