Because there is way too much happening, here is another News Round-up of stories that interested me, but for which I have no time to post!
(Don’t confuse this round-up with my usual ‘Top posts of the week’ which I skipped this past week. Will do an October round-up tomorrow for hot news at RRW over the last month).
Listed here in no particular order:
Seventeen migrant men attack two women in Freiburg, Germany
Migrants moved from “The Jungle” at Calais, France to Alpine resort, want out of there ASAP
Canada admitted tens of thousands of Syrians, now all the relatives want in too!
Australia bars any rejected (boat people) asylum seekers from ever entering Australia again
Taqiyya at St. Ann Catholic Church in Arlington and more here: No questions allowed! (featuring one of our all-time favorites—Anastasia Brown)
Keep an eye on new pro-Palestinian Socialist UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres
Automation and advancements in technology will make jobs scarce for unskilled immigrant labor
Mogadishu, Minnesota: Somali activists upset by coming film about “recruitment” etc. in Minnesota
Federal pre-election coverup of US Southern border invasion.
Hillary’s America is already here—in Michigan!
More later…….
Month: October 2016
Coming by 2019! Sweden will sink under this load as family reunification ramps up
Invasion of Europe news….
Sweden is my guess for the first European country to completely implode with the burden of needy Middle Eastern and African refugees (it has been my choice for years). Although, I admit, Germany (larger and wealthier) is working hard to catch up with Sweden.
Pay attention to this ‘family reunification’ issue because it is going to impact your American town—you will see it in a year or two in the newly selected resettlement sites.***
Just as your town realizes you can’t handle the numbers coming, you will be called mean-spirited and worse if you try to deny the ‘family’ members the ‘right’ to join those who arrived in the first wave.
Here is the story this morning at Speisa (New Gigantic Migration Shock):
SWEDEN — “It’s a level we’ve never seen before,” said the Moderates’ migration policy spokesperson Johan Forssell when he told Aftonbladet that over 300,000 cases of family reunifications are expected by 2019. The record figures come from the Migration Board’s forecast, according to Aftonbladet.
The huge migration wave last year could be repeated and almost doubled when over 300,000 family members are expected to arrive up to the year 2019.
When Aftonbladet talks with Johan Forssell, he says it is a large volume to handle.
It’s a level we’ve never seen before. Until 2019, it is about 317,000 cases. This will have a major impact on the issues of housing, jobs, schools, health care. It underlines that we need to have long-term and sustainable immigration policies, says Forsell.
More here.
For more on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ click here. And, for my huge archive on Sweden, go here.
***These are the locations we have identified so far that have been targeted by the US Dept. of State as new resettlement sites. We hear there are 47 of them (the remainder are still secret).
This is the largest number in one year perhaps since the program began in 1980. They must get these offices open because a) Obama has proposed astronomical numbers for FY17, b) because once opened, offices are hard to close, and c) they want to get as many open and running before a possible Donald Trump Administration takes office in January.
Once the first batches are resettled the contractors go to work bringing in the family members. They will vilify you if you try to stop the “reunification.”
Asheville, NC
Rutland, VT
Reno, NV
Ithaca, NY
Missoula, MT
Aberdeen, SD (may have been thwarted!)
Charleston, WV
Fayetteville, AR
Blacksburg, VA
Pittsfield, MA
Northhampton, MA
Flint, MI
Bloomington, IN
Traverse City, MI
Poughkeepsie, NY
Wilmington, DE
Watertown, NY (maybe)
Youngstown, OH (maybe)
Angry, unhappy, disillusioned Syrians want to go home (from all over the world!)
I want you to see three stories this morning!
Everyone take note (especially paternalistic do-gooders)!
I predict there will be more news like this as massive numbers of Syrians are moving around the world and many are finding that home is better than St. Louis, Missouri, the United Kingdom or Greece.
United States
From St. Louis via KMOX (hat tip: Joanne):
ST. LOUIS (KMOX) – After escaping war in their homeland, some Syrian refugees are afraid of getting shot in their new home – in north St. Louis.

Syrians living at an apartment complex near Page and Hodiamont met with their neighborhood Alderman, and with a representative of the agency that placed them here, the International Institute.***
The hour-long meeting dealt with complaints of gunfire in the night, roaches, mice, and rats.
