Mark Steyn said the “M” word (actually both of them!)—Moratorium and Muslim just a few minutes ago on Fox News (here).
We all know why Europe and France specifically are in the horrible place they are in now (being invaded and attacked from within) and it is because they have long “welcomed” Islamic Shariah-loving migrants to live among them.
So how do we get that MORATORIUM?

You can get it by starting with the Muslim migration occurring through the Refugee Admissions Program between now and December 11th when Congress must vote on the funding for the program for 2016.
I was in Washington this week to brief Hill staffers along with Don Barnett (a Fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies) at the invitation of ACT for America about the UN/US State Department refugee resettlement program. (I am going to post the handout I presented, but Paris has now intervened, will do it over the weekend).
The conclusion from several meetings we had was that—there is only one place at this very minute where you can direct your anger and your hard work—-and that is at Congress (both the House and the Senate) and at the funding for the migration!
Tell them to cut the funding for the US Refugee Admissions Program NOW!
Bills such as Rep. Babin’s and Rep. Michael McCaul’s are a good start for next year, but to really send a message from the American people, make Congress use its POWER OF THE PURSE!
And, btw, the No Borders agitators (like Eleanor Acer in photo) are busy just this week praising Senators Lindsey Graham and Patrick Leahy who will be seeking to put a billion dollars into the funding package coming up in early December for MORE Syrian refugees!
Call your Members of Congress, your US Senators and all in the leadership—Senator Mitch McConnell (KY is the leading state getting Syrian refugees right now!), Speaker Paul Ryan, and members of all key committees—tell them to cut the money for the US Refugee Admissions Program right now until they can assure America’s security!
And, don’t tell me that that is “unreasonable.” Our job is to tell them what we want and what we want them to do, not to figure out what sounds like a reasonable proposal or to help the squishy ones with their talking points and their images!
***Update*** How could I forget—the powerful Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Senator Charles Grassley, has already called for a halt to funding for the program!
Calling Senator Ted Cruz!
If you are a Senator Cruz fan, this is his chance to show leadership when the Senate takes up 2016 funding very soon. (Of the Presidential candidates, you know for sure Marco Rubio won’t do it, but maybe Rand Paul will take a leadership role especially since Kentucky is a leading Syrian resettlement state).
Endnote! It isn’t just mostly Syrian Muslims entering the US as refugees but thousands are coming from Iraq, Somalia, Burma and Afghanistan to name just a few sending countries.