Irecently reportedon our ‘Temporary Protected Status‘ program which allows migrants who got in to the US through some other means to legally stay if some big catastrophe happens in their home country while they are here (sometimes illegally!). As I write, demonstrations are being held around the US in an effort to keep Haitians here, but another TPS designation is about to expire and that is the one for Ebola ‘refugees’ from the Obama 2014 TPS designation.
Here is the news from AP at US News:
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Hundreds of people living in Minnesota are expected to lose the temporary immigration status they were given when the Ebola epidemic hit three West African countries three years ago.
Ebola epicenter. BTW, we allowed Liberians to stay here for years and years under another TPS designation when they had a civil war. My question is this: why are civil wars around the world our problem?
The Homeland Security Department granted temporary protected status to about 5,000 West Africans in 2014, allowing residents from the most impacted countries to live and work in the U.S. legally until the outbreak was contained, Minnesota Public Radio reported ( ).
In 2016, the countries were declared Ebola-free. The temporary immigration status was originally issued for an 18-month period, but it got two six-month extensions, with the last one ending this Sunday.
Advocates say Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone are still recovering from the outbreak, so it’s not safe to go home yet.
But others say programs designed to be temporary should end.
I will be shocked if the Trump Administration actually sends these fake refugees back to Africa. This program is one of the most abused of our LEGAL immigration programs!
But, yuk, they promised to take 200 migrants from the “French migrant camp in Calais.” 21 have arrived already!
Don’t you love it the way the media makes it sound like the camp at Calais was just one more sanctioned migrant camp. It was not! It was a location in France across the English Channel from the UK where illegal aliens built a make-shift camp as they attempted to break in to the UK.
Lesson here is make demands long enough and you will be ‘welcomed’ to the UK, in this case Ireland!
The French migrant camp at Calais (aka The Jungle) before it was closed and the illegal aliens dispersed. At another time in history they would be recognized for what they are—invaders. Photo and story:
Invasion of Europe news….
From RTE News(Irish public radio):
Ireland is being urged to resolve security issues with Italy to allow for the arrival of more migrants. [Good for them they are at least using the word ‘migrants’ and not automatically calling them ‘refugees!’—ed]
The Department of Justice has previously said that due to issues with the Italian authorities surrounding the security assessment of migrants, relocations from Italy have yet to commence for many countries, including Ireland.
But today the European Commission called on the Government to find ways to overcome these hurdles.
I didn’t get around to posting this map and story last week. The point of it is that Poland doesn’t take refugees and therefore has zero Islamic terrorist incidents (coincidence?). Maybe someone in Ireland should see it! Or, maybe they have already and thus the foot dragging.
Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos said “I call on Ireland and Estonia to find mutually acceptable working arrangements with Italy on security interviews in the way that for example The Netherlands, France and Greece have worked out successfully.”
The latest figures from the Department of Justice show that 21 unaccompanied minors, previously resident in the French migrant camp in Calais, have arrived in Irelandand are in the care of the child and family agency Tusla.
The Government has committed to taking up to 200 unaccompanied minors who were previously resident in Calais.
Two European Council decisions adopted in September 2015 resulted in member states committing to relocate 160,000 asylum-seekers from Italy and Greece by September 2017, but as of last Thursday only 18,418 had been moved.
Under the programme, the Government pledged to accept 4,000 people.
All of my ‘Invasion of Europe’ news is archived here. My Ireland archive is here.
Editor: A reader asked me over the weekend for the statistics on refugees committing crimes. I told him that as far as I know there is no place where crime statistics compiled those cases by immigration status. For new readers, because there is no actual data that I know of (unless buried in the bowels of some federal agency)***, back in December I compiled this list of top refugee crime cases I had written about over the years. It does not include petty crimes and theft, spousal abuse, welfare fraud, etc.—just the high profile cases involving terrorism, murder and rape.
Here is my earlier post:
I’ve been procrastinating about writing this post, because it required work!
I had to go back through my over 2,000 posts on refugee crimes, here, and pull out Islamic terror cases involving refugees. I chose ten, not for any other reason than these ten below are at the top of my mind. And, I think ten is enough to counter the disinformation campaign going on. For good measure, I have also added (below) a few spectacular crimes involving Muslim refugees.
But, I have to do it (to write this) because clearly the refugee industry has sent out talking points that I am seeing parroted many times each day which pretty much go like this: no refugee has committed an act of terror in the US. LOL! And, maybe that is because many were arrested and convicted BEFORE they could do anything!
And, let me ask you, when evaluating the fact that you (as a taxpayer) paid for a refugee’s opportunity to come to America and in some cases below even paid to raise the refugee to adulthood, does it matter for your anger level that he/she planned to kill Americans or planned to kill some innocents somewhere else in the world? So when the refugee advocates make a distinction about the location of the wannabe jihadist’s target, it’s a difference without a distinction to me! Here are ten that come to mind:
~The Somali (Mohamed Osman Mohamud) arrested on charges he planned to blow up a Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Oregon was a refugee. See here in 2010. He was arrested as he planned to detonate a bomb.
