Refugees trickling in now as March 3rd approaches; 50,000 is not low enough!

There are some rumors floating around that the new EO on refugees, especially those entering from the seven terror hotspots previously identified, won’t happen until next week.  But, it is only a rumor, and LOL!, Trump could be signing it shortly, for all I know.
However, we do know that the US State Department alerted refugee contractors (the nine volags) here that they should expect the spigot to stop around March 3rd, a week from tomorrow.  I’m assuming this advance notice is so they can clear up those cases coming in and there won’t be anyone caught at airports who could make a scene for the media.

Why is Rove still an ‘expert’ for Fox News when he was soooo wrong during the presidential campaign?

I see this morning at Wrapsnet that we are already at 36,637 today (up from 36,461 yesterday) for this fiscal year. 
So unfortunately the Trump team didn’t cap the arrivals at my recommended 35,000 and must still be aiming for 50,000 this year.

50,000 is not that low!

I wanted to throw a shoe at Karl Rove on Fox News sometime yesterday or the day before when he said that Trump had cut the number in half for refugee arrivals.
Sorry to be a broken record, but when Obama set the CEILING, for most of the year he would no longer be in the White House, at 110,000 that was his dreamland proposal. If Hillary won, surely that is where we would be headed, but with Trump’s win, it allows the refugee industry to cry foul because they thought they would get the whopping 110,000 (a figure not seen since well before 9/11).
Here (again) are the numbers we admitted since FY2001 (in red are the years we were BELOW 50,000!):

2001: 87,259 (this year’s number would have been proposed by Clinton in the fall of 2000)

2002: 45,896

2003: 39,554

2004: 79,158

2005: 69,006

2006: 41,223

2007: 48,282

2008: 60,191

2009: 74,654

2010: 73,311

2011: 66,424

2012: 58,238 (Obama had a low year here!)

2013: 69,926

2014: 69,987

2015: 69,993

2016: 84,994

Check my math, but that looks like the average is around 65,000 per year, so Trump’s 50,000 represents only a 23% drop (again you better check my math! I know you will!) from the average number in the last 16 years.

There is still time for the Trump team to set the ceiling lower yet for this fiscal year! And, frankly Congress must begin to reform this out of control program or else we go back to the same old flawed system in a few months!

Go here and see why it is important for you to let Donald Trump know what you think!

Update:  Here is Fox News saying the ceiling reduces entry by 50%! It is so maddening to see how screwed up the media can be when it is something one knows a bit about!

All they needed to do to save Europe from invasion was to turn back just a couple of boats

….but it is too late.
Here is a long story at Bloomberg Businessweek that you don’t have to read. It is an overly-long, detailed account of the travails of a Somali migrant (is he even telling the truth?) being trafficked in to Europe.

At another time in history, citizens of Europe would see clearly that these are invaders.

The invasion began in earnest when Obama and Hillary destabilized Libya opening the best migrant launchpad ever available on the coast of North Africa.  (I have many posts here on Hillary and Libya).
In 2015, then Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott told the Europeans what they must do.  They didn’t listen!
He said to begin (safely) turning boats back to the African coast.  It would only take a few returns to derail the network of traffickers making millions by moving Africans to Europe.
I can’t believe that we might see the end of Europe as a bulwark of western civilization even in my lifetime (and I am old!), my children will certainly see it!
MEDIA CALL: Gillard, Abbott to hold Q&A session at Rooty Hill RSL Wednesday, 11 August 2010 from 6.00pm Sydney, Australia, August 9, 2010 – Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Opposition Leader Tony Abbott will be holding a people’s forum at Rooty Hill RSL on Wednesday, 11 August 2010 from 6.00pm. The event will be facilitated by political editor David Speers and telecast live across Australia. The audience, which will include approximately 200 swinging voters from Western Sydney chosen by Galaxy Research, as well as media representatives, will have the opportunity to ask the Prime Minister and Opposition Leader questions related to their policies and in particular, how it affects the local community. Gillard, Abbott Q&A session details Date: Wednesday, 11 August 2010 Time: 6.00pm (media can set up from 5.15pm) Where: Rooty Hill RSL Waratah Room 55 Sherbrooke Street, Rooty Hill NSW 2766 RSVP: Schedule 6.00pm Prime Minister Julia Gillard address – Q&A 7.00pm Break for refreshments 7.30pm Opposition Leader Tony Abbott address – Q&A 8.30pm Close A limited number of seats are available for media representatives for this event. To attend this media call or for further information regarding the Gillard, Abbott Q&A session, please contact Christine Kardashian at Dash PR on 02 8084 0705 / 0416 005 703 or email ________________________________________ MEDIA RELEASE: Rooty Hill RSL to host Gillard, Abbott Q&A session Wednesday, 11 August 2010 from 6.00pm Sydney, Australia, August 9, 2010 – Rooty Hill RSL, Australia’s largest RSL club, will host the highly anticipated people’s forum with Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Opposition Leader Tony Abbott. The event will be held on Wednesday, 11 August 2010 from 6.00pm, facilitated by political editor David Speers and telecast live across Australia. Why Rooty Hill RSL? Rooty Hill RSL
Tony Abbott: Turn back the boats!

