Big deal! (Not!) So-called SAFE Act expected on the Senate floor tomorrow

I have to make myself write about this mostly because I am so sick of Congress pretending to do something about some of the greatest issues we face—this time the expected arrival of tens of thousands of unscreened Syrian refugees.  This bill is fig leaf, they think we are dumb!
And because I’m bored and disgusted you can read all about it here at World Net Daily when it passed the House in the wake of the Paris terrorist attack.
But to see the HUGE grassroots campaign the federally-funded refugee resettlement contractors are undertaking you would think the bill (assuming it passes AND is signed into law by Obama) would actually slow their flow of mostly Muslim refugees they want to move into your towns and cities.  They are screaming bloody murder!
This is from a campaign launched by one of their latest fronts #WeWelcomeRefugees.  (If you look closely, it is the same gang, just a new-sounding name.)
Here is what our old pals at Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) are telling their followers:

Wahhhh! Don’t let those meanies take away our Syrians and Iraqis! (We get paid by the head to drop them in your towns!)

From LIRS lobbyist Brittney Nystrom:

BrittneyNystrom_290 (1)
Brittney Nystrom LIRS lobbyist: “Make certain that in 2016 America stands for renewed hope not renewed hate.”

We hope you are well-rested from your Christmas and New Year celebrations because we need your help! Urge your Senators to vote with compassion next week on a bill that would cripple the United States’ refugee program’s ability to protect the most vulnerable.


If this bill were signed into law, it would become nearly impossible to welcome certain refugees. Further, the bill subjects Syrian and Iraqi refugees to differential treatment and intense scrutiny as a means of preventing their resettlement in the United States. [I agree, they should have added all the refugees from Muslim countries including Somalia!—ed]

This reactionary bill passed the House of Representatives just days after the tragic attacks in Paris, displaying a lack of understanding of the robust [What the h*** is ‘robust?’ so sick of that word!—ed] and secure vetting process before a refugee is admitted to the United States. In fact, many Representatives who initially voted for the bill signaled regret later.

LIRS believes, based on over 75 years of experience resettling refugees, that our resettlement system must not be foreclosed to the most vulnerable, including Syrians and Iraqis …..

Go here to read the rest and see how they are urging their Open Borders friends to call their Senators before tomorrow.

‘Faith leaders’ in support of more Muslim migration to America!

Is your rabbi, pastor or priest on the list?
By far the most useful information Ms. Nystrom provides is this list of all the “faith” leaders on the ‘religious Left’ who support MORE Muslim migration to America, more ‘unaccompanied alien children’ for your towns, and who were involved I’m sure in lobbying for the Gang of Eight (amnesty) bill as LIRS did as well.
There is even a state-by-state list of the clergy “welcoming” Muslim migrants to your towns!  Go here and also (quickly) save the list!

Wisconsin: It is not just meatpackers having problems with Muslim refugee employees

Update Feb. 9, 2016:  Here is a good update on the story at a trade publication.  Moral of the story, don’t even hire them in the first place!
This is a story, hat tip: Dave, about a Green Bay, Wisconsin manufacturer which is trying to get demands for special prayer break times under control at its plant.
Green Bay Imam
I’m a few days late with this story, so there may be more news by now.  But, I want you to see the original story and the fact that CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) has its nose in the issue.
Readers the important thing to note is that this is about advancing the Islamic supremacist agenda and planting Shariah law in the work place.  It is not some unimportant little controversy.
Here is the story at Bizpac Review.
And, go here to see a news clip at WBAY Channel 2 News with the story.  See Hasan Abdi in action.
Here is CAIR weighing in:

See a recent controversy over prayer break times at a Ft. Morgan meatpacking plant also involving Somali refugee workers with CAIR riding to their rescue.
Go here and scroll down to Wisconsin and see that it is Catholic Charities that is responsible for bringing Somali Muslim workers to Green Bay.  By the way, I have no sympathy for greedy corporations that were too dumb and naive and hired Muslim workers in the first place! What did they expect?