Have Reno's elected officials seen document setting up refugee plan for their city?

….And, if so, have they shared the document with the general public, the taxpaying citizens?
Dear readers, do not be deterred by the length of this post—this is some of the most important information you need to know if you are in a target community!
In Refugee industry parlance, it is called an “R & P Abstract” and every town that will be ‘welcoming’ refugees for FY2017 has prepared one, or is in the process of preparing one, to be sent to Washington.
It will be the document on which their federal funding will be based!
And, here is the kicker—I will bet a buck that most elected officials (let alone the citizens!) in the targeted towns have never seen the Abstract which lays out the plan in great detail.  It tells how many refugees are coming and from where. It tells what amenities your town is offering by way of medical care, subsidized housing, schools for the kids and where the refugees might find employment.

Mayor Hillary Schieve
Reno Mayor Hillary Schieve originally had concerns about refugee seeding in Reno, but according to the refugee resettlement contractor’s report to Washington, she is now on board.

It has been our contention ever since we became aware of these closely held documents that citizens are entitled to know what the resettlement contractor is offering up in their cities and towns. 

After I wrote about yet another new resettlement site the other day—Reno, Nevada—I came across the R & P Abstract that has apparently been in the possession (since at least last November) of a reporter who is on the side of MORE refugees to Nevada.

If you live in Reno, or its surrounding communities, and have concerns, you should go to the mayor and ask her to produce the R & P Abstract drafted by the Northern Nevada International Center (NNIC) which will be working as a subcontractor for the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI). Ask her to hold a public hearing on it!

If NNIC was giving its “proprietary document” to friendly reporters back in November, surely the citizens of Reno are entitled to see it!  Again, I will bet the mayor and other elected officials in Reno have not seen the plan for their city!
[Pay attention citizens of Rutland, VT, there is a document just like this one for your city too! It lays out what your town is offering the refugees!]
Here (below) is a screenshot of the front page of the Reno document.  The abbreviations for where the FIRST 75 refugees for Reno will come from are as follows:  AF (Africa), EA (East Asia), ECA (Europe and Central Asia), LAC (Latin America/Caribbean), NE/SA (Near East/South Asia). Tie capacity indicates whether they have any relatives in the area.
Page 2 of the 16-page document lists the following countries from which they will come: Colombia, Cuba, Dem. Rep. of Congo, Iraq, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Syria.
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Here is some of the text, just to give you an idea of the detail involved in R & P Abstracts (this one is 16 pages long!):

Health Care Access and Refugees with Special Needs:

The Northern Nevada International Center (NNIC) will be able to accommodate refugees with special needs through the wide range of services available in Reno and Sparks. Housing for families with over 8 members may be difficult to secure. Wheelchair-accessible housing is available, but such housing would require additional time to access. Although Reno is home to many free and low-cost clinics and health resources, NNIC will need additional time to ensure that timely and culturally appropriate mental health services are available before accepting clients with serious mental health conditions.

Public Outreach:

NNIC has a long history of collaborating with local, county and state officials through its public diplomacy, language services, and educational outreach programs. NNIC serves as the link for community members interested in international affairs and programs, and assists visitors and newcomers to the community. The City of Reno Mayor,Hillary Schieve, as well as the City Manager’s Office, are supportive of NNIC’s efforts to establish a refugee resettlement program. NNIC has also consulted with the Washoe County School District, the Washoe County Health Department, and other local service providers,and all have enthusiastically supported NNIC’s application to become a resettlement affiliate. NNIC also has the full support of the University of Nevada, Reno.

Employment Services:

The Reno-Sparks economy is well known for its hospitality and leisure sector, with seven large casino-hotels employing 9,500-13,000 people. It is also home to the University of Nevada, the single largest employer in the county (after the school district), employing over 4,500 Full Time Equivalents (FTEs). The Truckee Meadows Community College also employs 1,250 educators and staff. Two major hospitals (Renown and St Mary’s) and other large healthcare providers in the areas employ over 3,500 healthcare professionals, technicians, and staff. The location – four hours by highway to San Francisco, and seven hours to Salt Lake City – is also logistics hub, hosting many warehousing and fulfillment establishments including UPS (1,000 employees), and Amazon.com (650 employees). Tesla is slated to open its “Gigafactory” outside of Sparks in 2017. By 2020, the Gigafactory will be at full capacity, employing 6,500 FTEs and producing more lithium ion batteries annually (for electric cars, for example) than were produced worldwide in 2013.


