Daily Beast working hard to do an 'Alinsky' on Stephen Miller

Saul Alinsky, as everyone knows now was a special idol (a soulmate really) of our dear leader Barack Hussein Obama.  One of Alinsky’s rules for radicals was to pick a target and make him/her the face of the issue because people “bleed” and institutions don’t. You then target all your fire on the person to bring him down and thus win on the issue.

Spencer Ackerman, a reporter at the Daily Beast, fills in some of the blanks about how the Deep State undermined the Trump refugee order.

In this article at the Daily Beast we watch in fascination as reporter Spencer Ackerman, in tones expressing shock, wants you to believe that Stephen Miller (Senator Jeff Sessions former Senate aide) is Machiavelli*** in the flesh and has been, are you ready, stepping outside his role on the Domestic Policy Council and sticking his nose in to the National Security Council on the subject of refugees. Gasp! How dare he?
Nevermind that refugee policy is domestic policy!
But, that isn’t why I’m posting this article from the Beast (hat tip: Peter).  I’m posting it because last Wednesday, I said this (below) in a post about what went wrong while Trump was out of the country?  This is one line from that post:

“Every day that the White House is silent on the stunning news we heard last week says to me that the White House agrees with the 75,000 admissions this year.”

Now the Beast gives us some insight in to how the ‘Deep State’ did, in fact, line up the lawyers to keep the President from going ahead (ignoring the Hawaii judge) with the most important part of the EO and the part that I highlighted in my post yesterdaythe President could have ignored the courts on the refugee moratorium.  It was an across-the-board temporary (120-day) slowdown that involved all religious and ethnic people (not just Muslims!) entering as refugees and it set the CEILING for the year at 50,000 after the moratorium would have ended. It was not a religiously-based ban!
For the umpteenth time, the Refugee Act of 1980 gives the President enormous power to set a CEILING and to choose the countries from which we will take refugees in “consultation” with Congress.  Congress does not have to approve the plan, but Congress can use the Appropriations process to pay for more (or less) refugees.  But, then the President has the power  of the pen to tell them to take a hike if they appropriate more than is needed! He can also ask for a rescission of funds now!
Be sure to see lawyer for Human Rights Watch—there is no legal obligation to resettle a single refugee!
Here are some snips from the Daily Beast (take some of this with a grain of salt because this is a Leftwing publication) for you to ponder:

Stephen Miller, the hard-right White House speechwriter and domestic-policy adviser, became a conservative celebrity for penning President Donald Trump’s apocalyptic “American Carnage” inaugural address and for serving as the public face of the administration’s travel ban.

But Miller is trying to take on a second role—a power move known only to a handful people in the White House and across the administration. The nationalist firebrand has elbowed his way into national-security and foreign affairs, trying to push the U.S. government to adopt hard-line stances on refugees and other international issues. [Gasp!—ed]

Now look at this! Who are the “horrified administration officials?” Could they be the Obama holdovers, the ‘Deep State?’

The series of moves has so horrified administration officials that they’ve created a paper trail to try to keep Miller from implementing his nationalist goals for international issues—spelling out the consequences of disobeying court orders, for example, that prevent Trump from further curtailing the number of refugees coming into this country.

Among those documents, officials told The Daily Beast on the condition of anonymity, is a guidance paper from the Justice Department about the legal liabilities the administration would incur for flouting a judge’s order on refugees.

Who in the Justice Department? Obama holdover lawyers?
Back to Ackerman’s complaints about Miller’s nose in national security issues….

Too funny! David Rothkopf is the guy we are supposed to believe is the ultimate expert on Stephen Miller! Here he is speaking at the New America Foundation. See who is on the board! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_America_(organization)

Since the National Security Council’s composition is up to each president, Miller’s involvement isn’t “per se” inappropriate, said David Rothkopf, an NSC historian. But, Rothkopf said, Miller “has no national-security experience and is largely seen as a political operative, and neither of these characteristics tends to be a positive on the NSC.”

Miller’s incursions into the realm ordinarily reserved for the NSC are not limited to refugees.

Continue reading about Miller/Machiavelli ….

