Today there is a sob story about how some of the refugees expected to be resettled in Delaware by the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) might not be coming. Longtime readers know that Delaware has only received a handful of refugees over the years and I have always suspected that somehow good ol’ might have had a hand in keeping the numbers small (not in my backyard!).
But, near the end of the Delaware news we see that the HIAS is a plaintiff in at least one of the lawsuits against the Trump Administration and I thought it might be a good idea to show you their complaints which seem to center around the idea that they were promised so many refugees (paying clients) this fiscal year and now they might not get them.
See one of our recent reports on HIAS federal funding.
Can you sue the federal government to get grants you were hoping for?
Below are some screenshots from the lawsuit which could be moot by the time I post this!
Amazing isn’t it! It is all about their money! (and protecting their Muslim clients). The brief continues about individual cases. Continue reading here if you are interested.
As I said in my previous post about Catholic Charities crying foul, shouldn’t there be a federal law disallowing non-profits receiving federal grants from working against the hand that feeds them?
Click here for our HIAS archive.