It is all over the alternative media, so you’ve probably seen it (in more graphic detail) than The Guardian gives us. Here is The Guardian story which should be headlined: ‘Migrant situation in Sweden completely unsustainable, police resources strained.’
An employee at a refugee centre in Sweden has been stabbed to death.
Paris 2015! How about Sweden 2016! Prime Minister Stefan Lofven visits the bloody scene of the attack. More to come?
Police spokesman Thomas Fuxborg said the alleged assailant was a young man living at the centre for unaccompanied asylum seekers aged between 14 and 17in Molndal, near Gothenburg on Sweden’s west coast.
He did not give details about the suspect’s age or nationality but said the man had been arrested for murder. Swedish news agency TT said he was 15 years old.
The victim was a 22-year-old woman, and the motive was not immediately clear.
“These kinds of calls are becoming more and more common. We’re dealing with more incidents like these since the arrival of so many more refugees from abroad,” said Fuxborg.
The Swedish prime minister, Stefan Lofven, visited the area in the aftermath of the death.
The attack came as the national police commissioner, Dan Eliasson, requested 4,100 additional officers and support staff to help fight terrorism, carry out migrant deportations and police asylum facilities.
“Many of the problems we are now facing help to prove the point that Swedish police have long been underfunded and under-staffed,” Lena Nitz, the director of the police union, told TT.
“It is obvious that the migrant situation is a great strain. It has become clear that the situation is completely unsustainable.”
See our complete archive on Sweden by clicking here. It has always been my first choice guess for which country in Europe will fall first to the Muslim migration. By the way, next time you hear refugee contractors and the globalists talk about refugees bringing economic prosperity, ask if they have factored in the cost of crimes and the need for increased crime prevention (and the cost of imprisonment!).
Send us links for more updates on this story—-is it one more sexually motivated attack?
Invasion of Europe news….
Just as US federal refugee resettlement contractorsare gearing up their massive PR campaign that America should embrace a hundred thousand Syrians and bring them to your towns, thousands of those (supposedly seeking asylum) who flooded into Germany in the last year want to go home!
Why? To put it simply: Not enough welfare goodies and culture shock (“open attitudes” about sex). So much for fear of war. In this story (burly fighting age) Iraqis are getting ready to make their move to Germany. One of the best things the EU could do (to save itself) is to craft a PR campaign to be broadcast in the Middle East and N. Africa featuring unhappy “refugees” who say they are sorry they came and want to go home!
Be sure to see a post we wrote last August where a Syrian American says that many of those fleeing Syria see Europe as El Dorado (a mythical city of gold) and don’t want to be left out of the gold rush.
The Wall Street Journalhas a really good story yesterday:
BERLIN—In October, Amer sold all his belongings in Syria and took his family to a safer life in Germany. Four months later, he wants to return to a country still at war.
Once in Germany, Amer discovered an unexpected reality: Instead of the small house he was hoping for and money to help him open a business, he was given a bare room in an old administrative building turned into an emergency shelter. Now he is packing his bags again.
“I came to Germany because everyone was saying it was heaven. Now I regret that decision,” said the 30-year-old from Damascus.
But many who arrive find the country doesn’t match their often inflated expectations. They balk at modest benefits, poor job prospects, and harsh treatment at immigration offices, and voice other complaints ranging from bland food to Germans’ open attitudes about sex.
The Merkel myth about jobs, just that, a myth (or, how the greedy globalists are destroying western civilization).
Ms. Merkel has said the best path to integration is through work, but most migrants face a long road from the cots of emergency shelters to finding housing and employment.
Economists have warned that migrants with low skills, like Amer, stand little chance of ever finding jobs. While some political leaders say the new migrants will help offset a dearth of German workers in the future, critics say they could become a long-term burden on German taxpayers.
Read it all.
Maybe the fighting back home isn’t so bad after all!
See our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’archive here. And, read all about Germany and crazy Mama Merkel, by clicking here.
So what, you may ask? ***Update January 26th*** Reader Momodoom reports that someone must have tipped off SACSO to get their registration with the State of Minnesota’s Sec. of State office back in compliance after readers here pointed out that the organization was legally defunct.
Ha ha! SOMEone from SACSO “just” filed for “Annual Reinstatement – Nonprofit Corporation (Domestic)” on 1/25/2016… perhaps they were alerted to their questionable status by a blog story..??
And apparently their “renewal due date” is now 12/31/2017,
This is a prime example of why I don’t always get a lot posted on my blogs (or even the most important news posted!). Some news story catches my eye and I spend way too much time looking into it. This story from OWATONNA, MN about the United Way of Steele County giving its annual ‘Live United Award’ to Somali Ibrahim Hussein is one such story.
