Governors impotent(?) as UN/US State Department speeds up the Syrian surge (Georgia this time)

Syrian Muslims aren’t just going to Atlanta, but to Savannah and Stone Mountain as well.
Here is the news from Savannah.  If you have ample taxpayer-funded housing, you will get Syrians (and Somalis and Iraqis etc).

Humanitarian workers [paid federal contractors!—ed] have resettled the first Syrian refugees in Savannah amid the deadly fighting in their native country as the Obama administration scrambles to bring at least 10,000 Syrian civil war sufferers to the U.S. by the end of September.

Emily Laney
Emily Laney (Lutheran federal contractor) says Georgia will get many Syrians this summer.

The five-member family’s arrival in Savannah follows resistance from more than half of the nation’s governors — including Gov. Nathan Deal — in the wake of the Nov. 13 terrorist massacre in Paris. Deal initially sought to block the resettlement of Syrians in Georgia, citing security concerns. He retreated in January after he received a legal opinion that said he had no legal power to stop them from coming.

Since the Syrian civil war began in 2011, 193 Syrians have been relocated to Georgia. All of them were resettled in the Atlanta area until last month, when Lutheran Services of Georgia relocated a young family to Savannah. They’d fled to Turkey in 2013, lived in a refugee camp, and underwent a security screening process before coming to the United States.

“Savannah has affordable housing, ample job opportunities at competitive pay and a welcoming community,” said Emily Laney, director of refugee and immigration services for Atlanta-based Lutheran Services of Georgia. “We expect to continue to resettle Syrian families in Atlanta and Savannah, along with the many other refugee groups we serve.”

kevin appleby new gig
Appleby was previously the chief Washington lobbyist for the USCCB and has obviously moved on to a new gig.

Readers this is about Obama’s legacy and whether he will be able to save face at the United Nations in September!

The Obama administration has a lot riding on reaching its goal this year, said Kevin Appleby, senior director of international migration policy for the New York City-based Center for Migration Studies. Failing, he said, would undermine the nation’s “credibility with allies and others who need to share the burden of resettling the Syrians. It is difficult for us to instruct the Europeans — or even nations in the region — to accept large numbers of refugees when we can’t even meet our own modest goals.”

They will be going to Stone Mountain too.

Here is an article which appears to be nearly the same as the one for Savannah, but it says Stone Mountain High School will be used as a processing center (I’ve never heard of that) and it quotes some angry Republican activists including this one:

Harold Warner, a DeKlab County Republican, said he expected the level of anger to rise as the November election draws near. “This will be the end of Stone Mountain as we know it,” he said.

See our large archive on Georgia by clicking here.  It has one of the original pockets of resistance feared by the feds. Georgians see ‘Refugee Resettlement Relief’ here.

Again! Every one of you with concerns must use the November election to make this issue a top priority for America’s future! This is it! If Obama gets hundreds of thousands more immigrants of all stripes in here in the next few months, and Hillary is elected, we are finished!

Hound every candidate at every level running for office this fall and ask them where they stand on Open Borders for America!
All other issues of concern can be fixed (Obamacare/common core etc), but not the demographic makeup of the country once the numbers become too great!

'Pockets of Resistance' coined by feds to brand us!

You’ve been seeing the phrase in news reports….
So where did it come from?
‘Pockets of resistance’ is what the federal bureaucracy initially called us!  We liked the description so much that we have made it our own!
I just did a quickie look around for the idiom ‘pockets of resistance’ and see that it usually is a reference to a small group of people resisting domination. Hmmm!  When I first heard it to describe us—anyone questioning the UN/US government’s colonization of our communities with third world refugees—I thought of the famous, tough and brave French resistance to Hitler’s domination of France.

French resistance
Pockets of resistance in WWII France fought bravely against Hitler’s domination of the country

I first heard the phrase uttered (in derogatory tones) by an employee of the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement three years ago (June 2013) in Lancaster, PA, and was amazed that federal bureaucrats and their refugee contractors had actually taken time to ‘brand’ us.
They mentioned three states where ‘pockets of resistance’ had formed—Georgia, New Hampshire (because of Gatsas) and Tennessee.
Now there are many many more in a national network of ‘pockets of resistance!’
Up until a reader from Tennessee directed me to a 2012 news story posted at the UNITED NATIONS, I assumed the phrase originated in the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement (in HHS), but check this out: The UNHCR, when reporting on a US State Department trip to mollify Tennesseans, references the phrase!

The U.S. State Department’s head of refugees met with local officials Thursday. His visit is partially in response to pockets of resistance to resettlement in Tennessee.

So, it appears that the inner circles at both the US State Department and at the Dept. of Health and Human Services were both using ‘pockets of resistance’ when discussing American citizens’ concerns about the program.  Amazing!
See our category, pockets of resistance, here.
Addendum!  If you would like to find a ‘pocket of resistance’ where you live, contact James Simpson at this e-mail address:  (And, don’t take offense if you are ‘vetted!’  We need to be sure we know who we are talking to because we are up against some powerful and ruthless people).

