First check out what Discover the Networks says about the Islamic Society of North Americahere. ISNA was founded by members of the Muslim Brotherhood in America in 1981. Archbishop Joseph Kurtz of Louisville, KY is the present President of the USCCB. His term ends next month. Louisville is a big refugee resettlement site. One year ago Kurtz called for the US government to bring in 200,000 refugees, 100,000 Syrians. Catholics should question the Bishops’ involvement with ISNA.
Then go here and see ISNA’s list of groups it considers its allies, its interfaith partners (hat tip: Brenda). Two of nine federal resettlement contractors are partners, but see if your ‘faith’ group is a partner as well.
Church World Service
Founded in 1946, Church World Service (CWS) is the relief, development, and refugee assistance ministry of 35 Protestant, Orthodox, and Anglican denominations in the United States. Working in partnership with indigenous organizations in more than 80 countries, CWS works worldwide to meet human needs and foster self-reliance for all whose way is hard. ISNA works with Church World Service on issues of global poverty issues.
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is an assembly of the Catholic Church hierarchy who work together to unify, coordinate, promote, and carry on Catholic activities in the United States and to organize and conduct religious, charitable, educational and social welfare work at home and abroad. The bishops are served by a staff of over 350 lay people, priests, deacons, and religious. The relationship between the USCCB and ISNA dates back to the 1990s, when they began the Midwest Muslim-Catholic Dialogue. The USCCB is an Executive Committee member of Shoulder-to-Shoulder.
Would someone tell Archbishop Kurtz that 99% of the Syrians being admitted in to the US right now are Muslims! Or, maybe he doesn’t care?
Silencing Catholics! Migration pays, pro-life pays nothing!
Don’t miss this excellent article at One News Now(hat tip: Joanne) suggesting the Bishops have sold out Catholic principles for pay days.
Elizabeth Yore, an attorney and international child rights advocate, argues that money is the real issue at hand here.
“Migration pays very well – pro-life pays nothing,”Yore told LifeSiteNews before noting that the Obama administration has given thousands of federal grants and contracts to the Catholic Church, including many grants this fiscal year for hundreds of millions of dollars to the USCCB, Catholic Charities, CRS and the International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC).
Just so you know. Here is how much of your money funded the US Conference of Catholic Bishops Migration Fund in 2014 (from their 2014 annual report): Our Founding Fathers must be spinning in their graves, especially Thomas Jefferson (who understood Islam). Here we are, US taxpayers, paying millions of dollars each year to the Catholic Church to import Muslims to our towns. Federal grants and travel loans (above) are all your money!
We have reported on many occasions that West Virginia has pretty much dodged a bullet when it comes to the federal government resettling third worlders in the state, but all of that is changing as new efforts are underway to supply more industries there with cheap labor—in a state that has been struggling for years! [***Update*** or is it pressure from the Catholic Church, see here—ed]
The controversy began last spring when Episcopal Migration Ministries (one of 9 federal refugee contractors) went public with its plan to bring Middle Eastern refugees—Syrians in particular—to Charleston which had only gotten a few Iraqis and Iranians in the last ten years. Rep. Alex Mooney represents Charleston, WV. He is also a member of the House Freedom Caucus. West Virginians who have concerns about refugees being placed secretly in the state, must get a commitment from him BEFORE the election to join any effort in the lame duck session to DEFUND the RAP. See here:
BTW, 176 refugees in total were placed (mostly by Catholic Charities) in West Virginia in the last decade. Charleston got 13 Iraqis and 9 Iranians before last year’s five Syrians.
We reported on the plan by EMMhere. Then again here and here in September. And, more recently published the testimony of citizen activist Brenda Arthur to Senator Jeff Sessions Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest, here.
Arthur has now launched a facebook page—ACT Charleston-Secure West Virginia. Click here to join and keep up with the news.
Earlier in the summer when Arthur was just learning about the RAP (Refugee Admissions Program), after reading about it in an article in the Charleston Daily Mail, she penned a letter to the editor. Arthur reports the following:
This (below) is the letter I tried to get Kelly Merritt – Charleston Daily Mail Opinion Page Editor – to publish in late July 2016. He wanted me to “soften” it, as he said it was too “inflammatory”. I would not — therefore, he would not publish it.
This is the “inflammatory” letter, what do you think?
Brenda Arthur
On May 26, 2016, the Charleston Gazette-Mail published an article by staff writer Erin Beck. She painted a glowing face on the issue of Charleston being targeted by Episcopal Migration Ministries as a “resettlement community.” I’m compelled to fill in gaps in her narrative with what Paul Harvey called ‘the rest of the story’.
The refugees being brought to the United States are 98% Muslim. Only a small number are Christians. In reality, the Christians are treated much worse in the refugee camps. Many Christians are afraid to go to the refugee camps because of mistreatment by the overwhelming numbers of Muslims.
Although people being brought here as refugees come from all over the world — many of those coming now are picked by the United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees from the refugee camps in Syria, Turkey, and Jordan. The UN is a corrupt organization that hates America and Israel. How can we trust any refugees they pick for us?
Beck’s article never mentioned that ISIS has sworn to infiltrate the ‘refugees’:
“ISIS has said in their own words that they want to exploit it to infiltrate the West. Again, it is not a threat I am making up, it’s a threat their own officials have warned us about.” (11/18/15)–House Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul.
Beck neglected to report that these refugees can’t be vetted, an alarming fact that ISIS knows even if Erin Beck doesn’t.
