Wisconsin Refugee Agency may have scammed taxpayers big time!

Call home Paul Ryan!  This outrageous “savings” program is one of many, you as Speaker of the House, need to investigate!

Speaker Paul Ryan has shown zero interest in reforming the Refugee Act of 1980. I wonder could we suggest Janesville (his home town) as one of the many new resettlement sites in America!

I’m guessing this is not an isolated case.
For new readers, Speaker Paul Ryan has not allowed any serious Refugee Act reform bills (he allowed one sham bill because he knew the Senate wouldn’t pass it anyway) to move forward in the House during his tenure as speaker and for that matter neither has Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.
These so-called ‘Individual Development Accounts’ are an abomination and potentially rife with fraud. When taxpayers learn about them (we have mentioned them on many occasions) they are shocked.
The federal government actually gives grants to non-profit refugee agencies to administer a program which allows refugees to get matching funds when they save money for four things (Education, business, home or car).
How would you like to get such a deal:

For every dollar a refugee saves, he/she is matched a dollar out of  the US Treasury (your pocket)!

But, again the program is managed by a resettlement contractor (with no accountability to the taxpayer) like this one in Milwaukee.  Financial audits/investigations of the contractors are rare.
From the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel  (hat tip: Joanne):

A Milwaukee nonprofit that offers after-school programs for refugee children and other assistance for refugees is under investigation for alleged misuse of federal funds.

The Pan-African Community Association gave money to at least 32 people who were not eligible to receive funds, investigators with the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement have found, according to records obtained by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel under the Freedom of Information Act.

The Ethiopian Community Development Council is one of nine federally funded refugee contractors that could not exist without your tax dollars. Go to this link to see if they have an office near you: http://www.ecdcus.org/Where_We_Work/affiliates.html

In addition, the organization violated terms of federal grants by spending more than 35% of its annual budget on administrative costs and paying individuals in the form of money orders, rather than paying vendors directly for items purchased, the reports state.

The association received more than $440,000 in federal funds from 2012 to 2015 to help refugees from Africa and around the world buy cars and houses and to open businesses in Milwaukee. Using Individual Development Accounts, the program was designed to offer matching grants to refugees who, for example, saved at least $2,000 of their own money to go toward the purchase of a car or $4,000 toward a house.


The Pan-African Community Association is contracted through the “preferred communities program,” with the Ethiopian Community Development Council. The council, in turn, is one of about 10 [nine actually—ed] national organizations — mostly faith-based — that the federal government contracts with to provide services to refugees.

Continue here for more of the gory details and denials.
I haven’t written about “preferred communities” since here in 2014. But, you might have a look and see if your city is one of them. They don’t change often.

Call Congress!

Time to listen to ‘Mom for Trump’ (I am not going to quit trying to persuade you that right now there is only one place to put pressure to slow the flow of third worlders to your towns—Congress!):

Ann, could you tell all your readers on a daily basis to call our useless Congress @ 202 224 3121 and have them say DEFUND REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT PROGRAM. I call daily and if enough of us do so, we can make a difference.

If you have problems getting a live person on the phone when you call Washington (like I did when I called my Congressman John Delaney (D-MD) the other day), then find out the locations and phone numbers of their district and state offices and call those.  When you have someone on the phone on Tuesday (they surely won’t be there on Monday), in addition to telling them to defund the program, find out where your member or Senator will be in the coming weeks and be there!  Ask (in person, in front of an audience) if he or she will Defund the Refugee Resettlement Program when they get back to DC after the election.

Yikes! Wikileaks hack reveals what Hillary (really!) thinks of black and Muslim immigrants

Of course, when I saw this the first thing that came to my mind was: If she believes this, then why on earth is she promoting more Muslim and African refugee resettlement for hundreds of American towns?

E-mail pen pals! Hillary with long-time mentor John Podesta at SEIU shindig. Podesta is Clinton’s 2016 campaign manager.

From Freedom Daily:

The whistle-blowing site also released emails from Clinton campaign chairman, John Podesta. Podesta once served as former President Bill Clinton’s Chief of Staff.


One particular email exchange between Hillary Clinton and Podesta shows the candidate has a serious problem with blacks and Muslims. It’s not just a serious problem, it’s downright racist.

In the email from February of this year Hillary states that:

“The main reason behind successful immigration should be painfully obvious to even the most dimwitted of observers: Some groups of people are almost always highly successful given only half a chance (Jews*, Hindus/Sikhs and Chinese people, for example), while others (Muslims, blacks** and Roma***, for instance) fare badly almost irrespective of circumstances.”

Hillary continues by labeling blacks & Muslims “professional never-do-wells.”