In my opinion, only two paragraphs matter in this long Bloomberg piece that followed the route of one Somali star of the story. Here they are:

At last, one night in the spring of 2015, some men moved him to a rubber boat on the beach. With a hundred other people, he moved out onto the darkened Mediterranean. “We were on the water for 16 hours,” he said. One migrant carried a satellite phone and called an Italian number when the boat started to leak. “Then we were rescued by the Italian Coast Guard,” said Ahmed.

The rescue ships on the Mediterranean—the U.S. Coast Guard, NGO vessels, Eunavfor frigates—try to give some comfort to the people they scoop from the sea. They offer thin, warm stew and a quick medical checkup before delivering them to an Italian port. Ahmed arrived in Sicily in about March 2015. He’s still there, at the CARA Mineo refugee camp, waiting for European asylum.

The traffickers know how to get the invaders ‘rescued.’

I didn’t know that the US Coast Guard was involved in the European invasion, but, if so, it’s time for Trump to pull them back.

Our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here.

WND: Frightened Christians lose battle over U.S. mega-mosque

That is the title of a story about the travesty that occurred in Sterling Heights, Michigan on Tuesday evening.
Before you read this consider the fact that the US Department of State continually places Muslims in the same communities in which they have placed Christians from the Middle East.  I’ve seen them place Burmese Muslims into Burmese Christian communities in some US cities as well, and thus they bring centuries of religious conflict to American soil.

Obama is still winning! US Attorney Barbara McQuade said she was “very proud” to help get this mosque placed in a Christian neighborhood. Pres. Trump and AG Sessions did not save the Iraqi Christian community that likely helped put them in the White House, but they should now move quickly to replace all of Obama’s US Attorneys! Photo :

And, also consider that mosques represent the expansion of Islam in to the land of the Kafir.  Iraqi Christians will now be pushed out of this community in Sterling Heights, a win for the Islamic supremacists.
Our earlier post is here.
From Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily:

In the end, the Iraqi Christians of Sterling Heights, Michigan, say they felt abandoned and left vulnerable by their government.

It didn’t matter that they had escaped genocide in the Middle East.

It didn’t matter they had 180 people at the City Council meeting Tuesday to voice their concerns about a large mosque being proposed in the middle of their neighborhood.

It didn’t matter, they say, that Donald Trump is their new president or that Jeff Sessions is the new attorney general.

They lost. The Muslims won.

The city on Tuesday night agreed to a settlement with a Muslim group that wants to build a mega-mosque on 15 Mile at Mound Road, in the heart of a residential area filled with Christians who escaped Muslim persecution in Iraq.


The Chaldeans and others opposed to the mosque were hopeful up to the last minute that new Attorney General Jeff Sessions would step in and dismiss the DOJ lawsuit against the city.


Barbara McQuade, the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan and an Obama appointee, led the investigation into the city’s handling of the mosque project, and she remains in her post under Trump. She praised the settlement at a news conference Wednesday morning, saying it made her “very proud.”

Continue reading here.
We can only hope that the Justice Department now moves quickly to remove all of Obama’s US Attorneys!