Senator Grassley to White House: Declassify Australian refugee deal!

tillerson-and-trumpYes! Obama isn’t here anymore and we expect greater transparency from the Trump State Department on refugees than we have seen in the last 8 years!
New readers, go here and follow links to many previous posts on the “dumb” deal.
From Newsmax (hat tip: Heymister24):

Sen. Chuck Grassley on Twitter Sunday said he wanted an answer from the White House on why a deal the U.S. made with Australia to accept as many as 1,000 refugees hasn’t been declassified, the Hill reports.



Grassley earlier this month sent a letter to new Secretary of State Rex Tillerson asking for a response.

“As I said before, the American people have a right to be fully aware of the actions of their government regarding foreign nationals who may be admitted to the United States,” the Republican senator wrote in the letter.

The Obama administration agreed in November to accept the refugees Australia has been holding in detention centers on Nauru and Papua New Guinea’s Manus Island, most of whom are from Iraq and Iran, as a way to help its ally.

Senator Grassley and Rep. Bob Goodlatte (Judiciary Committee chairmen in the Senate and House) initially identified the countries (see here) from which the migrants came seeking asylum in Australia, but Australia does not want them!

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