Kentucky refugee terrorist Mohanad Hammadi is serving a life sentence. ” Hammadi also admitted to lying on U.S. immigration paperwork about his involvement in Iraqi insurgent operations against American troops.”
~ Two Iraqi refugees were convicted on charges that they helped Al Qaeda in Iraq and may have killed American servicemen there. They lied on their refugee applications. Best coverage of 2011 case here by ABC News. The entire Iraqi flow to America had to be re-screened that year!
~In 2012 Abdullatif Ali Aldosary (an Iraqi refugee) set off a bomb at a Social Security Office in Arizona. Sentenced here.
~As successful asylum seekers, the Boston Bombers were refugees who had benefited from America’s generosity. One of many stories here about the 2012 deadly Boston Marathon attack by the Tsarnaev brothers (Chechens).
~In 2013 Fazliddin Kurbanov was arrested in Idaho and later convicted on terrorism charges. Kurbanov is an Uzbek refugee. See here.
~In early 2016 an Iraqi refugee (Omar Faraj Saeed Al Hardan) living in Texas was accused of planning to bomb a local popular mall, see story at Newsweek.
~In September 2016, a Somali refugee went on a stabbing spree at a mall in St. Cloud, Minnesota. Learn more here about Dahir Adan. Knife attacks are signature terror acts for devout Muslims.
~Also in September, the Chelsea bomber, Ahmad Rahimi, was arrested and we learned his family came to the US from Afghanistan and were given asylum. We need to be paying more attention to these asylum seekers since they enter the country completely unscreened and their numbers are on the rise.Story at CNN. Once granted asylum they are given all the same rights and privileges as the refugees we fly in.
~And, we can’t forget the most recent successful attack by Somali refugee slasher, Abdul Razak Ali Artan, at Ohio State, see here.
~For number ten, I’m lumping the dozens of wannabe Somali refugee jihadists (mostly from Minnesota) who have been identified and/or convicted of wanting to leave the country to fight for al-Shabaab or ISIS. See here. Several like those in that recent case, were convicted.
Now, here are some horrible crimes I’ve reported over the years!
Medical examiner said 7-year-old little girl died in “excruciating pain.”
And remember not only did you pay for the refugee’s trip to America and his welfare when he got here, but now you will pay for (in many cases) their lives in prison.
~It is hard to rank murder cases, but for me the top of the list is a horrible rape and murder of a Christian refugee child in Salt Lake City, Utah in 2008. The Burmese Muslim murderer(Esar Met) is now incarcerated for life. The child was the youngest child and only daughter of a Burmese Christian family.
~In 2013 a Somali refugee in North Dakota was sentenced to life in prison for the 2011 murder of a native American family he had become involved with.
~In this case in 2014, an Iraqi refugee murdered his wife (she was going to leave him in 2012) and he penned a fake note trying to pin the murder on Islamophobes in the neighborhood. He was found guilty here and he wasn’t too happy about it! Even CAIR had gotten involved when he tried to pin the murder on Islamophobic Americans.
~And this is an awful case from Colorado where a gang of Iraqi refugees brutally raped a local Colorado Springs woman—“the worst case in Colorado history.” Diana West did a great investigative report on the story, here, at Townhall.
~And, if you have never seen the 2009 Roanoke, VA kidnapping story, don’t miss it here! No one ever accused these refugees of being too bright! By the way, these guys only got about 5 years so they are probably out roaming Anytown, USA right now. I doubt they were deported.
I’m sure I have more, but I want to move on to other news today. Here is an idea! If your town is having a public meeting on whether to ‘welcome’ refugees, you know the pro-refugee team will be there with their talking points. Maybe print this post out and take it along to counter them. Or, better still, dig into some of these cases and be prepared with maybe even a poster with photos and talking points of your own!
And, when they tell you that refugees bring economic benefits to communities, ask if they are factoring in the costs of crime/trials/incarceration!
***Someone is keeping data on at least the Muslim refugees with links to terrorists because lost in all of the Comey news is the startling information he revealedin testimony before Congress just days before Trump fired him.
Editor’s note: Before I get to Spencer’s harrowing story, for those who have asked, just a note that if I am absent from the computer these days as I was on most of Mother’s Day and yesterday there could be several reasons. On Mother’s Day I enjoyed myself! Then yesterday, I had internet connection issues. I’ve had several computer issues lately (who knows what is going on there!). And, finally, spring-time on the farm=work!
“I should have seen it coming.”