Hussein is the founder of theSomali American Cultural Society of Owatonna (SACSO), a “non-profit organization” we are told.
For years, I’ve been interested in the mushrooming so-called ‘ethnic community self-help’ organizations that grow up in cities where large numbers of refugees are seeded. The organizations are often launched with the help of federal money through the Office of Refugee Resettlement.
I find them objectionable because their very obvious goal is to advance (“empower”) THEIR people, their ethnic group, as separate and distinct, rather than all low-income, low-skilled people being granted help together. I believe the practice actually discourages assimilation.
The story that caught my eye this morning is here at is mine):
With applause, Schaufenbuel (Kim Schaufenbuel, United Way Executive Director) took to the podium to present the organization’s annual Live United Award.
Learn more by writing to Kim Schaufenbuel, Executive Director of the Steele County United Way and ask for their financials. All non-profits must make their financial information available to anyone who asks.
“Ibrahim Hussein is a remarkable young man,” she started. “If you have any doubts about that spend five minutes with him and ask him only one question and that question is: ‘What did you do today?’ You have no idea what can be accomplished by an average human in any given day until you do that really.”
Hussein is the founder and director of Somali American Cultural Society of Owatonna, also known as SACSO, a nonprofit organization “that’s mission is to empower Somali Americans so they can have an active role within the Owatonna community as business leaders, volunteers, public employees, educators and neighborhood participants and representatives.”
“They do that primarily by making sure children of newly arrived Somali immigrants have the tools they need to be successful and receive an education,” Schaufenbuel said. “Himself, an immigrant, coming from Kenya in 2007, Ibrahim became a Somali liaison in the school system seeing firsthand the needs of kids struggling with a new language and a new classroom experience.”
Ibrahim Hussein is required to give you the financial information for SACSO.
Hussein then founded SACSO in 2011 to address those needs, and he also owns his own translation and interpretation business, serves as a Human Rights Commissioner, attends Minnesota State University, Mankato as a full-time student, and is a husband and father of three children.
“The Live United Award is given each year to an agency that embodies the Live United philosophy of give, advocate and volunteer,” Schaufenbuel said. “SACSO is surely the embodiment of this philosophy.”
So, here I am (while some major refugee story could be exploding), searching for more information on SACSO and although I don’t claim to be the greatest researcher, I can usually find incorporation papers for NON-PROFIT organizations and their federal Form 990 tax returns. I can find neither for SACSO. Incorporation papers are generally filed at a state’s Secretary of State office. I suppose it is possible SACSO was incorporated as another entity, but I find nothing under its full name or its abbreviation. (If any reader finds those docs, please send them my way.)
There is no Form 990 available either (that I can find). SACSO’s website lists no board members.
In order for the donors they have listed on their website to contribute, surely they asked for proper incorporation documents and financial records including proof that the organization is an IRS approved 501(c)3 organization and is filing a Form 990. ***Update***Reader Corinne is reporting that SACSO is defunct because it missed filing deadlines here:
Sure hope their donors listed below are doing their due diligence. Hereare the donors to SACSO (including the United Way giving the award):
Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation
McKnight Foundation
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Lutheran Social Service: Foster Grandparent Program
Pearson Inc
Owatonna Workforce Center
Otto Bremer Foundation
United Way Of Steele County
I’m guessing they are getting some sort of grants from the State of Minnesota as well.
By the way I thought I recognized Owatonna and Somalis and sure enough I wrote about the high school there having conflicts between Somalis and American kids here in 2011. CAIR got involved. And, herewe see that Owatonna is a refugee resettlement target community.
Photo: More on Hussein here.
Follow the money!
You may not find anything fishy, but you are entitled to financial information from “non-profit” organizations. Write a letter to the United Way of Steele County, other non-profits donating to SACSO, and especially write to Ibrahim Hussein and ask for SACSO’s incorporation papers, its 501(c)3 Determination Letter from the IRS and its financial reports for the last few years (including IRS Form 990s).
This is the sort of thing citizen activists should be doing wherever you live!
Find anything fishy that taxpayers should be concerned about? Make sure what you learn is spread far and wide or else your research is a waste of time! Update: Forgot to mention this morning as I was dashing out to cope with what the storm dumped on the farm, I forgot to mention that I used this story in a post at American Resistance 2016! to urge grassroots folks to dig for documents on ‘non-profit’ groups operating in your towns and cities.
Of course we have all heard of Danish ham, right? Well, one city in Denmark wants to be sure a major export stays on the menu for the Danish people as mass migration from Muslim countries threatens to wipe out European traditions.
And, it sounds like those Danish Lutherans have more guts than the American ones. (For new readers, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services is a major resettlement agency for Muslims in America. See here.)