Tough mayor of Manchester, NH running for governor

Update: I’m reading one story after another tonight about the controversy in Rutland, VT about resettling Syrians there.  Why don’t Rutland’s elected officials pick up the phone and call the Mayor of Manchester and ask him what his experience has been with refugee overload and the fact that once in the program there is no getting out.  Heck, the two cities are about 120 miles apart, not the other side of the country from each other!
We have a zillion posts here at RRW about refugee overloaded Manchester, NH over the years.  Many of the posts chronicle the efforts of its longtime mayor Ted Gatsas who tried to slow the flow to the city when the immigrant pressure on ‘services’ was getting too great. (No slowdown any time soon as we learned here the other day.)
It was a battle, but the lobbyists for the refugee industry went to work not wanting to set any precedent that would allow a mayor to call the shots on how many are resettled by the FEDERAL government in one of their targeted cities.

Now we see the mayor is running for governor and he isn’t silent about the refugee problems the country is facing.


MANCHESTER, N.H. —Manchester Mayor Ted Gatsas said Tuesday that if he is elected New Hampshire’s next governor, he will use every means possible to halt Syrian refugees from resettling in New Hampshire until he is satisfied that the security of the state is guaranteed.

Gatsas, who has long fought for what he calls “transparency and accountability” in the refugee resettlement process, said he was concerned that Gov. Maggie Hassan, when questioned by reporters on Monday, did not say specifically whether she still believes there should be a pause in refugees from Syria entering the state.

Last November, following the terrorist attacks in Paris, Hassan became the only Democratic governor in the nation to call for a temporary ban on refugees until the federal vetting process “is as strong as possible to ensure the safety of the American people.”

She said on Monday that communication has improved between federal agencies and the states on refugees, and she said she will continue to issue calls to “make sure that we continue to get as much information as possible from the feds about people coming into our state.”

But, asked several times by reporters, Hassan did not say if her position has changed since November or is the same.


Gatsas said, “As governor, I will formally ask the State Department to suspend Syrian refugee resettlement in New Hampshire and explore every option available to stop it until all security concerns are addressed.”

Mayor Gatsas tried to get a moratorium on the resettlement of large numbers of new refugees.

By the way, one of the tricks you need to understand about the promoters of colonizing cities with immigrants is that once they get the family seed units started, they then clamor for the immigrants’ family members to be permitted to follow them to that location. If you raise an objection (due to the economy, or crime, or cultural upheaval going on) you are painted as a heartless xenophobe for not wanting families to be reunited.  Don’t back down!
Here is what Gatsas tried to do:

While the federal government has authority over resettlements regardless of the objections of states, governors can try to block funding for nongovernmental agencies involved in the resettlement process in an attempt to make the process difficult.

That is what Gatsas tried to do as Manchester’s mayor in 2011.

He said Tuesday that as mayor, he “repeatedly asked for more transparency when it comes to the refugee resettlement process and asked for a temporary moratorium so Manchester could sufficiently meet the needs of our current refugee population.”

In 2011, Gatsas asked the state’s Executive Council to vote against contracts to provide funding to nonprofit groups who work with refugees in the state. That request came after the federal government refused his request for a two-year moratorium on new refugee settlements in Manchester.

Don’t expect anyone in the Bush family orbit—like Sununu—to question any federal immigration program!

But the council refused Gatsas’ request and unanimously voted to approve the contracts. Gatsas noted on Tuesday that one of his current competitors for the Republican gubernatorial nomination, Chris Sununu, was among those who voted in favor of the contracts.

Continue reading here.

2016 is it readers!

If there is going to be any reform of (or a complete halt to) the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program the groundwork must be laid now!  The November election will determine the future of America!
If you live in NH, and are concerned about how mass migration is changing your towns and cities, you should be doing all you can to back Ted Gatsas. And, you should be out at every campaign event you can find and hammer all of the candidates on this issue.  The time has never been better.  They are getting nervous like I have never seen in my nearly 9 years of following this program!

Minnesota: Somali youths found guilty in plotting to join ISIS; Jamal says "all-white jury" handed down verdict

There is so much new news that needs to be reported and discussed that writing once again about Somali (Minnesota-raised) youths, who have been found guilty of supporting ISIS after about 40 other Minnesota-raised Somali former refugees have gone to join the jihadists, is annoying.

