It is also the hardest to accomplish, but this—the power of the purse—is the real Constitutional power that Congress has (if they would learn to use it). The last thing Speaker Paul Ryan wants is to have a budget battle over refugees in the coming days….He will have to decide whose side he is on!
There is much you can do this week and you must get involved because the NO borders pushers in the resettlement industry are reeling right now (scroll back through posts over the last few days).
To save me time since it has been so carefully presented by fellow blogger Richard Falknor at Blue Ridge Forum, click here, and read about Texas Rep. Brian Babin’s efforts in the House to attach a spending curb on the so-called “Omnibus” budget bill that must be voted on before December 11th (or the government shuts down).
The effort must start in the House, but we expect Senator Jeff Sessions and others to be involved in the Senate.
Go hereto learn more and to see the 73 brave Members of Congress who have already signed on!
If you can only do one thing this week, this is it! Pound your Member of Congress! If yours is not among the 73, please let them know how important this issue is to you (the refugee industry is pulling out all the stops to make sure they stay in business.)
Action Alert: Call you members of the House and Senate at 202-224-3121 and ask them to vigorously oppose the Refugee Resettlement funding contained in the Omnibus Spending Bill that will be voted on by 12-11-15! Please call by this Friday, Dec. 4th.
HIAS is the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society and they are lobbying hard against the so-called “Safe Act” that may (or may not) be taken up by the Senate. Mark Hetfield, Pres and CEO of HIAS is telling open borders activists that this is the most important threat to their plans, probably since the Refugee Act was passed in 1980. In my opinion, it’s not the ‘Safe Act,’ they should worry about, it is that public opinion is turning on the whole notion of third worlders being admitted en masse to America.
As I said earlier this morning and over the weekend—-they (the Left, the No Borders agitators, the resettlement contractors, Obama) have never been so threatened by a public relations backlash against the entire refugee resettlement apparatus and their taxpayer-funded livelihoods as they have post-Paris.
However, you and I know the “Safe Act” (which passed the House before the Thanksgiving recess) is only a diversionary measure to make us feel good—that our safety matters—but will never amount to much as the Obama Administration will simply declare that they have fully complied and screening is secure.
This is what HIAS (one of nine major federal contractors) is saying in an action alert this morning. If you are a reader more concerned with illegal immigration, know that HIAS was a leading organizer in support of the Gang of Eight Amnesty bill a few years ago. They are for more immigration legal or illegal!
Tell Your Senators to Keep the Door Open for Refugees
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This is one of the most critical actions we will ever ask you to take.
The House of Representatives recently voted to pass legislation that could severely restrict refugee admissions into the United States. The “America SAFE Act” goes against our basic principles of welcoming the stranger and helping those in need. It would add layers of red tape — but no real security enhancements — to a program that is already effectively screening for security.
As the Senate prepares to debate similar anti-refugee legislation, they need to hear the voices of supporters of refugee resettlement. Send a message to your Senators now urging them to keep the door open for refugees.
Now, go hereand see the text of the message they want their followers to send to US Senators.
I continue to be perplexed why a Jewish organization is so eager to admitmostly Muslim Syrians!
The threat is directed at the International Rescue Committee***headed by the former British Foreign Secretary, David Miliband. The lawsuit would pit Abbott against Miliband who came to the US in 2013 to head up the largest (financially) of the nine US resettlement contractors.
From the Houston Chronicle: Texas Governor Greg Abbott
AUSTIN – Texas officials are escalating their opposition to Syrian refugees with a new order aimed specifically at resettlement groups that have indicated they will accept people fleeing the war-torn country: change your mind or risk getting sued by the state.
Texas health commissioner Chris Traylor issued the first lawsuit threat over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend in a letter to the Dallas branch of the International Rescue Committee, which said earlier this month that it supports accepting Syrian refugees.
Miliband bff Soros, Clinton and Samantha Power takes lucrative job as head of the IRC. Photo and story:
“We have been unable to achieve cooperation with your agency,” Traylor wrote in the letter, which was released to the Houston Chronicle late Sunday, adding that, “Failure by your organization to cooperate with the State of Texas as required by federal law may result in the termination of your contract with the state and other legal action.”
Similar letters are expected to be sent to any refugee resettlement group that takes a similar position against Gov. Greg Abbott.
Go to the Houston Chronicle for more and to see the letter. Alas, it isn’t just Syrian Muslims going to Texas, but the state has been a target for the resettlement of large numbers of Somali and Iraqi Muslims as well.
Eight of nine major resettlement contractors operating in Texas:
Abbott may have to sue eight of the nine federal resettlement contractors (this is fromPart IIof my Texas trilogy of posts). These are the nine federal resettlement contractors:
Please go to this list of subcontractors everywhere and scroll down to Texas.
Texas is the number one resettlement state in the nation! And, never forget, Democrats and the No borders agitators are working day and night to turn Red states Blue—Texas is their number one target!
