Another 500 refugees added since yesterday; come on Donald!

The word on the cable networks, as I got up this morning, is that the President will not sign his refugee executive orders today.  I’ll have more on the news I’m seeing in the next post.
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As you know I have been tracking the refugee admissions since the morning of January 20th (Inauguration day). On that morning Wrapsnet (also called the Refugee Processing Center) reported that we had admitted 29,895 refugees since the first day of the 2017 fiscal year (October 1, 2016).
This morning the number was 31,521, a gain of 1,626 since Donald Trump became President less than a week ago. The US State Department and its refugee contractors are on a mission to get Obama’s 110,000 in here by September 30th!

We see now that there was a one day jump of 512 since yesterday, a rate that puts them well on their way to that 110,000 goal for the year.

This morning I ran the numbers for 1/25/2017 to 1/26/2017 and got 512!
You can bet that every day the Trump team drags this out, you will see astronomical numbers like that and you can be sure that the UN/IOM is handing out plane tickets like pez candy around the world.
They will then wail and moan that Trump couldn’t possibly dash the hopes of all those with a seat on a plane.
Here is where the 512 were distributed:

Florida is 8 (number cut off in screenshot).  Alaska and Hawaii are zero.

Here are the top ten receiving states over the last 24 hours:
And, here is a list of the nationalities and the numbers admitted in those 24 hours:

Afghanistan (1)

Bhutan (97)

Burma (68) By the way, 25 of these are the Burmese Muslim Rohingya I told you about yesterday.

Burundi (9)

DR Congo (98)

Eritrea (22)

Ethiopia (7)

Guatemala (1)

Iran (40)

Iraq (51)

Jordan (1)

Pakistan (5)

Rwanda (7)

Somalia (28)

Sudan (2)

Syria (35)

Ukraine (40)

Totals 512

This post is archived in our Trump Watch! and Where to find information categories.

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