He took that focus to the White House, playing a leading role in drafting the controversial restrictions on entry to the U.S. of travelers from majority-Muslim nations and refugees.

Those restrictions, spelled out in executive orders, faced massive legal pushback. In March, Trump attempted to revise the so-called Muslim ban to pass judicial muster. The revamped executive order retained a critical provision on refugees: Section 6 of the March order limited their entry to 50,000 in fiscal year 2017, less than half of the 110,000 refugees Obama forecasted admitting into the country this year. [These Leftwing reporters never mention that Obama in his previous 7 years NEVER set a ceiling this high, why now, in his final months in office? It was to give Hillary a running start! (or to screw Trump)—ed]

Almost as soon as Trump issued the new order, federal judges blocked the administration from enforcing key aspects, including the Section 6 refugee cap.

I want to remind you that the Maryland case that went to the 4th Circuit did not address the refugee cap! I suspect that was because in that case the judge understood that Trump had the power on the refugee cap (CEILING).  The Hawaii judge did put a halt on the cap issue, but the 9th Circuit has not ruled.  Readers, try hard to separate the so-called ‘travel ban’ (for all forms of entry from 6 majority terror-producing Muslim countries) in your mind from the refugee across-the-board moratorium and ceiling issue as I did here yesterday.
In retrospect, Trump’s team should have kept the issues separate.
Broken record alert!  Trump did not need an Executive Order to slow the flow of refugees to your towns and cities.  At most, he should have simply notified Congress.
Here we go again, unnamed “officials” are worried about Miller! The Beast continues….

Inside the government, however, officials [Obama holdovers?—ed] had concerns about whether Miller would abide by the injunction. With the U.S. almost certain to surpass the order’s intended refugee limits, those tasked with implementing refugee policy [State Department bureaucrats?–ed] this spring began fearing that the nationalist wing of the administration would attempt t o blame bureaucrats for undermining Trump’s policies. So they did what experienced officials [Deep State bureaucrats and RINOs in the WH or on the Hill?—ed] excel at doing: They created a paper trail to keep the entire administration on the same page.

Lawyers across the government discussed and created documentation spelling out the government’s obligations now that the judges had blocked the refugee cap. A critical aspect of that effort was a Justice Department guidance making clear that the administration would put itself in legal jeopardy by defying the injunction.

Time to fire those Justice Department lawyers, the ones mentioned in the NYT article? And, does Ackerman mean lawyers on the Hill as well, when he says “across the government?”


“While we stand ready to implement the executive order to its maximum effect should the court order be lifted, in the meantime, we don’t want to run afoul of the legal rulings,” said the U.S. official.

Miller and his allies “know the lawyers are really skittish, so they’re trying to avoid the lawyers, who say ‘No, you can’t do that,’” another official said.

Along with a spending bill for the rest of the fiscal year that did not curb refugee admissions, the maneuver worked. Last week, the State Department acknowledged that it is lifting weekly refugee quotas. The U.S. has already admitted nearly 50,000 refugees in fiscal year 2017, with four months to go.

The “spending bill” is where the Republicans in Congress teamed up with the refugee industry and the Deep State bureaucrats to end-run the White House.

Here is Ackerman’s wrap-up on Miller/Machiavelli.  Conclusion:  Bannon and Miller are one and the same (so they need to be side-lined or canned) and the Left appears to love McMaster (scary, very scary!).

Stephen Miller ( 31-year-old “incendiary conservative”) must be marginalized if the Left is to keep its hold on the government. And, keep the flood of third worlders to your towns unimpeded.

Trump in January placed Bannon on the NSC, only to reverse course under pressure, including dissatisfaction from National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster. Rothkopf, the NSC historian, said Miller’s incursions into NSC territory indicated the persistent potency of the administration’s nationalist faction.

Miller “is seen as a vestige of the Bannon regime that was supposed to have been defunct or marginalized. Clearly that didn’t work out as promoted,” Rothkopf said.