One Syrian woman, speaking through a translator, says it’s so bad she phoned friends at a refugee camp in Jordan to warn them not to come to St. Louis.
Continue here.
This is not an unusual story, we have heard it very often over the years. Refugee contractors place refugees in dreadful neighborhoods—ha! diversity does not bring strength!
United Kingdom
Then how about this story from the UK: Do not come to the UK says Syrian ‘refugee.’
A 28-year-old Syrian migrant who has been in Britain just 11 days says he is “miserable” and wants to go back to his life in his war-torn country saying it “is better than it is here.”
Abdul Kader al-Zuebi, who was once a military doctor in the Syrian army, says he fled the war in his homeland because he did not want to have to kill.
He now says he has grown frustrated with being unable to rent a home or seek work as a doctor in the UK, complaining that officials do not know where his passport is and are refusing to let him leave.
Kader al-Zuebi has a British fiancee and three relatives living in the UK.
The authorities have been putting him up in hostels in Dulwich and Cardiff, which he describes as “miserable.”
He added: “It is a big lie to be in the UK, we think the UK is something from the heavens.”
“I would rather be in Aleppo than stay here. I want to deport myself,” he said, adding “I would tell those arriving from Calais to go back. It is better than it is here,” according to the Express.
And then this is from Greece. Syrians have started the long trip home!
Didymoteicho (Greece) (AFP) – “I want to go back to Syria. There is war in my country, but we’ve been living for seven months in Greece like prisoners.”
Adan, from Aleppo, has abandoned his dream of building a new life in Europe, like thousands of other Syrians trapped in Greece.
He’s just arrived at the station in Didymoteicho, a village near the Greece-Turkey border, with his wife, three children and five other relatives, and is preparing to go through a police checkpoint before trying to get into Turkey, the start of a long journey home.
There should be an ad campaign highlighting these stories and broadcast around the world!
***The International Institute of St. Louis responsible for placing the Syrians in a bad neighborhood is a subcontractor of the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) (97% funded by you, the taxpayer.)
USCRI is the federal contractor responsible for Twin Falls, Idaho, Reno, Nevada and Rutland, VT to name a few and its CEO is Lavinia Limon, pals with Angelina Jolie.
The Dept. of State has previously shuttered subcontractors of USCRI for problems such as the one described here. The most memorable case was in Waterbury, CT back in May 2008. Maybe Angelina needs to have a word with Ms. Limon.
From Michigan: An open letter to Donald Trump
This is a letter penned today by one of our faithful readers on the eve of a scheduled visit tomorrow by Presidential candidate Donald Trump. Please, Donald Trump, help Michigan!
Dear Mr. Trump:
I am so happy to hear you will be coming to Michigan at least one more time before the election. I doubt I will have a chance to speak to you in a throng of thousands of supporters, but if I could this would be my message.
Michigan represents the United States on the cusp of collapse if Hillary Clinton and the globalists backing her prevail on November 8th. Michigan has been so damaged by job loss and permanent unemployment from companies moving elsewhere that it has caused the social fabric to change. Like many of my friends I am a grandmother with grandchildren elsewhere. When our children graduated from college they all had to move to other states for jobs. There was no future for them in Michigan.
So now the central planners on the left are flooding our state with refugees from war torn and third world countries to provide a pool of very low wage workers who will be reliable Democrat voters to help keep the sinking ship of state afloat. Per capita Michigan has been receiving the most refugees in recent years and now we are receiving the most Syrian refugees. While the Refugee Resettlement program operates under the radar as much as possible, the presence of a large concentration of refugees is being noticed because some parts of Michigan are being transformed almost overnight.
People are concerned. Why are we bringing in unvettable potential terrorists into our midst? Most of these newcomers are Muslim and many of them are Sharia compliant. Sharia is not compatible with the US Constitution. Now we are discovering that a number of these refugees are harboring TB and in at least one case the drug resistant variety. This seems to be nothing short of insanity. A few informed citizens have sounded the alarm, but it is difficult to find leaders who are willing to buck the unfair charges of bigotry and discrimination.
