Refugee child died arriving in Chicago; look for many more problems as the DOS crams them into your towns

My next post today was going to be on this very subject when I spotted this news about an 8-year-old refugee boy from the DR Congo dying mysteriously during a flight change in Chicago.  His family was reportedly on the way to Texas and their new home (so much for Governor Abbott’s efforts to close the program in the state).

We told the United Nations we would take in 50,000 from the DR Congo over 5 years. We took about a 1000 in FY12. We are now up to 33,212. These are very needy people (some small number of Muslims in the mix), and they will not be contributing members of the community for a very long time. We have seen reports that the women need mental health treatment. Texas received the most so far (3,724).

We will have to wait until an autopsy is performed to learn why the child sickened and died.  Here is the news at Breitbart:

“An 8-year-old refugee from Congo died Tuesday after landing at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport,” the local CBS affiliate reports:

David Dieme, an 8-year-old boy landed Tuesday at approximately 4:30 p.m. with a refugee family at O’Hare International Airport.

Dieme was traveling with his father and several other children, who arrived to Chicago on a flight from Dubai. After clearing paperwork, the family was being escorted to their next flight, when a U.S. Customs and Border Protection officer noticed Dieme unresponsive.

Emergency Medical Services was immediately notified and arrived at the terminal. Standard procedures are in place to address sick passengers, according to a spokesman for the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. Dieme was sick prior to the flight, but did not report any symptoms on the flight. He was examined at the airport by CDC officials, in an isolated room. Dieme’s temperature was taken, but he had no fever. He experienced diarrhea and vomiting. It was determined he should be taken to the hospital.

Dieme was taken to Presence Resurrection Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead.

Waiting on an autopsy report.
Leahy continues:

Breitbart News has reported extensively on the public health risk to the general public posed by a resurgence of diseases that had been on a path to eradication until the recent influx of migration to the country. Among the diseases newly resurgent are tuberculosis, whooping cough, intestinal parasites, mumps, and measles.

Refugees are required to undergo overseas medical screenings prior to their arrival in the United States. Those screenings, however, do not prohibit refugees with a number of diseases from arriving in the United States. Few arriving refugees, for instance, are tested and treated for latent tuberculosis infection prior to their arrival in the United States.

Though initial domestic medical screenings of all arriving refugees are recommended within ninety days of their arrival, those screenings are not required by either law or regulation.

Go here for more of that news (plus to follow the links I was too lazy to add!).

Is carelessness and neglect of the refugees themselves the inevitable next step as the White House has obviously demanded the program be accelerated? 

I think it’s a very real possibility.
Did this child die because it was a rush-job to get his family here?
With the huge number of refugees being flown in to the US right now, look for refugees to not be properly taken care of  with possible breaches of the contract the resettlement agencies sign with the Department of State.
Our news above highlights the medical issues that might be overlooked when attempting to get the refugees placed at an accelerated pace.  Are they cutting corners on more than security screening?

What you need to do where you live: look for refugees being neglected by the agencies hired to bring them in.

I think there is a very good chance that your local resettlement agency won’t be able to handle the numbers coming in.  We are already hearing about drives in many communities to find enough volunteers. (I’ve heard there is a pretty high turnover rate for volunteers as they learn how needy, and sometimes not very grateful, the refugees can be.)

  • If you see refugees confused and wandering in an airport, take note.  They are supposed to be met by the resettlement agency and escorted to an apartment where the refrigerator is required to be stocked with culturally appropriate food.
  • Get friendly with the local medical officials in your town and stay on top of any notices being released to the public about health threats arriving in your community. Try to find out if the refugees are being screened in the prescribed time frame and whether school-aged children are being vaccinated.
  • Look for refugees being placed in temporary housing. Refugees are supposed to have apartments/houses that have sleeping space for large families. (You probably have a zoning code requiring certain limits on family size for the size of the apartment.)
  • Keep an eye out for any news about refugees being homeless (yes, that is happening).
  • Report any suspicions about refugee kids turning up at school hungry or sick.
  • If you see or hear that refugees are not being supplied with adequate winter clothing and bedding, take note.
  • You should try to find out how many refugees are living in your community and what sort of housing they have. Have they been placed in dangerous slums.  Especially try to determine if any of your local poor and disabled are being bumped down the list for subsidized housing.
  • See if refugees who speak little English are being bugged unnecessarily soon by the resettlement agency for the repayment of the airfare loan (which they get a cut of!).
  • Maybe even volunteer yourself so that you will have firsthand knowledge of any shortcuts the resettlement agencies are taking in the care of the refugees.  Remember the contractors are supposed to be putting their own time and money into this and if they can’t do a good job they need to say to the DOS—we can’t handle that many refugees! Don’t send so many. (NOT! Ask for more federal money.)

So what do you do if you believe refugees are being neglected, contact the US Department of State.
Barbara Day is in charge of the resettlement of refugees to your towns via the contractors (or at least she was last I checked). Send her any information you have about refugees not being taken care of by your local resettlement agency.
Her address is:

Barbara Day

Domestic Resettlement Section Chief

Bureau of Population Refugees and Migration

2202 C St. NW

Washington, DC 20520

This may still be her e-mail address:

Obama State Department bringing refugees in at the astronomical rate of over 400 a day!

