And, he isn’t silent about his views as we saw on Fox and Friends Weekend this morning.
See my other blog American Resistance 2016! and learn about Scott Taylor! Click here.
This election year is it! If Hillary is elected we are done.
Month: June 2016
Copenhagen: Islamic gangs intimidate bar patrons, tell them no drinking in Sharia zones
Invasion of Europe news…..
I feel like a broken record, but as the Muslim immigrant population grows (as it is in Europe), Islamic supremacists (devout Muslims!) feel comfortable in beginning to put demands on the population they are conquering (yes! they believe they are conquering infidel lands) to be more sharia compliant.
Here is the latest in Denmark from Russia Today (hat tip: Bob):
A group of bar owners from one of Copenhagen’s suburbs, who have been endlessly harassed by Muslim youth activists trying to impose a so-called “Shariah zone”, have taken their case to a government minister, urging her to protect their businesses and the locals.
Pub owners in the Nørrebro suburb of Copenhagen have for months tried to get the Copenhagen Police to take action against a group of youths from an immigrant background, who have been threatening, extorting, and vandalizing bars in broad daylight.
The concept of Sharia zones was introduced by a group called ‘Call to Islam’ some five years ago. Using volunteers, pockets of activists embark on daily patrols of the neighborhood and approach those who drink, gamble, or engage in other activities seen by the group as running contrary to Islamic beliefs.
“Recently some young men came into the bar and shouted that all guests should leave,” Heidi Dyrnesli from Cafe Heimdal told Radio24syv. “They shouted so that the site belongs to them and that Nørrebro is Sharia zone, so there is no drinking alcohol.
Go to the story and see what Denmark is doing about it—admonishment on facebook. That should take care of it!
This makes me wonder if Americans will wake up when Islamists begin to (check one):
___Harass their dogs
___Pressure women to cover their heads
___Put pork producers out of business
___Demand they stop drinking beer
___Or, will it take all of the above before your family members get it (too late)?
See our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive here.
BTW, I go back and forth on the spelling of ‘sharia’ or ‘shariah,’ so if you are looking for more posts here on the subject, try typing both words into our search window.
Top posts of the last week
Before I get to those, I want to mention twitter. We tweet as @RefugeeWatcher and every day we get new followers which is exciting, but for those of you who don’t tweet, please see the right hand column here at RRW for my twitter feed.
There is so much news surrounding this issue (refugees, immigration, Islamic terrorism, the European invasion, Election 2016, etc. and some of it you send me), that I couldn’t possibly post all of it, but so as not to lose it, I tweet it. Therefore, I urge you to have a look at that twitter feed for stories that interest me and might interest you!
Here are the top three posts of the last week (the week of June 6th) that were the most visited here at RRW:
Düsseldorf in the news again as migrants burn down asylum center
Ten things your town needs to know as it is targeted for refugee resettlement
No break for NH as feds approve just short of 500 new refugees for the state
See our category simply called ‘blogging’ for all of our previous roundups.
Judicial Watch Corruption Chronicles: Millions in business loans to refugees not tracked by HHS
I’m dashing out the door and cannot do this incredible work by Judicial Watch justice, but wanted to get it up now hot off the presses!
For years I’ve wondered how you get at this information on special loans for special people and now I know—someone does a Freedom of Information Act request (a specialty of JW as Hillary knows so well!).
Here is how the story begins:
The U.S. government gives refugees on public assistance special “loans” of up to $15,000 to start a business but fails to keep track of defaults that could translate into huge losses for American taxpayers, records obtained by Judicial Watch reveal. The cash is distributed through a program called Microenterprise Development run by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Refugee Resettlement.
Since 2010 the program has granted thousands of loans to refugees that lack the financial resources, credit history or personal assets to qualify for business loans from commercial banks. Most if not all the recipients already get assistance or subsidies from the government, according to the qualification guidelines set by the Microenterprise Development Program. It’s a risky operation that blindly gives public funds to poor foreign nationals with no roots in the U.S. and there’s no follow up to assure the cash is paid back. The idea behind it is to “equip refugees with the skills they need to become successful entrepreneurs” by helping them expand or maintain their own business and become financially independent.
You gotta read this, continue here.
If you are looking for an organization to donate to—Judicial Watch is it!
Afterthought: Repeatedly you see news stories that refugees are opening new businesses at record rates and thus boosting the local economy. (Opening businesses with your financial help.) This information makes me wonder how many of those new businesses survive for even a year or two?
World Refugee Day propaganda events underway this month
Since the year 2000 the United Nations has celebrated World Refugee Day on June 20th and now it’s pretty much the whole month of June!
All across America the media will be reporting warm and fuzzy stories about events featuring foods, and costumes and dancing etc. to highlight the joys of ethnic diversity that have been brought to communities large and small (if they wanted it or not!) for the last 35 years through the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program.
I was reminded of the annual propaganda event when I saw this press release from the International Rescue Committee (one of the nine major federal refugee contractors) from ten days ago. Be sure to have a look at it and see if there is an event near you!
Are you having problems with refugee resettlement where you live?
This is an excellent opportunity for you to do a media campaign as well so that the voting public gets the full story about what placing tens of thousands of impoverished third worlders in over 200 towns and cities in America means for them!
Be sure to tweet whatever you write (letters to the editor, blog posts) or stories you find that make your point to #WorldRefugeeDay!