If you are new to RRW, there are nine major federal refugee resettlement contractors (they call themselves Volags!) and Church World Service is one of them.
They are largely funded with your tax dollars! And, it was Church World Service whose subcontractor Virginia Council of Churches first brought this whole secretive and costly resettlement program to my attention in 2007.
See my latest report on CWS at American Resistance 2016! where we tell you about how CWS is going to illegally hide aliens sought by ICE.
Don’t you think that, if they go forward with their announced plan and break federal law, their federal funds should be immediately cut off?
By the way, if the name Church World Service rings a bell for you locally. Know that they might be raising funds from your church through their annual Crop Walks!
Their charitable work for hungry people is, in my view, just a cover for their political ambitions.
Church World Service member churches are here. Be sure your church isn’t planning to hide those sought by ICE.