Editor: As you know from time to time we post reader comments that we think you might like, but might have missed. This is a comment from ‘7Delta’ in response to our post on how the OSU Somali slasher’s mother is scared (according to her lawyer) by Trump’s tweets.
‘7delta’ (emphasis added is mine):
Oh, for Pete’s sake. The jihadist’s family is traumatized by a tweet and the excuse for Wrong-Way Artan jack-knifing on campus is that he became “radicalized?” The old “the devil made me do it” radicalization defense…meaning, of course, that people who object to stealth jihad and hurt wittle Iswammic feewings are “recruiting” for ISIS. Okay, it’s the right motivational sentiment, but the wrong devil. Of course, according to our Mouths of Sauron, Wrong-Way’s actions can’t have anything to do with Islamic doctrine, now can it?

Sorry, that song and dance went out with the minuet. Knowing Islamic doctrine is in style and their own operator’s manuals blow their flimsy fears and excuses out of Wrong Way’s tail pipe. Mom and Dad, wherever he may be, just got a free ticket to paradise, along with 68 additional close relatives. Chances are Mom and her remaining six young’uns (and probably Dad) had a wedding feast (paid for by us) with their closest friends to celebrate. Passed out sweets to their neighbors too (also purchased on our dime.) She’s not afraid of anything other than her attempts to trick us into being compliant with Shariah blasphemy laws won’t work anymore, as are her fellow hizrahites. In that respect, her fears (and theirs) are well founded.
Still, there’s good news! The reported rapidly spreading ailment, Islamophobia, has been cured! It’s a miracle! Amazing… true…but it never even existed. Imagine that! What a relief. We can quit worrying about it, just in time for Christmas.
Nothing Trump, nor any other happy infidel has done, will do, or can do has any effect whatsoever on Islamic doctrine. We are irrelevant to what Islam believes. The Double Duds, Mohammed and Allah, “radicalized” her son, only they called it devout.
Does anybody with a few functioning brain cells really think ISIS or cultural jihadists would actually tell us that criticizing Islam or electing Trump will recruit for the jihadists, so we shouldn’t do it, if it really did? What? Do they have too many soldiers of Allah and need to cut back to slow down establishing their caliphate so nobody gets hurt? Booty just being spread too thin? The sex slave market is saturated? I don’t think so. Wrong-Way was a devout follower of the 2 D’s. Pretty simple and doesn’t even require more than a basic understanding of Islamic doctrine.
The only thing we do that aids and abets ISIS and the Double D’s is to not tell the truth. Islam is what it is.
No sympathy from my keyboard for Mama Wrong Way’s “fears.” I’m sorry her son felt the obligation to try to kill people and to die a martyr, but that’s an Islamic issue. Maybe she should ask her prophet for profit (he got 1/5 of the booty, ya know) and Allah’s Head what to do when their infidel targets can read and won’t cooperate? That is, if she can figure out how to say it in Arabic, since that’s the only language Allah speaks.
I mean, seriously. Whining and name calling is just not working anymore, not even with the help of female news anchors suggesting infidel women should comply with Shariah law and wear hijabs in solidarity with Muslim women when a jihadist decides to get martyred, as if that’ll make everything okay when their men beat them or they’re the victims of an honor killing, which is in accordance with Shariah law too, or when the Filthy Rich Lawless Center puts people telling the truth on their Dollars for Hate List, or when our suspiciously “ignorant” of Islam president keeps telling us jihad isn’t Islamic. What happened to good old fashioned lying working?
Dang those fake news sites that truthfully report on Islamic atrocities!
A curse of fleas upon the Internet for making the Qu’ran, Hadith and Sira available for the infidel’s reading pleasure.
Seriously, these whiny rote replies are severely lacking in creativity and are as old as Mohammed’s first camel. Nobody, except the bobble-headed, bleached blonde news anchors, their suck-up male counterparts and the few parrots still flapping their fake social justice feathers, believes it anymore. The liars issuing talking points to the blondies and bird brains know the truth. Islam is their tool. Islam, naturally, intends to take their heads. Tickets will be available soon, at a venue near you. Popcorn is welcome.
Okay, got that off my chest. I’ll take another dose of Mucinex just to be sure. Later.
For more guest columns and comments worth noting, click here. Scroll through the posts and see that ‘7Delta’ has previously graced these pages.