Average apartment rental prices in Reno are very affordable, and well maintained units are readily available. NNIC has worked with Board members and University contacts to build relationships with area property managers. Housing will be sought primarily (but not exclusively) in areas where the school district has established ESL for newcomer and intake centers. Two middle schools and three high schools are currently designated to assist immigrant children to more easily phase into regular classes. The Reno Housing Authority (RHA) provides affordable housing to clients in seven different locations in Reno and Sparks. Public housing units are available for both singles and families and the majority are handicapped accessible.

Here is a page indicating the tiny bit of private money that NNIC is offering up for its share of the supposed public/private partnership. It is offering $133 per refugee and that includes volunteer hours counted as cash!
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Then get this, there are many letters of support attached, but the one that caught my eye was this one from the Northern Nevada Muslim Community.  So, why is their endorsement so important?
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So, for citizens who might be forming a ‘Pocket of Resistance’ in Reno, first call the mayor, Hillary Schieve, and ask her to produce (for the public) the FY 2017 R & P Abstract for Reno.
Then if you live in Nevada and want to tap into the national ‘Pocket of Resistance’ movement, write to me at refugeewatcher@gmail.com and put ‘Reno’ in the subject line so I can find your e-mail in my messy inbox.  I will put you in touch with leaders of the national movement.
For our readers nationwide, keep hammering your local refugee offices (click here) for these  R & P Abstracts—clearly they aren’t so secret if they are in the hands of friendly reporters!  (By the way, R & P stands for Reception and Placement.)
If they turn you down be sure to complain to your elected officials in Washington—make them do some work!—even if you think they are useless!  Tell them this is your money and they are changing your community and you have a right to know what the plans are!

Testimony to the US State Department from Larry in South Carolina

Editor: This is another copy of testimony submitted in response to my offer to post testimony that readers have sent, or are sending, to the US State Department before May 19th.  Your testimony can be long or short, more detailed or less so.  Just send something!  And, then be sure to copy it to your elected officials.

Ms. Anne C. Richard
U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees, and Migration

Dear Ms. Richard:

When you finally arrived in SC we were hopeful that the administration would listen to us, engage, and respond to public sentiment about the Refugee Resettlement Program. Thank you for seeking to help them, and coming to Spartanburg, SC and other SC venues to visit.

anne-richard (3)
Anne Richard, Asst. Secretary of State for PRM. Photo and story at World Net Daily about SC Gov. Nikki Haley inviting refugees to the state. http://www.wnd.com/2015/08/nikki-haley-welcomes-muslim-refugees/

Having listened to your extended presentation of who you are and what you are doing, in despair I finally interrupted and asked how much time was allotted for this hearing. You said, “Just one hour.” With a huge chunk of that time already consumed by you and your entourage, it became clear to us that you did not come to listen but to make your “resettlement sales pitch” and check it off your to-do-list that Congress and others had requested of you, including Rep. Trey Gowdy. And off to the governor to appeal to her sympathy with her own family of immigrants from India and implore SC to sign off on the Federal and UN plan despite the railing of SC citizens. It looked like it was your campaign tour, Ms. Richard.

One striking response you gave was, “We certainly don’t want to send refugees where they are not wanted.” I say again, they are not welcomed until LARGE public hearings are held across Spartanburg County and SC and the citizens have opportunity to hear the plan and have an honest dialogue about what it should and should not look like in SC. I requested large public hearing in our meeting and I was ignored. However, your statement seems disingenuous as both the World Relief Spartanburg program rolls on and the administration’s “deceptive business practices” circumventing the majority of Carolinians and the USA, by surging forward with more refugees, and even sneaking migrant minors over to the court system to be placed with a “sponsor,” and someone thinks we are none the wiser. How do you clean up this kind of behavior so it is not called human trafficking since a lot of people are making huge amounts of money as “refugees” are shuttled in to the USA and put on the “auction block” for the VOLAGS to pick and choose? Well, at least someone has a choice.

We see the genius of American immigration when people came here who shared a passion for freedom, religious freedom, having somewhat of a common-denominator of faith, sometimes the same language, at least a compatible cross-cultural experience, and refugees who were willing to work and pay their own way and become a part of the American fabric. These made great Americans as they passionately assimilated and became US citizens. We applaud this. However, what the administration plans is not only not the same it is counter to who we are.

Ellis Island screened those who came so the USA was not a target of communicable diseases. Your screening has FAILED and is not even guaranteeing to US citizens the refugees’ health.

A trickle, then a flood of poorly-educated, non-native speaking groups of immigrants, often Muslim, have created the most chaotic enclaves our Continent has faced.The tenets of the Muslim faith and culture demand the supplanting of the receiving society’s culture and faith however long it takes. You should know this and have a moratorium on RRP until citizens are granted hearings and proposed refugees have been thoroughly vetted. Then, perhaps, there can be a cooperative effort to address this messy issue.