Recognizing how lucrative the ‘welcoming’ Texas turf is (contractors are paid by the head to resettle refugees), eight of the nine contractors have set up shop somewhere in Texas. The only one with no office there yet is the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society!
For more on Texas, go hereto our three part series from earlier this summer.
And for much more on David Miliband and his friends in high places, click here. Hillary adores him!
***From this post:
International Rescue Committee (secular)
(From 2012 Form 990)
Total revenue: $456,122,865
Govt. grants and contracts (including travel loan income): $332,271,151
Percent taxpayer funded: 73%
Top salary: $485,321 (this is the salary of the former CEO, but we assume Miliband is pulling down similar numbers).
Action Alert: Call your members of the House and Senate at 202-224-3121 and ask them to vigorously oppose the Refugee Resettlement funding contained in the Omnibus Spending Bill that will be voted on by 12-11-15! Please call by this Friday, Dec. 4th.
I’ve told you over the holiday weekend that a massive PR campaign is underwayto push back at the governors and others who are wary of admitting Syrian mostly Muslim refugees to the US.
They are very worried because this is the first real opposition to refugee resettlement in the 35 years of the program.
Here is just one example, this one from Ohio, of who is leading the pack in the pushback—CAIR and Islamic leaders joined by members of “interfaith” groups and resettlement contractors who make their living doing this work. In 2014, Toledo, Ohio became a refugee resettlement city. In announcing the news the local ABC affiliate placed the newsman, Bill Hormann, in front of an American flag. The Arabic writing on the flag says “Allahu Akbar” (translated by an Arabic speaking reader of RRW). So glad we have a screen shot since the original story is now gone.
You can be sure if Obama said we were taking 10,000 Christian and Yazidi Syrians that CAIR would not be promoting letters like this one. (BTW, I had to search for a few minutes to find the letter, at CAIR’s website, since the news article did not link to it). Hereis the story at the Columbus Dispatch:
A coalition of more than 50 faith and civic leaders sent an open letter to Gov. John Kasich last week asking him to reconsider his stance against resettling Syrian refugees in Ohio.
Among those who signed was Michael Orra, president of the Islamic Council of Ohio, which represents 24 Muslim groups and mosques in the state, including the Islamic Foundation of Central Ohio.
Kasich is “jumping on the GOP bandwagon” with his position, Orra said, one that is “un-American” in its wholesale refusal to admit the refugees.
“These people have been in refugee camps waiting their turn,” Orra said. [Waiting their turn!—What nerve!—ed]
Toledo has a long-standing Arab-American community and leads the state in the number of Syrian refugees settling there: 54 this year.
Brittany Ford, the project manager and co-lead of the Welcome Toledo-Lucas County initiative to help immigrants settling in that area, expects more to come, despite Kasich’s stance.
Again, go here to CAIR’s website to see the letter and the signatures! Is your “faith group” on the list?
If you live in Ohio, you must let Kasich know what you think!
The Left (the Democrat party and its friends at CAIR) need to make sure Ohio is a reliably blue state and that is why it is so important to continue to pour in the refugees and immigrants generally.
Again, those promoting Muslim resettlement to the US have never had the pushback they are getting since Paris, so please get involved!
We have many posts on the colonization of Ohio, click herefor more.
In so-called Wilson-Fish states the federal refugee resettlement program completely leaves out state elected officials and is run exclusively between the feds and a non-profit resettlement contractor (Volag). That means that Catholic Charities among others is choosing who comes to your state/how many, and thus who you will educate and otherwise care for with your tax dollars!
So, if you live in one of the twelve designated Wilson-Fish states you have even less states’ rights than the others (and there is very little power for the governor in the others either). When crafting the original Refugee Act of 1980, Senator Ted Kennedy made sure the law was written in such a way as to give very few rights to state elected officials and virtually none to Congress (except the power of the purse!) Alabama Governor Robert Bentley is one of 12 governors who need to reclaim their states’ rights and get the heck out of the federal Wilson-Fish program.
I have way too much to do today and am not wading into W-F. But, I urge all of you who live in these 12 states and one county to begin to research what this means for you and find a way to push back.
I was reminded of W-F this morning when I saw this Breitbart storyposted yesterday. See ‘what you need to know about W-F’ here. And, this is what the Office of Refugee Resettlement says about it, click here.
States can opt-out of the refugee program, but beware!
For all of you in other states, remember that if your state decides to withdraw from the program—yes, it legally can withdraw as we reported on the law here in 2009—but remember this! Waiting in the wings are the resettlement contractors/feds eager to find a “replacement designee” to turn your state into a Wilson-Fish state and run the program without any state involvement at all.
Is your state a Wilson-Fish state?
This is from theBreitbart story, and comes directly from the federal guidelines on W-F. P.S. to Wyoming, watch out for your governor to allow the feds to set up a W-F program for WY (the only state in the nation which has no official program, although no refugees went to Montana in recent years).
This federal government website describes the program, as well as the VOLAGs in the 12 Wilson Fish states where they operate with virtually no oversight by the governments of the local states. Those VOLAGs, by state, are: