NJ Rep heading new effort to get tens of thousands of Syrians into the US ASAP

But some of the Democrats cheering earlier for more Syrians have dropped like flies! (amazing how edifying a few Islamic terror attacks can be!).
As you know, Canada’s boy Trudeau visited Obama in the White House this week which became the news hook for those members of Congress pushing for tens of thousands of mostly Muslim Syrians for your towns.

Ah, I see said the blind man. Learn more: http://www.investigativeproject.org/3546/islamist-fellow-traveler-rep-bill-pascrell#

I was interested to see that 37 members signed the March 7th letter, while back on September 11th, 2015, 72 members had signed a similar plea.  So they’ve lost 35! (did Paris and San Bernardino drive off a few signers?).
Also, note that the letter this week doesn’t specify a number while their letter of September 11th (imagine the nerve to date it on that anniversary) said they want 100,000 Syrians seeded into America by the end of 2016 (the end of Obama’s term).
Here is the news at NJ.com:

United States Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-9th Dist.) is urging President Barrack Obama to follow our northern neighbor’s lead and take in more Syrian refugees.

In letter sent to Obama this week, Pascrell and other U.S. congressmen urge the president to use a visit by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Thursday as a chance to discuss taking in more refugees.

Pascrell noted that the U.S. has only taken in 3,000 Syrian refugees since 2011, while Canada has taken in 25,000 in the last four months alone.United States Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-9th Dist.) is urging President Barrack Obama to follow our northern neighbor’s lead and take in more Syrian refugees.

In letter sent to Obama this week, Pascrell and other U.S. congressmen urge the president to use a visit by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Thursday as a chance to discuss taking in more refugees.

Here are those who signed the letter this past week:

Signatories include U.S. Representatives Bill Pascrell, Jr. (D-NJ 9th District), Earl Blumenauer (D-OR 3rd District), Michael E. Capuano (D-MA 7th District), Matt Cartwright (D-PA 17th District), Judy Chu (D-CA 27th District), David N. Cicilline (D-RI 1st District), Yvette Clarke (D-NY 9th District), Mark DeSaulnier (D-CA 11th District), Debbie Dingell (D-MI 12th District), Lloyd Doggett (D-TX 35th District), Donna Edwards (D-MD 4th District), Keith Ellison (D-MN 5th District), Chaka Fattah (D-PA 2nd District), Raul Grijalva (D-AZ 3rd District),  Luis Gutierrez (D-IL 4th District), Alcee L. Hastings (D-FL 23rd District), Michael M. Honda (D-CA 17th District), Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX 18th District), Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX 30th District), Marcy Kaptur (D-OH 9th District), William R. Keating (D-MA 9th District), Rick Larsen (D-WA 2nd District), Brenda Lawrence (D-MI 14th District), Barbara Lee (D-CA 13th District), John Lewis (D-GA 5th District), Ted W. Lieu (D-CA 33rd District),  Sean Patrick Maloney (D-NY 18th District), Betty McCollum (DFL-MN 4th District),  Jim McDermott (D-WA 7th District), James P. McGovern (D-MA 2nd District), Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-Washington D.C.), Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ 6th District), Chellie Pingree (D-ME 1st District), Mark Pocan (D-WI 2nd District), Mike Quigley (D-IL 5th District), Jan Schakowsky (D-IL 9th District), Juan Vargas (D-CA 51st District), Marc Veasey (D-TX 33rd District).

You might want to go back to the earlier letter and see if your favorite Democrat (they are all Dems) signed both letters or perhaps your rep has had a change of heart since Paris and San Bernardino.
Go here to see a map of Pascrell’s district which includes the location where Donald Trump observed Muslims celebrating on 911.
And, one last thing!  Any of you who are planning to not vote, or write in someone, if Trump is the nominee, remember, you will be voting for tens of thousands of Muslim refugees to be admitted to the US (under either a Clinton or Sanders Administration).

Minnesota: government grants to stem "alienation" of Somali refugee youths awarded

They still think that all they need is a little basketball program to combat the enormous power of Islamic jihad indoctrination that you know is going on in mosques in refugee-saturated Minnesota (and other states where Somali enclaves are growing).
So after you have already shelled out billions of dollars to raise Somali youths (medical, housing, education etc), now you further shell out tax dollars for programs to combat alienation.  Give me a break!

Somali terror
Could they have been saved from the siren-song of ISIS recruiters if they had a little more youth athletics available to them? https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2015/08/13/minnesota-attorneys-for-somali-refugees-arrested-on-terrorism-charges-say-isis-not-a-terror-group/

Start asking why are we still bringing in thousands upon thousands of Somalis every year and have done so for over 30 years (45,718 since Obama was elected, some with mental health issues!) and then to still be told they are alienated!
And, by the way, this should be a warning to everyone: once we open the Syrian spigot wide, Syrians will be admitted to the US as refugees for the next 30 years (or more!).
From ABC News:

Six organizations that work with young Somalis in Minnesota have been awarded $300,000 in grants as part of a federal pilot project designed to combat terrorism recruitment, the nonprofit group that is administering the funds announced Thursday.

The grant recipients include a youth athletics group, a program that empowers Somali parents, an organization that plans to enhance youth employment opportunities and a group that addresses mental health issues for refugees. An additional $100,000 has been set aside to help with professional development and other efforts designed to build up the programs so they can sustain themselves in the future.

Marcus Pope, director of partnerships and external relations for Youthprise, the nonprofit administering the money, said investing in youth development is crucial. He said Minnesota is home to many young Somalis who are creative and bright, but a lot of them face “formidable challenges, including a sense of alienation, a search for identity as new immigrants, unemployment and poverty that can open them to recruitment by extremist groups.”

More here.
And for you Minnesotans trying to get a handle on who all is behind transforming Minnesota, be sure to examine Youthprise carefully.  Looks like some of their ‘supporters’ represent industries that need to keep their cheap immigrant labor flowing into the state.  Can’t have those ‘alienated’ Islamists causing citizens to get riled-up against refugee resettlement.
See all of our previous posts on Minnesota by clicking here (be prepared for hours of reading fun!).

Archbishop of Canterbury: People are afraid, very afraid of mass migration

Invasion of Europe news…..
Well, this is refreshing! A major Christian leader somewhere in the world has the nerve to say it while admonishing all of those who link that fear to racism.

Waiting in Calais for passage to the UK
Illegal migrants waiting in Calais for passage to the UK

And, he dares to say this:

‘You can’t say, “God says you must vote this way or that way”.’

So take a lesson US Catholic Bishops, Lutherans, Evangelicals, and the rest of you supposed Christians!
From the Daily Mail:

Britain has a ‘genuine and justified’ fear of mass immigration, the Archbishop of Canterbury declared last night.

The country’s most senior churchman said it was ‘absolutely outrageous’ to dismiss the public’s legitimate concerns as racist.

Archbishop Justin Welby warned: ‘There is a genuine fear. And it is really important that that fear is listened to and addressed.

There have to be resources put in place that address those fears.’

He added: ‘What happens about housing? What happens about jobs? What happens about access to health services?’

archbishop of Canterbury
Archbishop of Canterbury

Campaign groups last night welcomed his powerful intervention as a ‘marvellous breath of fresh air’. It comes after years in which the liberal Left has attacked those expressing concern about the unprecedented levels of immigration into Britain as bigots.

Archbishop Welby also revealed that the Church would not be taking a position in the EU referendum debate.

He was highly critical of Europe’s response to the refugee crisis, but added: ‘You can’t say, “God says you must vote this way or that way”.’

Continue reading here. Unfortunately, Archbishop Welby still thinks the UK should take in more refugees, but I expect his position will change on that too once they come in larger numbers from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.
For our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive, click here.

"Single-topic" website on refugees to be launched by Lefties

Gosh, where have they been?
We’ve been a “single-topic” website on the subject of refugees for going on nine years! We’re an “organic outgrowth.” We’ve got this “microcommunity” covered! (And, we didn’t need a dime from some rich, elite, foundation either!).

“When we see a space that’s empty,” Setrakian says, “we gravitate to it.” Hey! Lara! It’s not empty!

