Refugee reports for your winter reading pleasure!

Someone asked me about refugee reports, and in this particular case where one could find information on welfare use by refugees.

Annual Reports to Congress

The best place that I know of for that information may be found in the Office of Refugee Resettlement Annual Reports to Congress.  (Not to be confused with the reports submitted by the State Department in September in conjunction with the Presidential Determination for the next year.)

Annual Reports to Congress are very useful. In the FY2014 report ‘Public Benefit Utilization’ tables begin on page 105. See example below.

Annual reports are listed here.
Federal law requires that the reports be submitted to Congress within 4 months of the close of the previous fiscal year.  So unless ORR has failed to update its website, they are now behind for FY2015 (and if they don’t get that one done by the end of January 2017, they will be two years behind!).
There was a point a few years ago (and we wrote about it often and loudly) that ORR was behind by as much as 3 years.  I did some research to see when they went off track with following the law and found out it was during Lavinia Limon’s tenure as the Director of ORR during the Clinton Administration.  What they apparently did during those years was to take the dates off of the covers, so you never really knew when it was actually submitted.  It might say FY1987 (oops typo supposed to be 1997), but with no date for its delivery to Congress.

But the fact that they were so far off also highlighted the fact that Congress clearly did not care whether they were on time.

See here that Senator Jeff Sessions and Rep. Marsha Blackburn did ultimately go after ORR in late 2015 to force the agency to comply with the law.
So go to the Annual Reports and you will find welfare use for refugees.  However, I want you to see page 112 at the end of FY2014 and understand that the reports for such things as welfare use are based on a small sample number of present and former refugees who are able to be found and who are willing to admit to welfare use!
Frankly, there should be a requirement to obtain that data from local welfare agencies, thus forcing local social service agencies to keep track of refugee ‘clients.’
One more thing, since only keeps data back to 2002, you can go back to extensive tables at the end of older annual reports.  That is how I found all this information about Somali resettlement all the way back to the beginning.

Proposed refugee admissions for coming year report to Congress

The annual reports I mentioned above are done after the fact, while this report (which is still pretty useful) is sent to Congress usually in the month of September and informs Congress of what the President plans for the upcoming fiscal year.  See the most recent one here.

ORR’s Key Indicators

This is a relatively new report and I don’t know if ORR has ever done more than maybe two of these.  But, the purpose was to identify states that have the best situation (vis-a-vis social services) for refugeesHere I told readers about how if your state expanded Medicaid, you had a better shot at getting more refugees. This report also tracks secondary migration something that I was told was not done way back in 2007 when I started writing about the Refugee Admissions Program (RAP).
Key Indicators for FY2014 is here.

Congressional Research Service Reports

I have not read the latest one issued just a few weeks ago, but these CRS Reports by Andorra Bruno have been very useful in the past.  See the most recent one by clicking here.

General Accounting Office Reports

There is a really good (useful) GAO Report issued in July 2012 which was commissioned by then Senator Richard Lugar entitled, ‘Greater Consultation with Community Stakeholders Could Strengthen Program.’
Go here to see that report.
I think there are more reports, but that is all my old brain can remember at the moment.  Will add more if you know of more!
Example of a table found near the end of the FY2014 Annual Report to Congress linked above (be sure to read the note under the table!). After 5 years 60% of refugees were still on Food Stamps!
I have a category here at RRW entitled ‘Where to find information’ but it is huge and pretty unwieldy now, but ambitious readers might want to scroll through some of the material archived there.

Nashville refugee/immigrant conference disrupted by protestors!

Are some starting to understand that an element of the Open Borders movement is really more concerned about cheap labor for global corporations?  That is how I read the message from protestors who stormed the stage in Nashville over the weekend.
For background, you might want to read Leahy’s earlier piece about the conference in general, here.
From Michael Patrick Leahy at Breitbart:

NASHVILLE, Tennessee–Protesters shouting “liberation not integration” stormed the stage at the National Immigrant Integration Conference on Tuesday, disrupting Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) as he was about to deliver a speech to the gathering, eyewitnesses tell Breitbart News.

Does Donald Trump know that Speaker Paul Ryan and Rep. Gutierrez are on the same side!

As Breitbart News reported previously, the conference is a gathering of refugee and immigrant advocates meeting to plan opposition to the refugee and immigration policies of President-elect Donald Trump.

A spokesperson for the National Partnership for New Americans (NPNA), one of the two hosts of the conference, confirmed that Gutierrez’s remarks were disrupted.


One eyewitness who was present at the conference when the disruption took place offers a more detailed version of the event.

“A group of mostly non-black activists started screaming about black immigrant rights and rushed the stage blocking the speaker [Rep. Gutierrez] with a banner that said ‘What About My Family?,’ ‘Black Immigrants,’ ‘What About Sex Workers, LGBTQ Folk, Muslim Immigrants, Criminalized Immigrants?,’ and ‘Not 1 More Deporation,’” the eyewitness told Breitbart News.

“They [the protesters] accused conference organizers of working with multi-nationals to exploit workers, and they started shouting ‘liberation not integration,’ ” the eyewitness added.