The sneaky, dangerous, expensive, culture-changing, community-destroying Refugee Resettlement program is on track to fundamentally change America. Isn’t this what the president has said he wants? We are not having it. That is not what America wants either. We love people and desire for refugees to be helped and settled in countries in the Middle East or Near East where there is compatibility with the refugees faith, culture and values. Dr. Ben Carson learned when visiting refugees in Jordan that the refugees really desire to return to their homeland when hostilities subside. If they come to America it is very likely this would never happen. The US could help them in the Middle East for a mere fraction of the cost of bringing them to the US.

But what of the VOLAGS? Neither the financially broke Federal, State or county governments has the resources to fund this unfeasible and unfair system forever, and the Federal government soon cuts off the flow of funds and then WE THE PEOPLE get to pay. This is patently wrong. The only justification for continuing is the president and State Department really care, have hired a lot of people and we have a legacy, program and department to protect no matter the cost. Keep this up and no matter what differences we have there will be no America left as we have known it. I do want to believe the best of you and trust that your love of America will advocate for communication, closure, as well as compassion.

This is the seventh testimony in our series  leading up to the deadline for testimony on May 19th.  Go here for where they are archived. We are posting as many as we can because we know the US State Department has refused in the past to make them public (so much for Obama transparency!).
We have many posts on the controversy involving Spartanburg, SC.  Click here to get caught up.
And, one more thing! If you are sending testimony from South Carolina, please be sure to send it to both of your US Senators and to SC Rep. Trey Gowdy.  Ask them to tell the US State Department to make all the testimony public!  

Testimony to the US State Department from Joan in Maryland

Editor: This is another copy of testimony submitted in response to my offer to post testimony that readers have sent, or are sending, to the US State Department before May 19th.  Your testimony can be long or short, more detailed or less so.  Just send something!  And, then be sure to copy it to your elected officials.
From Joan:

Anne Richards:

Re: FR 2016-09267

we the people

With the wave, tsunami sized, sweeping this great land of our Fathers, these United States of America are going to be subject to intense scrutiny this election year by prosecutorial legal eagles, not defense lawyer liars.

It would behoove you to start making changes that make sense to normal thinking people about what happens to their money, their families, their communities, their region and their country. Give it up to the States, the Governors and back off the Feds and UN.

Hope you have the good sense or get the good advice that the jig is up on your UN secrecy to dysrupt, disfunction, and defend an anti-US Constitution position with respect to your latest word usage for aliens you hope to take on a fast and furious path to citizenship.

Shape up, get your program right with the people you presume to hope to convince you are right. Give it your best shot.

We The People are monster mad about your secrecy program on so many levels, I promise all are watching.

This is the sixth testimony in our series  leading up to the deadline for testimony on May 19th.  Go here for where they are archived. We are posting as many as we can because we know the US State Department has refused in the past to make them public (so much for Obama transparency!).

Canada: Muslim Imam admits refugee resettlement is caliphate-building!

Syrian refugees are an important part of the plan!
What a find by Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch (hat tip: Chris):

You can learn more shocking information about Imam Mazin Abdul-Adhim’s caliphate ideas (sounds like he would like to be the Caliph himself!) here:  http://en.cijnews.com/?p=30769

This Toronto Sun story dates from January, and the video from November; we don’t usually post archival material, but this is important enough to make an exception. Mazin Abdul-Adhim says: “The problem is that we don’t understand our own system — the Khilafa (caliphate). And therefore, how do we support the people of Syria? We must send money and help the refugees that are coming here in every way that we can.” The Toronto Sun reports: “Helping Syrian refugees coming to Canada and building an Islamic caliphate are part of the same cause, according to a pro-Shariah speaker at an Islamic conference in Hamilton.”

How can they possibly be part of the same cause? How does helping the refugees who are coming to Canada aid the cause of the caliphate? The obvious answer is that they’re coming as emigrants in the way of Allah, to whom Allah promises a reward for Islamizing a new land (see, for example, Qur’an 4:100). Abdul-Adhim, speaking in Hamilton, Ontario, says: “We’ve been sitting and not really doing very much for the application of Islam in society … We’re required to call for something — the full implementation of Islam — we’re not allowed to call for anything else or compromise in any other way.” The refugee increases Muslims’ political and societal clout and strengthens these calls for “the full implementation of Islam.”

Continue reading at Jihad Watch and watch the video!
Go here to see our archive on Syrian refugees going to Canada thanks to the boy (Trudeau) and his silly campaign pledge. He is playing right into their hands and you can bet that behind closed doors Abdul-Adhim is having a good laugh!