Update: 23 years after Black Hawk Down, why are Somalis our problem? here.
I told you about the astronomically high numbers of Somalis being admitted to the US here recently, but since I was working on data for the first ten weeks (here for overall numbers and here for Syrians), I figured I would put the Somali numbers in the same format.
So according to data at Wrapsnet.org we have admitted 2,959 Somalis to the US in the first ten weeks of FY2017, that is highest rate in the over 30 years we have been admitting them, see here. This also would result in a higher resettlement rate than the one for Syrians right now.
Bush’s 2004 number of 12,814 will be dwarfed if Donald Trump doesn’t follow through on his campaign promise to halt the flow of refugees from terror-producing parts of the world.
Virtually all Somalis are Muslims and very few come in to US outside of the Refugee Admissions Program. Although some do come illegally across our borders and then apply for asylum.
Here is the map of where they went (again these are the numbers for October 1, 2016 to December 10, 2016). This is the number for resettled refugees only:
Here are the top ten states in which they were placed. Large numbers will move on to Minnesota or Ohio after initial resettlement.
If as time goes on and you know I wrote about refugee numbers, but can’t find the post, you can always go to the category here at RRW called ‘refugee statistics’ or the one called ‘where to find information.‘
Day: December 20, 2016
Portland, OR: Somali Christmas tree bomber's conviction upheld
I completely missed this news earlier in the month, so thanks to Creeping Sharia for posting it.
And, I should have seen it since I have been writing about Mohamed Mohamud recently. See ten Islamic refugee terror attacks/foiled plots here. I wrote that post because I was sick of hearing refugee industry advocates say there have been no US refugees involved in terror attacks. The fact that this one fell short of his goal to kill innocents seems to have escaped them. What! It doesn’t count if you don’t succeed!
From AP:
PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) – A federal appeals court has upheld the conviction of Mohamed Mohamud, the Somali American sentenced to 30 years in prison for plotting to bomb downtown Portland during the annual lighting of a Christmas tree.

The truck bomb was a fake given to him in 2010 by undercover FBI agents posing as terrorists.
The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said Monday that a U.S. District Court judge properly rejected Mohamud’s claim of entrapment. The 50-page opinion states the government’s conduct was quite aggressive, but the sting fell short of a due process violation.
The court also rejected an assertion that the warrantless surveillance of his foreign communications violated his constitutional rights.
For our archive on the foiled Christmas tree lighting ceremony bomb plot, click here.
Next! How many Somalis have entered the US in the first ten weeks of Fiscal Year 2017. ***Update*** here it is.
Unaccompanied refugee minors program, small but could grow
Two days ago we reported that Rep. Mike Honda (D-CA) had introduced a bill in the waning days of the Congress to admit 25,000 Syrian ‘orphans’ to the US.
So I found this story interesting and something you should know about. We do have a program for ‘unaccompanied refugee minors’ not to be confused with the ‘unaccompanied alien children’ flooding across our southern border at the moment (and for the last few years). The refugee minors program is for children who are deemed refugees (not the phony asylum seekers from Central America). Although I think the reporter in the story at US News has the efforts confused.
Or, is it possible that the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement really has no authority to pay out over a billion dollars a year for those illegal alien children and is doing it under this one?
This news says they (resettlement agency reps) can find very few truly ‘unaccompanied’ children from Syria (although they are looking!) because most, if separated, quickly find parents or family members who take them in. This makes me wonder why Rep. Honda felt there was a need to bring in 25,000 orphaned Syrian children on a “temporary” basis.
From US News:
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, or LIRS, and eight other refugee resettlement groups have worked with the federal government to resettle roughly 17,000 Syrian refugees, including many children within family units, since the conflict broke out in the country in 2011. But of those, the State Department says only one has been a minor without a parent or guardian to care for him or her. Out of privacy concerns, they could give no details about the minor.
The U.S. has the capacity to accept more orphans from the war-ravaged country, Haynes and other experts say. It’s just that for now – as jarring as it might sound while Aleppo’s trapped children plead for help – there aren’t many Syrian minors who qualify for this particular form of assistance.
The Unaccompanied Refugee Minors Program in the United States is the only formal program in the world that is specifically designed to bring unaccompanied refugee children into a unique domestic foster care system, says Haynes. Since its founding after the Vietnam War, the program has accepted about 13,000 minors. It’s a relatively small program, admitting about 200 children last year.
The system gives refugees access to all the support available in the regular foster care system, but also provides additional assistance for things like language training and mental health services. It’s a federally funded program, and like all refugee resettlement services, can be changed or terminated at the whim of the president.
The US Conference of Catholic Bishops and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service monopolize this federal grant program.
Children can come into the program a range of ways. They’re frequently referred by United Nations refugee agency partners based in other countries. In other scenarios, they’ve crossed the southern border and are classified as victims of trafficking or asylum seekers. LIRS works with another group, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, to place the children. The program prioritizes family reunification, meaning officials try to place minors with relatives who are able and willing to care for them before putting them in the foster care system.
Now, pay attention to this! Once the ‘unaccompanied’ refugee reaches the age of 18, he she doesn’t leave, but can apply for family members to come to America!
Ensuring that minors are truly unaccompanied takes time, she says. And once they qualify and arrive in the U.S., they can’t apply for any family member to join them in the U.S. until after they are 18.
Terror around the world yesterday (thanks to these three 'leaders')
Until we get the final word from Germany about whether the Islamic killer in the Berlin CHRISTMAS market attack is a refugee from Pakistan or Afghanistan; and, until we hear about who it was that attacked a Somali mosque in Switzerland, I’m going to post other news. And, besides all of the news, including the assassination of Russia’s ambassador to Turkey is all over the media, you don’t need me to tell you about it!
But think about this: would all of this have happened yesterday if these three world ‘leaders’ hadn’t been in charge?
How many of you remember that when Obama took office, Turkish President Erdogan was supposed to be his best (only!) friend among world leaders? Later, after she opened the gates to migrant Muslim invaders of Germany, he and Merkel became pals.
Pictures speak a thousand words….