Can you imagine if Donald Trump said that!
Visit Freedom Daily to see screen shots of the exchanges. If I hadn’t seen the screenshots I might not have believed this happened.
Go here to see what we have written about Podesta over many years.

Where do WE put a billion people?

The ‘WE’ of course being the great planners and social engineers of the universe, including the environmentalists and the human rights gang (the UN surely).
In a recent article in Nature, the authors say the world’s population will grow by 1 billion by 2030 and they are plotting where would it be best for the earth to put that next billion (if they were granted permission I suppose to move people around the globe—but wait! Isn’t that what the UN is already doing without permission?).
No surprise! Most of the population that will expand is in Africa and Asia so those people would presumably need to be moved.
Here is the story at the Daily Mail:

Academics Richard T.T. Forman and Jinguo Wu mapped out areas around the world where these additional people could live most sustainably.

[They] ruled out regions with already dense populations as well as areas with high water stress, extreme climates and unique species.


In Nature, the two professors called for ‘worldwide coordination’ to promote a balanced population in a way that would minimize the ‘already heavy ecological footprint on our finite Earth’.

So check it out.  Do you live in a population dump target zone? Yellow! And, to a lesser degree blue!
Sure looks like the excess population of the Middle East/North Africa would be moved elsewhere.  Did you ever wonder why there is complete silence on the subject of excessive population growth in Muslim countries?
UN family planning for Muslims!
No, you know the answer, these population police are afraid to tell Muslims that they need to stick to 2 children per family to save the planet! Ha! Ha! I would love to see the new Secretary General of the UN—Antonio Guterres—take on that project (UN family planning for Muslims!). Hey, if we send so much money to the UN maybe a Trump administration could demand that such a program be launched!
Although we haven’t said much about it lately, you might be interested in our ‘Climate refugees’ category because although I’m not a big conspiracy hunter it doesn’t take much to figure out that the great minds and social engineers are busy getting all this in place.  Maybe the Refugee Program is part of the overall plan to soften us up for kill.
2030 is not far away!

Count on these Republicans to be members of the Open Borders movement

The great to-do about nothing regarding Donald Trump’s decade-old locker room talk is really all about immigration.

South Dakota Senator John Thune is one of the weasels in the Senate who has come out of the closet today. This man will never support closing the border or slowing Muslim refugees to America because he doesn’t support the one man who can do it. Make it a habit to check their ‘Conservative scores’ here: https://www.conservativereview.com/scorecard Thune has an F grade.

And as such, perhaps the kerfuffle is actually a great benefit to us because it very clearly shows us those members of Congress, US Senators and a couple of governors who do not want to close our borders.
These are also the elected officials we can’t count on to slow the refugee flow into America because by opposing Trump they are supporting Hillary’s (tens of thousands of Syrian Muslims for your town) plan and inviting her Muslim Brotherhood pals to join her in the White House.
You know, bloggers like me have nothing to lose. I could care less if you read this blog or not! I don’t make a living doing this like some of those who write for National Review, so I’m calling the following elected officials traitors to America.

There is only one issue that matters for the future of this country and that is immigration. And, Trump is the first candidate at that level to know it and speak forcefully in favor of saving our unique American culture!

These Open Borders Republican globalists are out of the closet now!

This is from The Hill.  Some of them were so chicken they said they weren’t voting for Hillary, but couldn’t vote for Trump. We are not stupid! A vote for anyone else is a vote for Hillary.
Some say that Mike Pence should go to the top of the ticket. Nice guy, great VP pick, but Hillary will win. This is asinine.
I suspect it is only a partial list because earlier in the day, I saw that Rep. Mia Love (R-UT) was now opposing Trump.
And, even before I posted, the news is out that Sen. John McCain has joined the list. Only surprise is why it took him so long when his protege Kelly Ayotte leads the list.

Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.)

Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley (R)

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah)

Utah Gov. Gary Herbert

Rep. Frank Lo Biondo (R-N.J.)

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Ak.)

Rep. Tom Rooney (R-Fla.)

Rep. Bradley Byrne (R-Ala)

Rep. Mike Coffman (R-Colo)

Rep. Barbara Comstock (R-Va.)

Sen. Mike Crapo (R-Idaho)

Rep. Rodney Davis (R-Mo)

South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard

Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Az.)

Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (R-Neb.)

Sen. Cory Gardner (R-Colo)

Rep. Joe Heck (R-Nev)

Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.)

Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah)

Rep. Martha Roby (R-Ala)

Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.):

Rep. Chris Stewart (R-Utah)

Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-Ak)

Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.)

