I just checked the Wrapsnet data base and see that since I wrote last week the daily average of arriving refugees has dropped. Either the data is not up to date as of yesterday (January 15th) or placement has necessarily slowed (we noted problems in Rochester with the huge flow coming in and suspect that could be happening everywhere).
Last week we reported an entry rate of 285 refugees a day (for the first 90 days) and these numbers tell us that the rate is now 257 per day (again assuming the data has been recorded up to yesterday).
Here are some screen shots of FY2017 overall numbers. I laugh every time I see that Delaware has zero because sweet ol’ Joe Biden helped create the Refugee Act of 1980, yet somehow his home state of Delaware always dodges a bullet.
Then here is a shot of the top ten states at the moment. I am fascinated to see that Kentucky is increasingly one of the top ten when it never used to be—must mean that Senators Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul are fine with it! And, we see how impotent Texas is at slowing the flow too!