Calls those two national news outlets “outsiders,” and likens refugees from the Middle East to the South Vietnamese we took in decades ago. (OMG!)
He also says we broke Iraq (the whole Middle East), so those refugees are our responsibility too. Forever?
Let me be clear, we did not break Somalia, we did not break Syria, we did not break the DR Congo, and we did not break Burma or Bhutan either, so why are those refugees our responsibility?
They are coming to America because the UN tells us what to do, and we do it!
Here is a portion of his press release from yesterday. And you can read more about him at the Idaho Statesmanhere.
The news release continues, click here.
We have an extensive archive on Idaho here, including many posts from World Net Daily and Breitbart, two leading publications reporting on the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program where reporters have become experts on the USRAP (unlike Justice Jones).
Don’t miss World Net Daily reporter Leo Hohmann’s new book! “Stealth Invasion”here.
Now that the justice is retired he might like to educate himself and rethink shooting out press releases like the one above.
Editor:Everyone is asking me what I think about various bills being introduced in state legislatures that seek to get some control over the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program by states and local governments when the federal government is sending refugees from around the world to unsuspecting communities. Truthfully, I am not a lawyer and the type of bill introduced depends on the present structure of the program in that state. In North Dakota, Lutheran Social Services is pretty much calling the shots with Washington. I can’t give legal advice. I’m a blogger, an opinion journalist!
However, this is what I do know. This program must be ultimately reformed, rewritten or trashed in Congress with a bill signed by the President. The best opportunity to do that is right now, starting tomorrow. Even if Trump temporarily pauses the program, if nothing follows in Congress then there might be a slowdown for a few years, but another president could just begin it again (and make up for lost time with a huge admissions number). Everything you do at the local and state level to generate publicity, to stimulate debate, and to put pressure upward—to your US Senators and Members of Congress, and to Trump of course, is vitally important. Here is the news from North Dakota:
BISMARCK – North Dakota lawmakers have proposed a bill that would create a way for communities to request temporary bans on new refugee resettlement and would grant the governor power to impose such a ban statewide.
Somali community activist, Fowzia Adde, warns that THEIR voting power is growing. See who partners with her group located in Moorhead, MN
The proposal was welcomed by Dave Piepkorn, a Fargo city commissioner and resettlement skeptic who has been pushing for more local input on where refugees are placed and more data about their impact.
“Right now, a lot of people are afraid to ask any questions at all because they’re accused of being a racist or xenophobe,” he said. [You all have to get over this, get a backbone, all they have is words!—ed]
If House Bill 1427 passes, local governments could apply to stop refugee resettlement in their communities, either through the governor’s office or Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota (LSSND), the group federally contracted to resettle refugees in the state. A ban could last up to a year and so could an extension of the ban, the bill says.
Before applying for a ban, a local government would have to hold a public hearing and issue a finding that “further resettlement of refugees in the host community would result in an adverse impact to existing residents,” the bill states.
Such a finding would be based on what the bill calls a community’s “refugee absorptive capacity.” This capacity would be determined by various factors, such as local availability of housing, jobs and health care, as well as the ability of social services, schools, police and other government agencies to meet refugees’ needs, according to the bill.
With a similar finding, the governor could issue an executive order for a statewide moratorium on refugee resettlement, the bill says.
Somali activist confirms what Khalid Sheikh Mohammed said during his enhanced interrogation by the CIA. They want to defeat us through immigration and out-breeding us, or otherwise why would Fowzia Adde be so interested inTHEIR voting power? What is it they want that is different from what any good and patriotic American would want?
The Grand Forks Herald story continues:
Fowzia Adde, a Somali leader in the Fargo area, said it would be North Dakota’s loss if refugee resettlement is banned. “They’re going to be shooting themselves in their own leg,” she said. “It’s actually improved the economy to have the new Americans.”
Adde said refugees work hard, pay their taxes and succeed quickly. “We are doing all the work that nobody else wants to do,” she said.
She cautioned that the bill could come back to bite lawmakers, given the state’s increasing number of refugees. “Our voting power is growing,” she said.
Sounds like it is definitely time to stop the flow to ND before voting power for their people gets too great! Continue reading here.
Immigrant Development Center
Fowzia Adde is the Director of the Immigrant Development Center and they are one of those federally supported immigrant-focused ‘non-profits’ involved with microloans. The IDC’s non-profit status was approved in August 2006 and 2 years later they hit the jackpot according to
In fiscal year 2008 they received $687,000 from the Dept. of Health and Human Services. In 2012, the Dept. of the Treasury granted them $99,999 and in 2015 they got $50,000 as a federal sub-grant from some agency that is not recorded at USA Spending. Ms. Adde is effectively being paid by you to do her community organizing!
In addition to working on legislation, citizen activists need to begin to expose the federal money that is flowing in to non-profit groups that then work against the interests of your communities by, as Ms. Adde says herself, growing their voting power.
See our North Dakota archive here. I visited North Dakota on my 6,000 mile tour of refugee hot spots last summer.