Robert Spencer
Most of you know Robert Spencer who has been blogging since 2003 at Jihad Watch. He is an expert on Islam and a best-selling author on the subject. In 2007, I liked his ‘Watch’ so much that it is the reason that this blog also uses the word watch in its title! We have entered a new level in the war for the survival of Western Civilization. I think all of you can feel it.
Spencer’s experience, unhappy for him, is fortuitous in many ways for all of us willing to speak about dangerous times ahead. The international Left has moved to a new level to silence speech they don’t like—they are obviously willing to go so far as to kill to silence those who oppose their political and cultural views! Hereat Frontpage magazine Spencer tells readers what happened after he spoke to an audience of 500 “brave Icelanders.” Hat tip: Cathy
Last Thursday, I gave a lecture on the jihad threat at the Grand Hotel in Reykjavik, Iceland. Shortly thereafter, a young Icelandic Leftist registered his disapproval of what I said by poisoning me.
Robert Spencer
It happened after the event, when my security chief, the organizers of the event, and Jihad Watch writer Christine Williams, who had also been invited to speak, went with me to a local restaurant to celebrate the success of the evening.
At this crowded Reykjavik establishment, I was quickly recognized. A young Icelander called me by name, shook my hand, and said he was a big fan. Shortly after that, another citizen of that famously genteel and courteous land also called me by name, shook my hand, and said “F**k you.”
We took that marvelous Icelandic greeting as a cue to leave. But the damage had already been done. About fifteen minutes later, when I got back in my hotel room, I began to feel numbness in my face, hands, and feet. I began trembling and vomiting. My heart was racing dangerously. I spent the night in a Reykjavik hospital.
What had happened quickly became clear, and was soon confirmed by a hospital test: one of these local Icelanders who had approached me (probably the one who said he was a big fan, as he was much closer to me than the “F**k you” guy) had dropped drugs into my drink. I wasn’t and am not on any other medication, and so there wasn’t any other explanation of how these things had gotten into my bloodstream.
For several days thereafter I was ill, but I did get to Reykjavik’s police station and gave them a bigger case than they have seen in good awhile. The police official with whom I spoke took immediate steps to identify and locate the principal suspects and obtain the restaurant’s surveillance video.
I should have seen it coming. After all, my visit had triggered a firestorm of abuse in the Icelandic press, all based on American Leftist talking points. Every story about my visit had the same elements: the notice that the SPLC claims that I purvey “hate speech,” which is a subjective judgment used to shut down dissent from the establishment line…
….meanwhile, I learned my lesson. The lesson I learned was that media demonization of those who dissent from the Leftist line is direct incitement to violence. By portraying me and others who raise legitimate questions about jihad terror and Sharia oppression as racist, bigoted Islamophobes, without allowing us a fair hearing, the media in Iceland and elsewhere in the West is actively endangering those who dare to dissent. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)***, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Center for American Progress and the rest who devote so much money, time and attention to demonizing “Islamophobes” are painting huge targets on our backs.
Continue reading here about Spencer’s horrible experience and his views on what it means. See what he says about Nazi Germany. We know how that story ended…..
*** Note the close ties between the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (one of the nine federal contractors resettling refugees to your cities and towns), click here. The SPLC has every right to speak critically of us who they oppose, but should federal tax dollars go to an organization (HIAS) so closely tied to the SPLC and its ‘hater’ rhetoric. See more on the connection between HIAS wanting us investigated by the SPLC, here in 2014.
As you may have noticed, I am trying to add some other legal immigration news and information on programs that must be reformed as we have the best window ever for reform in Washington. In fact, the Trump team should be at this very minute crafting legislation to send to The Hill to abolish or reform several legal immigration programs that have outlived any usefulness they may have ever had—the US Refugee Admissions Program, Temporary Protected Status and that truly insane Diversity Visa Lottery. All the worker and investor visa programs should also be rewritten or trashed (but I don’t have enough energy for those, and others, like NumbersUSA, are doing good work there).
Frankly, if Trump’s Administration doesn’t take the initiative on reforming our legal immigration system, it will never happen. See mypost yesterdayabout the six REPUBLICAN Senators eager for more refugees (can you say cheap labor!).
Here are the Top Three Posts of the past week.
Note that one of those is about the insane Diversity Visa Lottery. (Top three posts of the last day are in the right hand side bar):
I haven’t mentioned Top Ten Countries lately, so here below are where readers hailed from who read RRW this past week. There were 134 countries on the list, but here are the top ten (excluding the US):
South Africa
For new readers!
In this older round-upI outlined how to learn more about RRW and the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program. All of my round-ups may be found in my ‘blogging’ category by clicking here. Yikes! I see that my first video is now at 2.9 million views!
Thanks as always for your notes, your gifts of books, donations, and e-mails of support, even if I don’t acknowledge every communication know that I try, but there aren’t enough hours in the day here on the farm.