Syrian Muslims aren’t just going to Atlanta, but to Savannah and Stone Mountain as well.
Here is the news from Savannah. If you have ample taxpayer-funded housing, you will get Syrians (and Somalis and Iraqis etc).
Humanitarian workers [paid federal contractors!—ed] have resettled the first Syrian refugees in Savannah amid the deadly fighting in their native country as the Obama administration scrambles to bring at least 10,000 Syrian civil war sufferers to the U.S. by the end of September.

The five-member family’s arrival in Savannah follows resistance from more than half of the nation’s governors — including Gov. Nathan Deal — in the wake of the Nov. 13 terrorist massacre in Paris. Deal initially sought to block the resettlement of Syrians in Georgia, citing security concerns. He retreated in January after he received a legal opinion that said he had no legal power to stop them from coming.
Since the Syrian civil war began in 2011, 193 Syrians have been relocated to Georgia. All of them were resettled in the Atlanta area until last month, when Lutheran Services of Georgia relocated a young family to Savannah. They’d fled to Turkey in 2013, lived in a refugee camp, and underwent a security screening process before coming to the United States.
“Savannah has affordable housing, ample job opportunities at competitive pay and a welcoming community,” said Emily Laney, director of refugee and immigration services for Atlanta-based Lutheran Services of Georgia. “We expect to continue to resettle Syrian families in Atlanta and Savannah, along with the many other refugee groups we serve.”
Readers this is about Obama’s legacy and whether he will be able to save face at the United Nations in September!
The Obama administration has a lot riding on reaching its goal this year, said Kevin Appleby, senior director of international migration policy for the New York City-based Center for Migration Studies. Failing, he said, would undermine the nation’s “credibility with allies and others who need to share the burden of resettling the Syrians. It is difficult for us to instruct the Europeans — or even nations in the region — to accept large numbers of refugees when we can’t even meet our own modest goals.”
They will be going to Stone Mountain too.
Here is an article which appears to be nearly the same as the one for Savannah, but it says Stone Mountain High School will be used as a processing center (I’ve never heard of that) and it quotes some angry Republican activists including this one:
Harold Warner, a DeKlab County Republican, said he expected the level of anger to rise as the November election draws near. “This will be the end of Stone Mountain as we know it,” he said.
See our large archive on Georgia by clicking here. It has one of the original pockets of resistance feared by the feds. Georgians see ‘Refugee Resettlement Relief’ here.
Again! Every one of you with concerns must use the November election to make this issue a top priority for America’s future! This is it! If Obama gets hundreds of thousands more immigrants of all stripes in here in the next few months, and Hillary is elected, we are finished!
Hound every candidate at every level running for office this fall and ask them where they stand on Open Borders for America!
All other issues of concern can be fixed (Obamacare/common core etc), but not the demographic makeup of the country once the numbers become too great!