We’ve been telling you about them for years and recently chronicled ten cases of Islamic terror arrests and additional cases of refugees committing heinous crimes,see here.
This morning the media, at least Fox News (did not hear a word of it on CNN in the 5 a.m. hour) is reporting that the White House has a list of refugee criminals/terrorists.
Here is what Leo Hohmann said yesterday at World Net Daily:
Travel-ban judge makes decision based on whopping lie
The judge who granted an injunction against President Donald Trump’s temporary ban on travel from seven Muslim-majority countries based his decision on a blatantly inaccurate premise.
Short memory? Doesn’t read the news? Or deliberately whitewashing? Not good!
Judge James Robart, a federal district judge in Seattle, stated that no one from the seven countries on Trump’s list – Iraq, Iran, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen and Libya – has been arrested on terrorism charges since the Sept. 11, 2001, attack on America.
His comment, made in open court on Friday, went unchallenged in the establishment media all weekend and into Monday, while WND reported it was inaccurate and gave a partial list of terror incidents that have been plotted or carried out by Somali and Iraqi immigrants since 9/11.
Where is Politifact? Where is Snopes? Where are all the other media fact-checkers to correct the mistaken judge?
“Judge Robart no doubt knows the mainstream media is a propaganda arm for the left’s globalist agenda, and so no one would report the falsity of his statement except ‘discredited’ or ‘right-wing’ news outlets,” said Robert Spencer, an Islam expert who blogs for the David Horowitz Freedom Center at JihadWatch.org.
Finally, on Monday afternoon, the Associated Press came out with a fact-check on Robart’s comment, debunking it as patently false.
“WASHINGTON — The federal judge who halted President Donald Trump’s travel ban was wrong in stating that no one from the seven countries targeted in Trump’s order has been arrested for extremism in the United States since the 2001 terrorist attacks.
Just last October, an Iraqi refugee living in Texas pleaded guilty to attempting to provide support to the Islamic State group, accused of taking tactical training and wanting to blow himself up in an act of martyrdom. In November, a Somali refugee injured 11 in a car-and-knife attack at Ohio State University, and he surely would have been arrested had he not been killed by an officer.”
So Robart either has a short memory, does not read the news, or was deliberately whitewashing the facts in an attempt to strike down Trump’s executive order.
More here.
And, see Hohmann here in 2015 reporting on a list of, at that time, 72 cases compiled by Senator Jeff Sessions!
Readers, you may see more of this going on in the coming days and weeks. Since the Refugee Admissions Program is going to be slowed no matter what the outcome is of the legal arguments about the “ban.” The RAP is being capped at 50,000 for the fiscal year and we are at 33,081 this morning. That portion of Trump’s EO is not effected, see here. I think you will see this gathering be turned into an anti-Trump propaganda stunt used to garner more media attention.
Pittsfield will not get many refugees in the coming months no matter what happens, so why bother holding this meeting? The ‘bidding for bodies’ will be fierce!
By the way, since the numbers coming in will be so low, established resettlement sites will be getting most of the refugees. New sites will be at the end of the line for receiving paying clients (refugees!).
Our previous post on Pittsfield is here.
From iBerkshires.com:
PITTSFIELD, Mass. — The organization heading the refugee resettlement program in Pittsfield will hold its second community meeting on the topic on Monday, Feb. 13.
Maxine Stein says there is strong community support for resettling what will be mostly Muslim Iraqis and Syrians in Western Mass.
Jewish Family Services of Western Massachusetts is looking to resettle 50 refugees from Iraq and Syria in Pittsfield. The group announced its intentions in September and held a community meeting later that month. That meeting was so well attended that people were being turned away at the door.
In January, the U.S. State Department approved Pittsfield as being a site for resettlement and the group announced it will have another round of community meetings. One was scheduled for Monday at Morningside School but that has since been canceled. The second is still scheduled for Feb. 13 at Herberg Middle School at 6 p.m.
“Jewish Family Service has been helping refugees to build new lives in Western Massachusetts for more than 40 years. We have been incredibly fortunate to have the strong support of the community in this work,” said Maxine Stein, CEO of Jewish Family Service of Western Massachusetts, said in a statement.
“Each year, we resettle more than 240 refugees through our Springfield office***. Last year alone, we helped more than 80 families begin new lives in safety and freedom in the Springfield area. By expanding to Pittsfield, we will be able to help welcome an additional 50 refugees this year.”
However, an executive order signed by President Trump put halt on resettlement programs. The impact of that order is expected to be discussed at the meeting on Feb. 13.
If there are any patriots left in Massachusetts you might want to attend.
***Nearby Springfield, Mass is overloaded and that is why they are moving out to fresh territory. See our archive on the problems in Springfield, here. Mayor begged for a moratorium!
One of my favorite stories from Springfield is the one about refugees hunting for food in the local public park! This is not fake news!
100 Syrians rushed in to US between Sunday and today!
You will remember that the Trump Administration gave a reprieve to 872 refugees who were on the way to America as of the date (1/28/2017) of the President’s signing of the Executive order on refugees from all over the world.