Mr. Trump, this is why we are so enthusiastic about you. We salute your leadership on protecting our borders and our citizens. It is not unreasonable to call a halt on bringing in more refugees until they can be properly vetted, not just for terrorist ties, but also their adherence to an ideology that makes it impossible for them and their children to be Constitution abiding US citizens.
We call on you to shine the spotlight on the Michigan situation, which will soon be the norm all over the country if we can’t put the brakes on this mad dash to bring in more and more refugees. We call on you to support our bold leaders like Oakland County Executive, Brooks Patterson, and the entire town council in Waterford, Michigan who stepped up to protecting their citizens, the job of all our elected representatives.
There is much to learn from the Michigan experience and a course correction is in order to hold the line in Michigan and protect the rest of the country. Please continue your bold leadership and you will have a winning issue that crosses all demographic and party lines. I really believe you when you say you will MAGA. Keep up the good work!
A Concerned Michigander
For more on Michigan see our recent post by clicking here. Watch our 6-minute video ‘Hillary’s Michigan, America’s Worst Nightmare:’
And, don’t miss Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily here.
For our hour long video on reaching ‘undecided’ voters, click here.
Comment worth noting: Reader likes my idea of an awards dinner for assorted haters (like me)
In response to my announcement that I had made the Southern Poverty Law Center’s top 15 list of “anti-Muslim extremists,” reader 7Delta likes my idea of an annual awards dinner for Islamophobes and assorted other bigots and haters. (Although I maintain that the SPLC is hypocritical because they truly hate ordinary Americans — “deplorables” and “rednecks”—the people I love.)
This is how you must deal with the likes of the filthy rich Hard Left political activists at the Southern Poverty Law Center—as Alinsky instructed—LAUGH AT THEM! Make them the brunt of jokes. Alinsky very astutely said that ‘humor is the most powerful political weapon!’ Let’s use it!
Without further ado, here is 7Delta fleshing out the awards dinner concept:
In reply to Ann Corcoran.
Oh wow.
I get busy and miss out on all the important news! Congratulations, Ann. I’m so honored to say I knew you before you were a certified hater. You have really come a long way from the farm girl we all know and love.
I agree that we should have a Flowers of Hateophobia Dinner. At our Garden Veritas soiree–where we’ll serve hotdogs, because we don’t have pay for play–we can give awards: Best in Hate List for Most SPLC Appearances, Best Dressed Islamphobe (I’m pretty sure Geller has that one locked up), Most Humorous Hater (Spencer’s a strong leader), Most Likely to Make the Hate List Next Year, Best Bow Tie for Hate (Dr. Warner probably has this one), Most Grandmotherly Hater Without Horn-rimmed Glasses (Guess who?). And the Grand Thorn Awards, whose recipients will receive nothing but a cheap plaque we got at a yard sale, just like everybody else: The Morris Dees Award For Not Coming Anywhere Close to Having a Poverty Palace That Avarice Bought and The Mark Potok Chinless Award for Taking It On the Chin and Not Compiling Lists to Blame Others to Compensate for Short Comings.
We really are going to have to do this. Maybe we can even give out a Veritasophobia Award or two to the most deserving or we could huddle around whoever has the biggest phone screen to show reruns of Project Veritas videos to highlight who the real liars, cheats and thieves are, since finding that many plaques at yard sales will be tough anyway. We’ll just remind everybody that the video participants/recipients are SPLC’s BFFs. Some were even members of the Clinton Administration.
Let’s do it.
I’m game, this could be a huge!
Reluctantly (because so much is happening with the refugee program), if the Southern Poverty Law Center is going to act as the mafia for the refugee resettlement contractors, I guess I am going to have to educate readers more about them. We already have a tag for the SPLC where I will continue to archive information going forward.
There have been many many critical reports about them, use your search engine and you will see what I mean.
They make millions of dollars by calling ordinary Americans “haters” and attempting to silence speech!
We’ll start here with a look at the ‘non-profit’ organization worth over $340 million. This is a recent Form 990. Check out their board members on page 7 then the employees with HUGE salaries begin on the bottom of 7 and on page 8.
21 employees make over $100,000 in annual compensation—wow!
If you have more ideas for our ‘Bigots Gala’ (what to call it, where to hold it, more awards!) send a comment (no foul language!) to this post.