From Carbonated TV:
Pork, along with alcohol, gambling and adultery, is one of most strictly prohibited things for both Muslims and Jews.
Let the Pork Wars begin!
However, following the influx of refugees from war-torn countries in the Middle East, a city in Denmark has ordered the popular meat to be compulsory on all menus in public domain. Considering the majority of asylum-seekers entering the European country follow Islam, it is hard to believe that the new regulation has nothing to do with Muslims — even if the officials insist it’s not.
The council members in Randers, a principally Lutheran city, narrowly approved the law first proposed by the populist Danish People’s Party that is quite renowned for its anti-immigration stance. The officials are adamant that the move is necessary to preserve the Danish food tradition and is not an attack on Muslims.
Council member Frank Noergaard said the new rule wasn’t supposed to be taken as “harassment of Muslims,” but he also noted that they had received “several complaints about too many concessions” being made to Muslims in the country.
“The signal we want to send here is that if you’re a Muslim and you plan to come to Randers, don’t expect you can impose eating habits on others. Pork here is on an equal footing with other food,” he told the Associated Press, adding that food items permissible in Islam would still be available on the municipal menus.
For our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ news see our archive here. We have a fair number of stories on Denmark too, click here for those.
I have to admit this is some great reporting at the Huffington Post.
It adds considerable detail to a dispute we knew a little about, but more importantly it is a window into the ‘souls’ of the ‘humanitarian’ refugee contractors. We have been telling readers for years that resettling refugees, and in this case taking care of the so-called Unaccompanied Alien Children, is all about MONEY. It is about competition between contractors and it is about the revolving door as contractors become political appointees then return to their former boss (the contractor) as recipients of lucrative government contracts.
This is a complicated story and I’m going to urge you to read it all, but here is what you need to know about a couple of the key players in this drama.
And, let me ask at the outset! Where is Congress?
Eskinder Negash (left) and Lavinia Limon (second from right).
Some of the players (we have many posts here at RRW on these characters, search their names): Lavinia Limonwas Bill Clinton’s head of the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) and now heads the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI). Eskinder Negashwas a Vice President at USCRI before he was chosen to head the Office of Refugee Resettlement in the Obama Administration. Negash resigned suddenly in December of 2014. No one ever publicly explained his sudden departure. And, then eventually he returned to USCRI. Bob Carey is now the head of ORR (replacing Negash) and he comes to the government job from yet another contractor, the International Rescue Committee. And, although not mentioned here, the person in charge of refugees at the US State Department, Anne Richard, came to her perch there from, you guessed it, the International Rescue Committee. So, the IRC has two former employees heading the two major agencies involved with resettling refugees. But, that is a story for another day!
The arrival of tens of thousands of Unaccompanied Alien Children in the summer of 2014, and many thousands before and since, unleashed gobs of government grant and contract money to the same agencies (the nine big refugee contractors and two other newer contractors) not only for the care of the ‘children’ which they are pretending are legitimate refugees/asylum seekers, but also for their legal fees in their attempts to keep them here in America by transforming them into legal immigrants. The ‘children’ represent cold hard cash for non-government refugee contractors.
Which brings us to this incredible piece of reporting!
Of course, the spin here is that the children are suffering (and the legal system will be bogged down), but readers take note: this report raises questions about alleged corruption in the entire grants and contracts system run by the Office of Refugee Resettlement in the Dept. of Health and Human Services.
The tip-off that there is a problem comes when the Catholic Bishops get mad that USCRI is getting some boodle unfairly when they want the boodle!
Bizarre Contract Dispute Putting Thousands Of Migrant Children At Risk, by Ryan Grim, begins:
WASHINGTON — Thousands of unaccompanied minors who came across the U.S. border as part of the migrant crisis are at risk of being deported without due process, the archbishop of Miami has warned the Obama administration.
Although the law dictates that these children must be given legal services, recent moves by the Office of Refugee Resettlement have thrown that into doubt. ORR, which is an agency under the umbrella of Health and Human Services, awarded the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants a contract to represent the children. USCRI in turn planned to subcontract with a social services firm that employed zero attorneys at the time.
I want you toread it all. It is complicated, but oh so juicy!
Did USCRI get the contract because Negash was the head of ORR? Is this why Negash resigned so suddenly back in December of 2014? Shouldn’t there be a law that contractors cannot move in and out of government positions where they are in a position to award grants and contracts to their former bosses? Where is Trey Gowdy (chairman of the committee responsible for refugees in the House of Representatives)? Does he know about this? Is his committee investigating? If you are as outraged as I am by the allegations raised in the Huffington Post story, please send the article to your member of Congress and US Senators and demand they get to the bottom of this because after all it is YOUR money!