Remember also that there is a 120-day pause of the whole Refugee Admissions Program (RAP) and Syrians were completely banned in that EO. (120 days is not long enough in my opinion)
Then when the rogue Washington State judge effectively re-opened the pipeline for all classes of immigrants entering the US, the Dept. of State re-started the RAP (to the delight of the contractors who are paid by the head to place them). I see this morning at Wrapsnet that we have now passed the 872 (reprieved number) mark and are up to 956 refugees having arrived since the EO was signed. But, holy cow! 100 Syrians have been rushed in here between 2/5 (Sunday) and 2/7 (early this a.m.) according to data at Wrapsnet!
The bureaucrats at DOS are still running the show apparently! Imagine the hustling that must have gone on at the UN, at IOM and in the Department of State on Sunday getting these Syrians on planes!
Where did the 100 go? New York followed by Virginia are the top two receiving states.
Most of what I write about here at Refugee Resettlement Watch is about the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program which was created when ol’ Ted (Kennedy) and Uncle Joe (Biden) created the program that was signed in to law in 1980 by Jimmy Carter. The main thrust of the program is that refugees are chosen abroad (the UN is picking most of our refugees) and we fly them here. The nine major resettlement contractorswe talk about all the time are then paid by the head to place them in your towns and cities. They, and the US State Department, choose the resettlement sites often secretively. The Tsarnaev (Boston Bomber!) brothers were refugees whose father had successfully gained asylum and brought the family to join him. Just goes to show that security screening isn’t going to be enough to keep us safe. Your tax dollars benefited the boys who were once cute refugees, but grew into Jihadi killers. However, an originally small, but now growing part of that same law deals with asylum. To keep it simple, asylum seekers get here on their own steam—either they enter illegally across borders or they have a visa for some reason and overstay the visa (they are not screened abroad at all).
When those coming illegally hit the border, they know to apply for asylum claiming that if they are sent home they will be persecuted for their religious beliefs, political beliefs, race, sexual orientation (a booming category!) and a few other things. They are then referred to as asylum seekers. They go through one of two processes that I have found confusing and are either granted asylum or not. If they are turned down, they must leave the country.Yesterday we learnedthat the Obama Administration was releasing from detention failed asylum seekers who are high-tailing it to the Canadian border.
A successful asylum seeker is called an asylee or sometimes the broader term political refugee. The Boston Bomber brothers were part of a family that entered the US this way. As full-fledged refugees they then could (and did) avail themselves of all the same welfare goodies of refugees we flew in and they were free to work and to travel outside the country. They could also bring in more family members.
Here is a good report at the American Immigration Council.
On average we grant asylum to 24,000-25,000 of those who are here illegally, but can make a persuasive case that they will be harmed if they go home. Add that 25,000 or so to the number we discuss often here (Obama proposed 110,000 refugees for FY17 and to that add this 25,000). To Trump’s 50,000 cap add this additional 25,000. Those Africans we mentioned yesterday who are running to Canada right now are FAILED asylum seekers NOT refugees!
According to the American Immigration Council:
In FY 2015, USCIS found 33,988 individuals to have credible fear. These individuals, many of whom were detained during this screening process, will be afforded an opportunity to apply for asylum defensively and establish that they meet the refugee definition.
The number of credible fear cases has skyrocketed since the procedure was implemented—in FY 2009, USCIS completed 5,523 cases. In FY 2014, case completions reached an all-time high of 49,607.
The largest number of successful asylum seekers are Chinese!Do you know we have a policy (I believe it is still in effect) that allows Chinese men to use China’s one child policy as an argument about why they should be here—they want more than one kid—and will thus be persecuted if returned to China!
The countries of nationality for individuals granted asylum have largely remained the same in that 10-year period, with nationals of China and Egypt accounting for nearly half (46 percent) of grants each year since FY 2012. The rest of the asylum grants provided in that time period consistently went to nationals of Ethiopia, Venezuela, Haiti, Iran, Iraq, Guatemala, Russia, Nepal, and Eritrea.
In FY 2014, the most recent year with available data, more individuals from Syria were granted asylum than in any previous year (4 percent of all grants). Individuals from China, Egypt, and Syria combined accounted for half of the nearly 24 thousand individuals granted asylum—either affirmatively or defensively—in FY 2014 (Figure 2). A total of 96 nationalities were represented among all individuals granted asylum in FY 2014.
So you can add another 1,000 Syrians getting in to the US through asylum each year (a large number could be the Christians that the UN is keeping out of our normal refugee flow). I digress, but didn’t Obama (with the UN) use a religious test when 98% of the Syrians admitted in the normal refugee program are Muslims? One last thing!
I was annoyed by a Drudge headline last night that read: “Refugees self-deport” about a story about the failed asylum seekersheading for Canada. They are NOT refugees! They failed to be designated as refugees. But, I see this morning that the headline has changed to the more accurate, “Illegals self-deport!”
The Open Borders Left has for years been working to control the language and they want you to think that anyone on the move anywhere in the world, for any reason, is a refugee. It is a big lie that the mainstream media helps to perpetuate!
Those migrants entering Europe by the hundreds of thousands are most likely economic migrants, but most will apply for asylum in Europe. They are not resettled refugees comparable to the ones we (with the UN) bring from around the world. They are in fact not refugees at all until they have successfully gained legal asylum although media around the world deceptively uses the word ‘refugee.’ Where is Congress? I said as early as 2011, that this asylum process must be thoroughly investigated by Congress because I suspect that someone or some groups are helping third worlders (possibly even paying them) to come across our borders and ask for asylum.