…..Not to mention the fact that the Bishops are also being paid millions of tax dollars to colonize American towns with refugees from Middle Eastern and African countries which hate us!
The NYT admitted yesterday that the Bishops are choosing the towns, see here.
Reader ‘Tomasrose’ just directed us to the Oscar winning film“Spotlight” with this comment:
“Everyone should see the movie Spotlight. I was surprised it got ‘best film’ award.I had expected it to be swept under the rug. Worth seeing and you will see some of the same cover-up methods that are used by the US refugee program today – also pretty much the same cast of characters!”
Watch the trailer here:
Checking my local theater to see if it’s still showing!
So where is the brave investigative reporting team on the refugee scam on America!
That is the title of an excellent discussion by John Daniel Davidson at The Federalist (hat tip: Bob). Invasion of Europe news…. Novelist Jean Raspail. How did he see it coming over 40 years ago!
Davidson gives readers a good summary of the on-going crisis in Europe as hundreds of thousands of migrants from Africa and the Middle East continue to pour into the continent. He then dares to mention that “racist” 1973 book, The Camp of the Saints. If you have not read it, you must! But, I warn you, its message will hang over you like a dark threatening storm cloud (that never goes away!). The Federalist(emphasis mine):
Europe is more than a year into the largest migrant crisis since the Second World War. More than a million have made their way to Germany alone over the past year. Some are refugees and asylum-seekers from Syria and Iraq, but it now appears that a significant number, as much as 60 percent, are economic migrants from North Africa, Afghanistan, and the Middle East, simply seeking better prospects in Europe.
The European Union, thanks to its common border policy, is overwhelmed and paralyzed…
Europeans leaders are of course trying to downplay the severity of the crisis even as its disruptive effects become impossible to ignore. On New Year’s Eve in cities across Germany, gangs of Arab and North African men, some of whom were later discovered to be asylum-seekers, robbed and sexually assaulted scores of women. Before police had completed their investigation, the European Commission declared there was “no link” between the migrant crisis and the attacks, the incidents were merely “a matter of public order.” Fearing a xenophobic backlash, the commission proclaimed itself “the voice of reason.”
On The Camp of the Saints, Davidson says: “At the heart of the novel is a moral question: Is the West willing to defend itself?”
All of this calls to mind a 1973 novel by French writer Jean Raspail—The Camp of the Saints, an apocalyptic tale about the collapse of European civilization. Much of it could be lifted from the news coming out of Europe. In the book, one million impoverished Indians [Raspail had only the home continent of the invaders wrong!—ed] make their way by boat from the Ganges to the shores of southern France with no intention of adopting French ways; they come simply to claim for themselves what Europeans have and they do not.
Unwilling to turn away the Ganges fleet for what they claim is universal brotherhood and compassion—but is in fact Western guilt—the government and all the country’s major institutions agree the migrants must be welcomed as a matter of moral duty and penance for France’s past sins. When the armada finally makes landfall, French society breaks down, exhausted and acquiescent, passively colonized by an unarmed army of castaways.
Continue reading here.
You decide: Does mass migration mean the end of Western Civilization? And, if the answer is yes! are we willing to defend ourselves?
If you are American, I think you are! Europeans? I’m not so sure. Go here for our complete archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe.’
Two major federal contractors, World Relief and World Vision, paid for a poll in January and were probably not thrilled to learn that 44% of pastors surveyed have “a sense of fear about global refugees coming to the United States.” World Relief*** and World Vision are both quasi-government agencies. World Relief received just short of $300 million from government grants and sub-grants since 2008, while World Vision gobbled up nearly $900 million in the same time period. Go to USASpending.govfor the compilations. Tell your pastors that World Relief is NOT saving Christians of the Middle East, but is bringing Syrian Sunni Muslims to your towns and are paid by you, the taxpayer, to do that! They probably paid for this poll on your dime so they would have a feel for how much more propaganda they need to get out to your local churches! Maddening isn’t it!
From Christian Today:
A new survey indicated that many Christian churches in the United States are more than willing to lend a helping hand on refugees but at the same time are afraid to risk engaging them.
The telephone survey of about 1, 000 Protestant pastors conducted by LifeWay Research showed that 44 percent of church congregations have “a sense of fear about global refugees coming to the United States.”
By contrast, only 27 percent of the church congregations have gotten themselves involved in helping the refugees.
Although 98 percent of the pastors said they are “at least somewhat informed about the Syrian refugee crisis,” just 35 percent have addressed the issue from the pulpit.
The survey showed that the respondents mostly agree that “Christians have a responsibility to care sacrificially for the refugees and foreigners” with more than eight in 10 (86 percent) agreeing on the matter, according to the report.
Help overseas is the sensible and truly charitable answer for those who want to help Syrian refugees!
But the survey showed some disconnect in agreeing that churches need to do more. One in five pastors in the U.S. said their church is helping refugees overseas and one in three have addressed the Syrian refugee crisis from the pulpit.
Only 8 percent of the pastors consider it a privilege to care for refugees.
The survey sponsored by the humanitarian organisations World Relief and World Vision….
So, to our Protestant readers, it looks like you are having some impact in your local churches already as many pastors are skeptical.
People ask me all the time: what can I do? You can head off the propaganda campaign coming your way from these phony “humanitarian” organizations! They will be taking this poll information and crafting a PR push on your ministers/pastors. Make sure your pastors understand who World Relief is planning to bring to your town! Photo: 99% of Syrians resettled in US in first three months of FY2016 are Sunni Muslims, see here.
***World Relief is one of nine major federal refugee resettlement contractors. I don’t know why World Vision gets all that government cash.