Update October 8th: Up to 900 a day by later in week, see here at Breitbart.
It wasn’t hard to guess that as he leaves office (and fears build of a Trump presidency), Obama will make an outrageous last ditch effort to open the flood gates to refugees from across the globe and most especially from Muslim-dominated countries. Expect to see unheard of numbers before Inauguration day in January.

Seventh District US Congressional Republican candidate, David Brat, speaks during a press conference at the Captiol in Richmond, Va., Wednesday, May 28, 2014. Brat challenged Congressman Eric Cantor's stand on immigration, claiming that Cantor backs amnesty. Cantor is getting pressured from both sides over immigration as his Republican primary election nears and the window for legislative action narrows. (AP Photo/Steve Helber)
Seventh District US Congressional Republican, Dave Brat understands what the stakes are as Congress cedes its budget power to Obama on refugee program.

Michael Leahy writing at Breitbart this morning has done the math and it is simply stunning! The flood has begun in the first week of the fiscal year!
It is no wonder, as I told Leahy, that the US State Department is scrambling to get dozens of NEW resettlement offices up and running!

Four hundred and eleven refugees have been resettled in the United States each of the first five days of the fiscal year that began on October 1. At this rate, the country is on track to resettle more than 150,000 refugees in the fiscal year, a rate almost double the 84,995 resettled in FY 2016, and more than 40,000 greater than the 110,000 the Obama administration has proposed for FY 2017.

A total of 2,058 refugees from all countries have been resettled in the United States during the first five days of FY 2017, according to the Department of State’s interactive website.

This is what I told Breitbart:

“My post from last week shows the monthly admissions of refugees since 2006. The October average is traditionally the lowest resettlement month of the year. One October, 2006, we only brought in 1,009 refugees, more than 1,000 fewer than President Obama has brought in over the first five days of October 2017,” Ann Corcoran, who founded the Refugee Resettlement Watch blog in 2007, tells Breitbart News.

“They build in August and September because they are usually desperate to hit their fiscal year ceiling by then. So to have this extraordinarily high rate this October, it confirms our greatest fear that President Obama will pour as many refugees as he can before he leaves office, and before a potential Trump administration takes the reins,” she adds.

“This explains why the State Department is on a quiet mission to open as many new resettlement sites in the country as they can,” she says.

This Member of Congress gets it! Rep. Dave Brat (R-VA) knows that Congress has ceded the power of the purse.

At least one member of Congress says it’s time for the bureaucrats who run the resettlement program to listen to the voice of the people.

“We are losing our country whose sole premise is that we are a nation under the law and that we the people are the true Sovereign we are not ruled from a distant palace,” Virginia Republican Rep. Dave Brat tells Breitbart News.

“This refugee crisis response has not ever been put before the American people and our Congress has also given up any semblance of oversight as we voluntarily cede our control over the entire budget process to the new Sovereign in the executive branch,”Brat adds.

Continue reading here, there is much, much more, and hotlinks to follow.

Here comes my message of yesterday, today and tomorrow!

Every one of you in overloaded and stressed resettlement cities, every one of you in new sites,*** every one of you, even if you don’t have refugees, but are worried about the future of our country as we pour people in who are not going to assimilate, who, when their numbers become large enough, are going to push an alternative form of government (shariah), or who might eventually kill us, is looking for a silver bullet to stop the invasion!
There is no silver bullet.  But, in the next 4 weeks you have to make the refugee issue so TOXIC to your Members of Congress/Senators that they just might grow a spine and exercise their power of the purse and slow the invasion by defunding the Refugee Admissions Program.  Nothing else matters right now (well, except electing Donald Trump).
Call your Congressman and your US Senators, but more importantly meet them in their home districts and confront them on this issue.  Be at every townhall asking questions. Get local media to pay attention by picketing their offices and their homes if you must!
I know, I know, you think they are hopeless, but you must do it now. Just try or give up now!
Here is ‘Mom for Trump’ today!  Tell everyone you know to do what ‘Mom’ says!  If you hold a meeting about refugees, give everyone who attends the same marching order. ‘Mom’ is right:

Ann, could you tell all your readers on a daily basis to call our useless Congress @ 202 224 3121 and have them say DEFUND REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT PROGRAM. I call daily and if enough of us do so, we can make a difference.

And, I know they are useless too, but call Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell too!
While you are calling that switchboard number, ask for Dave Brat’s office and thank him for speaking up, for being a leader on the only issue that really matters for the future of our great nation—immigration control!
The 2016 Presidential election hinges on the issue and that is why Hillary is hiding and rarely brings it up (and won’t say how many refugees she wants!), but why should she when her old pals at the US State Department are working overtime to set the stage for her.
***These are the new towns/cities we have learned about so far (we have heard that there are 47 new ones!). The selection process is mostly done quietly and out of public view.  If you are a new reader and are wondering what the hundreds of other sites are, go here (they are no longer keeping this list up to date, more secrecy!).
Asheville, NC
Rutland, VT
Reno, NV
Ithaca, NY
Missoula, MT
Aberdeen, SD
Charleston, WV
Fayetteville, AR
Blacksburg, VA
Pittsfield, MA
Northhampton, MA
Flint, Michigan
Bloomington, IN