Here is the news (thanks to Joanne) from USA Today (article starts out with the inaccurate story about the toddler who had been safe in Turkey, but who died because his Dad wanted new teeth in Europe which they never tell you!).  That opening tells you all you need to know about the spin this new website will put on the news!

And so Tuesday, March 15, will mark the debut of Refugees Deeply, the latest in Setrakian’s string of immersive single-topic websites.

There are an estimated 60 million refugees in the world, many forced from their homes by unrelenting violence.

“Every country is dealing with this, from America to Australia,” says Setrakian, a former foreign correspondent for ABC News and Bloomberg TV. “But they are in their own little bubble.” Refugees Deeply hopes to play a role in the search “for long-term solutions,” Setrakian says. “How do we make sense of it?”

And solutions, she believes, are essential. [We’ve got solutions!—ed]


In a sense Refugees Deeply, which is being supported by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, seems like an organic outgrowth from Setrakian’s debut project, Syria Deeply, which launched in 2012 to rave reviews. The brutal civil war there has forced many to flee in search of safety.

But, Setrakian points out, “Syria is just the tip of it. It’s happening in Asia, Africa, Latin America. Sixty to 70% are not from the Middle East. There are a lot of places the refugee crisis is unfolding, and we never hear of it.”

Yes, we know this:

The Deeplies have found that their model of obsessive single-topic coverage resonates with people with a strong interest in that single topic. The idea for each one, Setrakian says, is “to be the centerpiece for that microcommunity” and “to turn a news site into a buzzing hive of activity.”

Watch for it! We can’t wait!

Meatpackers and Somali workers (again) disrupt small town life in America

This time it is the New York Times doing the story, but it is not new for us.  We told you about problems in Ft. Morgan, Colorado way back beginning in 2008, see our huge archive on Ft. Morgan by clicking here.

Editor’s note: There is so much going on these days and life has been interrupting my writing time, please follow my tweets (right hand side bar here at RRW) because when I do get time at the computer, I do try to keep up with the news by tweeting.  This NYT story is from a couple of days ago (I did tweet it then).

Cargill Somalis

Back to Ft. Morgan…. 
I can’t resist repeating this little bit from a post I wrote on September 30, 2008 about the Ft. Morgan Times editorial excitedly inviting Somalis to town and calling out this blog!
Here is what I said:

Today [9/30/08] the Ft. Morgan Times has an editorial [original editorial is gone, so it’s a good thing I got it at the time! Found by reader Jeff, here—ed] entitled, “Refugees taking root in Ft. Morgan.”   I have read a lot of politically correct, diversity is beautiful, let’s all sing ‘kumbaya’ articles, but this one I’m going to print out and hang by my computer and wait for the day when something happens in Ft. Morgan, CO and I can refer to it again. [Needless to say much happened in Ft. Morgan, even an honor killing, since then!—ed]

Here is what the editor said about RRW (who else could it be!)

Of course, if it were up to some people, Somali refugees would not have a chance to resettle anywhere in the U.S. There is even a Web site devoted to teaching Americans how to chase refugees of various sorts out of town.

I’m going to encourage you to read the whole NYT story, click here, about the prayer break dispute at Cargill and the Somalis now packing up and leaving town.  This is the takeaway for you:

As the demographics of small-town America shift and more Muslim immigrants move in, it is a dynamic that is likely to play out again and again.

Why is the US still taking Somalis after three decades?

The US State Department and its contractors like the Lutherans in Colorado Springs, Greeley and Ft. Morgan, Colorado are still bringing Somalis to the US by the thousands. Exactly why they are still colonizing your towns with Somalis isn’t exactly clear.
Since Obama was elected to office, the US admitted 45,718 Somalis. Many of those came from refugee camps in Kenya, but we picked up thousands of others around the world (screening?).  Data here.
In that time frame (of the 45,718 admitted), Colorado got 1,412 of them while Minnesota got 6,037!  But, Somali refugees were resettled all over American and often move (they call it secondary migration) to be with THEIR people in other seed communities.
In the first five months of this fiscal year (2016) we have admitted 3,107 new Somalis.
This isn’t about humanitarianism, it’s about large global corporations wanting cheap immigrant labor and the US State Department and ‘religious’ groups like Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service acting as their head hunters.