Omar Jamal MPR
Omar Jamal (Somali community organizer) suggests all-white jury might not have been impartial. Photo:

As a matter of fact, there are three issues that I’ve been writing about for about EIGHT years that annoy me to have to continue to write about! One of the three is what I reported last night—we are taking illegal aliens from Malta and spending at least $20,000 a pop for starters to resettle them in your towns.
Another EIGHT-year-old story is about how we eight years ago did NOT take Rohingya Muslims from Burma to the US (because of their links to radical groups in Bangladesh, Burma and Thailand), but now we take in thousands!  (See our huge archive on the Rohingya by clicking here, do you want to write a book?).
And, the third storyline I am sick to death of is this one—poor Somali kids with no future in Minneapolis who are mysteriously radicalized and give a middle finger to you (the taxpayer) and head out to join the Islamic killers elsewhere in the world (I don’t know why we even try to stop them).
This latest bunch will now cost taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars to keep them behind bars—JUST LET THEM GO TO ISIS!

Here comes Jamal!

Then to top off my annoyance this morning—that I’m writing probably the hundredth post on these “kids”—I’m seeing that Omar Jamal has still not gone away!

You can read the whole conviction story yourself here at Twin Cities Pioneer Press.

But, who should appear speaking for the Somali “community”—none other than the Somali Jesse Jackson himself, Omar Jamal!

Twin Cities Pioneer Press:

Outside the courtroom, Omar Jamal, a Somali community activist, worried that the Somali community would find little solace or justice in guilty verdicts handed down by an all-white jury that was shown violent Islamic State propaganda videos.

“This decision will reinforce the perception in the community that the system is rigged,” Jamal said.

Damn we have been writing about the man convicted of immigration fraud for EIGHT years.
Although we had noticed him before, he made a big splash on the scene in Denver when just a short time before the 2008 Democrat convention a Somali man from Canada was found dead in a Denver hotel (near the convention site) with enough cyanide to kill hundreds. Jamal shows up and persuades authorities (or at least tells the media) to move along, nothing to see, just a crazy guy from Canada.
If you have the time and patience, follow Jamal’s ‘career’ here at RRW.   See his arrest in Minnesota in 2003 on immigration violations (he was an illegal alien!).   See here in 2009 where Minnesota Public Radio outed him (to some degree).  So why was he never deported? Does he work for the feds?
But, it seems that lazy reporters continue to call upon him for his comments every time a Somali does something bad almost anywhere in America!
Then get this, the Minneapolis Star Tribune published his mealy-mouthed op-ed yesterday in which he says that US policies in the war on terror will drive more of the little confused darlings*** to join the jihad. He said:

In fact, I am afraid that if aggressive, heavy-handed policies continue unchecked in the war on terror, this recent trial will be a Trojan horse to further recruit more kids to ISIL.

Why does anyone give this man any ink when he should be in jail or deported himself!
Where are you Jared?  How about a story on Jamal? He is right there in your hometown!
***These are the “kids” you “welcomed” to America, paid for their housing and food, their educations.  You kept them healthy enough to grow up even (to become Islamic soldiers), and what do you get?  They hate you and they hate America. I suggest we make it easy (and cheaper for us), ask them if they want to go to the Middle East or back to Somalia and pay their airfare (and take away their passports when they board that plane!).  What is that expression our Mom’s used: “Good riddance to bad rubbish!”

Insanity! US took 500 illegal aliens off Malta's hands in one year

This invasion of Europe story leads to the invasion of America!
The story makes me sick.  I have been writing about it for EIGHT years.  George Bush started it and of course Obama continued this abrogation of international refugee law. 
Here is one of the earliest posts I wrote (from 2008) about Bush’s Ambassador to Malta who first broke the law!

refugees on Malta
Illegal aliens who arrive on Malta could hit the jackpot and get a ticket to America!

In just one recent year, 500 ILLEGAL aliens made their way from North Africa across the Mediterranean to the island nation of Malta. Then, to help Malta out, our US State Department said ‘presto-chango’ and these ECONOMIC migrants who had launched from lawless Libya and elsewhere in North Africa magically became refugees and they now live in your towns in America somewhere!  And, this has been going on for eight years!
Legitimate claims for asylum are supposed to be made in the first safe country where the LEGITIMATE refugee lands—in this case Malta (making them Europe’s problem).  Are we asking Europe to take some of our illegal alien Mexicans? Of course not!
Do you understand the full import of what this means—any of the phony asylum seekers reaching Europe could be simply moved to America now that the precedent has been set.
From the Independent:

Some 500 immigrants who arrived in Malta in search for a better life have been resettled in the United States of America between March 2015 and March 2016. This information emerged in a reply to a Parliamentary Question. Minister for Home Affairs Carmelo Abela explained that 355 out of the 503 were Somali, 138 came from Eritrea, 17 from Sudan, two from Ethiopia and one from Iraq.

The resettlement exercise was possible following an agreement between the Maltese authorities, the American government and UNHCR.

You know it makes me so mad when I know that Congress, if it had the will, could do so much to reform this program with a few simple fixes that could make it safer and not so insane until real reform could begin.  Simply disallowing this lawbreaking would be a good start!
Click here for more on Malta. I’ve never counted them, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see 50 posts here on just our policy relating to the island nation.