Continue reading here.
In my ideal world I want those promoting refugee resettlement to admit that much of the drive for more refugees to be admitted to the US comes from BIG business looking for legal immigrant workers willing to work for lower wages (which we subsidize with various forms of welfare).
The RAP is not first and foremost about ‘humanitarianism.’  It is about workers and increasing the Democrat voter base. Maybe once that fact is completely out in the open, we could have a fair national debate about the issue!
Business interests (and those making a living admitting refugees) have just very effectively used the bludgeon of name calling (racist!) against anyone who raises the issue.  LOL! That is why it was so amusing to hear that in Nashville some activists on the Far Left have caught on!
Endnote: Learn more about the Left’s control of the language: Integration vs. Assimilation (here).

Senator Sessions' immigration aide chosen as White House Senior Advisor

This should give us all some peace of mind! 
Donald Trump has chosen one of the most knowledgeable people in the country on the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program (and how it has been administered for years) as a chief White House policy advisor.
From Politico:

President-elect Donald Trump has picked Stephen Miller, a top policy aide from his campaign, to serve in the White House as senior adviser to the president for policy, the transition [team] announced Tuesday.

Miller, an expert on immigration, could be seen warming up the crowds at many of Donald Trump’s early rallies.

“Stephen played a central and wide-ranging role in our primary and general election campaign,” Trump said in a statement. “He is deeply committed to the America First agenda, and understands the policies and actions necessary to put that agenda into effect.”

Miller has served as Trump’s top policy adviser since January 2016. Miller previously worked for Sen. Jeff Sessions, another early Trump supporter and Trump’s pick for Attorney General.

“Stephen Miller is the best person President-elect Donald Trump could have chosen to be his senior advisor for policy,” Sessions said in a statement released by the transition. “He has understood the Trump Movement from the beginning and has a unique understanding of the very real and honest concerns of the American people.”

Like his former boss, Senator Jeff Sessions, Miller saw Trump’s potential early and has been at his side for at least a year.
Creating a new tag for ‘Stephen Miller.’

Canada: Privately sponsored Syrian refugees do better than government-supported refugees

Editor: If you saw my weekly roundup on Sunday, here, you know I’ve been off at jury duty this week. It lasts for a month so if you read RRW daily, there will be some days I miss (and probably some great stories too!).
Besides the disparity in their financial status at the end of a year or two, I’m guessing the privately supported Syrians integrated better into the country as well.

For the latest on Canada and the mess they have on their hands (because they brought too many Syrians too fast), go here.

This map of Canada is from December 2015 and shows where private sponsors for Syrians are located. What I wonder about is this: what if the private sponsor quits or otherwise falls short, does the government step in?

Someone working on a documentary contacted me a few days ago asking me to point him to a family that is being privately sponsored in the US.  I don’t know of any because that isn’t something the US does often.  However, we have told you before that a group of Libertarians and Open Borders activists and resettlement contractors have been talking about getting a private sponsorship system going here too (there was one previously).
I would consider private sponsorships if we drop the entire VOLAG contractor system and go fully private.
Unfortunately, see here, what the US Open Borders people want is a system like Canada where there are both types of resettlement—privately sponsored and government-supported.  I see it as a way for them to increase the numbers entering the US. Perhaps they know that as taxpayers begin to wake up to the reality of what they are paying for in the present US VOLAG system and want it abolished, they are searching for other avenues to keep the flood of refugees coming.
Here is what the Taipei Times is reporting about Canada:

New refugees to Canada are more successful breaking into the job market when sponsored by private community groups rather than by the government, a finding that takes on added importance as the nation welcomes tens of thousands of Syrian migrants.

Refugees sponsored for a year by a community organization such as a church or a group of private individuals earned C$18,300 (US$13,934) in the 2014 tax year compared with C$13,300 for those who had government support, based on the median estimate of arrivals over the prior five years, according to Statistics Canada data.


The US has considered adopting Canada’s private sponsorship model, while supporting refugees through federally contracted resettlement agencies that help the newly arrived integrate in the local economy with an early financial boost and other assistance.

So, this is my question:  If refugees that are privately sponsored do better than government-supported refugees, then why have any government-supported refugees?

I know why the Open Borders Left will scream bloody murder if Congress were to consider a system where all refugees entering the US would have to have private sponsors!  Do you?

Which refugees have gone to Missoula, Montana's new resettlement office?

A reader recently commented that the new International Rescue Committee office was being silent on how many refugees they were getting.  It is easy enough to check at
For new readers, see our archive on the huge (and still on-going) controversy about the office that is now resettling third worlders from Africa and the Middle East in Montana, in Missoula to be exact.
Montana had resettled a handful of refugees years ago, but up until last year the state (alone with only Wyoming) did not have a program.
Here is a screenshot of the ethnicity and numbers placed in the city that we are told has a shortage of low-income housing. These are only resettled refugees, not secondary migrants or others who entered the US illegally or through different legal programs.
(The data below is for FY2016 and the first 2 months of FY2017, up until Dec. 1, 2016. Fiscal years run from Oct. 1 of the previous year to September 30th of the present year.)
By the way, all three ethnic groups arriving in Montana have a certain percentage of Muslims in their group. See here. But, only the IRC (and its local volunteers) and the US State Dept. know if the refugees sent to Montana are Muslims (they could all be Christians or other religious minorities).