“It’s hard to think of any citizen of the world who would have done more to deserve the award.”
(Former President Bill Clinton upon presenting Soros with the IRC’s “Freedom Award” in 2013)
The incomparable bloggers at 100% Fed Up ask, when will American political leaders expose Soros’ huge impact in directing America’s political landscape through hundreds of groups funded by the Hungarian-born George Soros?
The answer is not likely soon since even Republican leaders are lapping up his money—see Breitbart here earlier this month: ‘Records: Soros Fund Execs Funded Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, John McCain, John Kasich, Lindsey Graham in 2016.’
Refugees are Soros’ invasion army!
Here is 100% Fed Up:
Will anyone [in] our US government call out and expose the effect 187 radical organizations directly funded by leftist George Soros have on our nation?

When will our elected officials start exposing his influence Soros’ large tentacles have on influencing the Democrat Party and anarchist groups in America, leading to riots and unrest by paid protesters in America?
Will the world continue to cower when it comes to the secret dealings of radical globalist George Soros, who is fighting for open-borders in Europe and in the US? Or will we start to really expose him by openly discussing his actions and revealing the truth about his “seemingly benign” organizations like one brave Hungarian prime minister is doing?
Hungary’s populist prime minister on Friday lashed out against billionaire financier George Soros, claiming he and groups backed by him want to secretly influence the country’s politics.
In his annual state of the nation speech, Viktor Orban said groups partly funded by Soros, who was born in Hungary, needed to be made transparent and identifiable.
“Large-bodied predators are swimming here in the waters. This is the trans-border empire of George Soros, with tons of money and international heavy artillery,” said Orban, who received a Soros-funded scholarship as Hungary was transitioning from communism to democracy in the late 1980s.
“It is causing trouble … that they are trying secretly and with foreign money to influence Hungarian politics,” Orban said.
Continue reading here.
Now go here to see the 187 organizations being funded by George Soros and his non-profit empire.
But missing from the list is one of nine major federal resettlement contractors—-the International Rescue Committee. (Others of the nine may also be getting booty from Soros, but the IRC is out front about it, as we have reported ad nauseam!)
We have many posts on the relationship, click here, to learn more.
However, I just now went back to 2013 to see exactly what the IRC said about Soros at its New York City gala to honor him.
From Forbes:
So while CBS CBS +1.00% anchor Scott Pelley, the annual benefit’s emcee, kept things moving, and saxophonist Joshua Redman and pianist Aaron Goldberg provided lively entertainment for the 1,000 attendees, it was the honorees who were the real stars of the evening.
The night’s headline honoree was yet another accomplished former refugee, hedge fund billionaire George Soros, who escaped from Hungary in 1946. He was lauded by Bill Clinton (“It’s hard to think of any citizen of the world who would have done more to deserve the award,” the former president said), his son Jonathan and United Nations Ambassador Samantha Power.
Upon receiving the award (a photograph of Einstein taken by the late Fred Stein, an acclaimed photographer whom the IRC helped flee Nazi Germany), Soros somberly declared that Syria was a “glaring failure of international governance” and pressed the IRC to take action. The event raised $3.5 million to help. True to form, Soros immediately pledged $1 million.
See who else was there, click here.
Our George Soros archive is here and see our David Milliband archive by clicking here.
Send a message to Donald Trump!
Tell him to roll out the red carpet for Viktor Orban and watch the leftwing media rage. LOL! Maybe do it on the evening of the Correspondent’s shindig! Click here for WH website comments page.