There are probably more I haven’t seen yet.  Send them along if you see them.
And, if anyone is going to be blamed for destroying the Republican Party it is this list!
I recommend that if any of these are your representatives and you want to see the Donald Trump “movement” in the White House, you need to unload on them in the next couple of days.
Picket their homes if you must! But, don’t let them get off the hook.

Missoula, MT: More secrecy now exposed with revelation about resettlement planning document

To all of you who have attempted (unsuccessfully) to get a copy of the important planning document the federal government uses to justify the number and ethnicity of refugees to be seeded in your towns, this should vindicate your frustration and anger (even if it doesn’t help you acquire yours!)

Here they come. Is there a mosque in Missoula? Just wondering.

Editor: This is the third post this morning in my ‘secret Saturday’ series. See the previous posts here, and here.
So many of you have reported, for months, that you have called your state refugee coordinator or the local resettlement agency only to be stonewalled, denied the document and in some cases made to feel like an idiot when the contractor pretended that you didn’t know what you were talking about (what R & P Abstract?).  Some of you ultimately obtained the document using your state freedom of information law.

Bait and switch!

Yes, the R & P Abstract (Reception and Placement Abstract) exists and now the Missoulian writes about it here, like it was no big deal.  How many of you in Montana knew until recently that they weren’t planning for 50 or 100 refugees but more than that, year after year? And, as they told you, with a straight face, that they would be benign Christians from the DR Congo you were expected to believe that too.
Now we learn you are getting Somalis, Afghanis and Syrians, three of the most difficult to security-screen groups of Muslim refugees. In addition to more than a dozen other ethnic groups (btw, this makes the resettlement extremely costly to your school system that must cope with children speaking many languages).
Here is the Missoulian (I don’t know if one of the concerned citizens out there obtained an R & P Abstract and gave it to the paper, or the contractor decided it was best to release it, so as to get their own spin on the story first):

Missoula could resettle up to 150 refugees of as many as 15 nationalities in the next 12 months, but the biggest numbers will reflect the world’s most troubled spots.  (Troubled spots is code for Muslim countries!—ed)

A Reception and Placement Abstract filed in May with the U.S. State Department proposed up to 65 people from sub-Saharan Africa and 70 from the Middle Eastern countries of Syria, Iran and Iraq, as well as Afghanistan, during fiscal year 2017.

The first group includes those who’ve fled war or persecution from Burundi, Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia, and Sudan and South Sudan.

Five families from the Democratic Republic of Congo – 27 people in all – arrived in town in August and September, according to wrapsnet.org, an interactive website of the State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration.

They won’t count toward the 150 total for FY17, according to Molly Short Carr, executive director of the International Rescue Committee’s Missoula office.


An abstract also was filed for the remainder of fiscal year 2016, which ended on Sept. 30. It proposed a capacity of 100 refugees, though Missoula was clearly not in a position to receive that many.

For all of you, think about this! Every week these tax-payer funded contractors sit down with the Department of State (in Washington) and divvy up the refugees to be seeded in to your town.  Each contractor is ‘bidding for bodies’ as each refugee comes with a bucket of money attached per person.

The federal bureau uses information provided on R&P abstracts when it sits down each week with representatives of the IRC and the eight other resettlement agencies in the United States, a State Department spokeswoman told the Missoulian.


The IRC’s abstract touched lightly [does the DOS in DC try to verify the information contractors submit in their bids?—ed] on housing and employment in Missoula. Basing its figures on the latest Missoula Housing Report, it said the average monthly rent for homes or apartments with one, two and three bedrooms is $750, $950 and $1,200, respectively. Availability was listed as “always” for the two smaller homes and “sometimes” for three bedrooms.

I visited Missoula on my RRW fact-finding trip this summer and learned that the contractor office was being kept secret. This is my photo of where I was told it was located.

Listed as available jobs for refugees in Missoula were construction, customer service, food service, health care, hospitality and retail. [Really! Customer service! Hospitality! they don’t speak ENGLISH!—ed] The average starting wage is $9.50 for full-time positions, while the starting wage of part-time positions and the percentage of positions offered benefits are “to be determined.”

On this issue of housing and jobs.  It has been reported to me that the contractor may have lied in the R & P Abstract about the availability of housing and jobs for very poor, non-English speaking refugees from places like the Congo. Also, it is pretty obvious that if (big if!) even one member of the family gets a job at $9.50 an hour they will need lots of welfare benefits just to survive.
As I said here, if you see any neglect of the refugees and/or abuse of contractual agreements with the DOS. Please report what you see. Come to think of it, maybe you could make a hotline phone number available in your community where citizens could anonymously report any refugee problems they see.
We have written a lot on Montana, click here to learn more.