James B. Comey, Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Department of Justice: “There is risk associated with bringing anybody in from the outside, but especially from a conflict zone like [Syria]… My concern there [about bringing Syrian refugees into the United States] is that there are certain gaps I don’t want to talk about publicly in the data available to us.” (10/8/15)
Supporters of this resettlement scheme will tell you that the refugees are vetted by our State Department and Homeland Security. REALLY? Is this the same State Department that “vetted” the wife of the San Bernardino terrorist, and gave refugee status to the Tsarnaev brothers a.k.a. the Boston bombers? Perhaps Erin Beck has a copy of the State Department memo warning Charleston – and other host cities across America – that some refugees are afflicted with drug resistant strains of TB.
Are we to believe highly informed intelligence experts — or groups like the Episcopal Migration Ministries (one of 9 major Federal Contractors paid mostly with our tax dollars) who are paid “by the head” to bring these people to the United States. Thanks to a reserved place at the public trough, these Federal Contractors get hundreds of millions of dollars in government grants.
Ask yourself these questions:
Why do groups like Episcopal Migration Ministries (a 501(c) 3 charity) *(and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops operating in West Virginia as Catholic Charities of West Virginia) get hundreds of millions of our tax dollars to do their work ?
Why do they operate “below the radar” away from public scrutiny?
Why aren’t they presenting our elected representatives with the R & P Abstract (Reception & Placement) which details the plan for the town they are invading?
Before you vilify me as a bigot, xenophobe, racist, or hater, answer these questions:
Why is it incumbent on us to absorb so many impoverished third world peoples who reject our language, our culture, or our values?
Why spend millions on them when thousands of my fellow West Virginians are facing hard times due to the Federal assault on our coal industry?
Why is money given to foreign nationals when our veterans cannot get quality medical care?
Why not resettle them in other Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia where there is plenty of space and oil money to boot?
Why should our country which is almost 20 Trillion dollars in debt give refugees Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Food Stamps, Medicaid, Social Security Disability Insurance, Public Housing, Child Care & Development, Job Opportunities for Low Income Individuals (JOLI), Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), and other government benefits?
We have our own problems. Could any group that wants to bring impoverished third world peoples here that add a further financial burden to our citizens and have the potential of risking our security have the interest of our community and state in mind?
*Added: 10-23-16
More questions from me:
Where is the West Virginia Congressional Delegation? Where is Senator Shelley Moore Capito? Where is Rep. Alex Mooney? Are they shilling for industries in West Virginia clamoring for cheap immigrant labor in a state that has seen unemployment go up as the coal industry is being killed by Obama? Their silence is telling! Endnote: While doing my research on Iraqis here yesterday, I noticed that the tiny town of Washington, WV on the Ohio border is getting Iraqis, only a small number so far, but I wonder why? Spillover from Ohio?
At least they should support any effort in the lame duck session of Congress coming up a week after the election to defund the program until certain problems have been resolved—primarily the weak screening process—and to pause the program as a new administration comes into office in the new year.
Don’t forget, the Obama Administration is working quickly right now tofront end the huge flow of refugees Obama wants for FY17.
Here is what I said in September and it still applies (with updates!):
In my previous post I told you that it is not too late to tell key members of Congress to protect your towns by cutting funding in the Final Budget for FY2017 for refugee admissions for 2017 from terror-producing regions of the world and elsewhere which must be passed before Congress recesses for Christmas.
This is the House calendar as it stands right now. Check out how little they actually work! They will be back on the 14th of November and the 2017 Budget must be done by December 9th. And, btw, the 2017 fiscal year began on October 1st, so they are already way behind (as usual)!
Those crossed off signed on to the earlier Babin/Brat letter but be sure to contact them again to urge them to join a new effort in November.
Again, those crossed off below have already taken a brave position, but focus your calls on all Freedom Caucus members. Tell them to check in with Rep. Brian Babin’s (R-TX) office to see what the plan is for the lame duck.
Only 13 days left before the election to get a commitment from them!
Jim Jordan of Ohio, Chair Justin Amash of Michigan Brian Babin of Texas Rod Blum of Iowa Dave Brat of Virginia Jim Bridenstine of Oklahoma Mo Brooks of Alabama Ken Buck of Colorado Curt Clawson of Florida Warren Davidson of Ohio Ron DeSantis of Florida Scott DesJarlais of Tennessee Jeff Duncan of South Carolina John Fleming of Louisiana Trent Franks of Arizona Scott Garrett of New Jersey Louie Gohmert of Texas Paul Gosar of Arizona Morgan Griffith of Virginia Andy Harris of Maryland Jody Hice of Georgia Walter Jones of North Carolina Steve King of Iowa Raúl Labrador of Idaho Barry Loudermilk of Georgia Cynthia Lummis of Wyoming Mark Meadows of North Carolina Alex Mooney of West Virginia Mick Mulvaney of South Carolina Gary Palmer of Alabama Steve Pearce of New Mexico Scott Perry of Pennsylvania Ted Poe of Texas Bill Posey of Florida Keith Rothfus of Pennsylvania Matt Salmon of Arizona Mark Sanford of South Carolina David Schweikert of Arizona Marlin Stutzman of Indiana Randy Weber of Texas Ted Yoho of Florida
Don’t know who your Congressman is, click hereand put in your zipcode.
This is the third in a series of posts on DEFUNDING the Refugee Admissions Program in the FY2017 Budget. See Texas, here and Idaho,here. All posts on this topic are tagged ‘where is Congress.’