“They remain influential, and Miller’s role is a further sign that McMaster’s control of the NSC process is not complete, which is very worrisome.” [Does this mean that the Left is happy with McMaster and is trying to save his power? Now that is scary!—ed]

Back to what I said last Wednesday:  Every day that the White House is silent on the new 75,000 admission level for this  year signals acquiescence.
If the White House was rolled by the Deep State (with the help of the refugee industry contractors) and the Republican leadership in Congress, the White House should admit it and tell Trump voters that they are trying to drain the swamp and trying to keep us safe, but it is very very hard. There is no shame in saying that!
***Don’t miss the portrait of Niccolo Machievelli at wikipedia, here.

Trump: In wake of latest Islamic terror attack, come on Supremes! we need the travel ban

….And, although he didn’t say it (yet?), we should all be urging that Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg recuse herself due to her outrageous and injudicious comments about Donald Trump during his campaign for the Presidency.  After all, the justices will be deciding a case that hinges almost completely on Trump’s campaign comments. What about hers!

Here is quintessential Trump on twitter since last night’s terror attack in London:

On Thursday, I am sure you know that the Trump Justice Department appealed the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals decision on the temporary so-called travel ban from six Muslim majority countries. (Obviously that is what Trump is talking about in that tweet last night.)

I checked Wrapsnet this morning to see how many refugees have been admitted since Trump was inaugurated from these six countries. The total, as of today is 4,554, in just the refugee category for migration to America. See below***

I want to impress upon readers again that the 4th Circuit only addressed the ban on travel (for any class of traveler/immigrant/refugee) from the six countries shown here at right. The Maryland case did not address the refugee CEILING and the power of the President to set it (and change it!).
It was the Hawaii judge (case before the 9th Circuit) that addressed the overall 120-day refugee moratorium that would have applied to all countries and all ethnic and religious groups as well as addressing the reduction in the overall CEILING for FY17 from Obama’s dream number (110,000) to 50,000.
The 9th Circuit has not yet (as of this writing) handed down its decision. It has been my contention all along that the President did not need the EO to reset the CEILING on refugee admissions or to halt the entire program for 120 days, and I expect an honest 9th Circuit to throw out that portion of the Hawaii judge’s decision.
The DOJ’s appeal of the 4th Circuit decision to the Supreme Court is being expedited.  See reports here, here and here about the case (s).
Here is the text of the 4th Circuit ruling.

Travel ban will not rid us of Islamic terrorists already here.

(Remember, former FBI director Comey, in his last testimony to Congress said there are 300 US refugees being watched by the FBI!)

There are calls for Justice Ginsburg to recuse herself from Trump travel ban case because her animus toward the President has been so evident.

In my opinion there is an inordinate amount of emphasis being placed on temporary slowdowns on entry to the US and not enough on pressuring the US Muslim ‘leadership’ to get their people, who live here already, under control because in fact, many terror attacks and  thwarted terror attacks (and those extremists being watched) here involve second generation Muslim immigrants/refugees who were radicalized in their homes and mosques on US soil!
Maybe, a halt to Muslim immigration and refugee admissions could serve as an impetus for them to get their house in order!  It is worth trying to find out!
I’m not holding my breath that the Muslim ‘community’ will reform itself.
But, by limiting Presidential power which a ruling against Trump will do, there will be even greater long-term ramifications for keeping the country safe for decades to come (no matter who is President).

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg should not hear the case!

There is an excellent legal argument here  (read it!) suggesting that she is so biased against Donald Trump that she should recuse herself from the case.  Really the heart of the 4th Circuit case is whether Donald Trump’s campaign rhetoric can be used to dismiss an important policy decision. So, she shouldn’t be able to sit in judgement of campaign statements and be looking in to his heart!
*** We admitted 4,554 refugees from the six countries the Trump Administration (and before it the Obama Administration) recognized as terror-producing countries.
However, I submit that it was a huge mistake to leave out Afghanistan, Burma (Rohingya), Eritrea, Ethiopia, Pakistan, Uzbekistan and Iraq, and possibly others! By the way, there are many other immigration/visa programs admitting entry from these countries besides the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program.
These are the refugee numbers from the six known terror breeding grounds since January 20th up to today:

Iran (808) I didn’t check today, but most Iranians we take are not Muslims

Libya (0)

Somalia (1,668)

Sudan (425)

Syria (1,637)

Yemen (16)


WaPo: Just some guy who jumped out of a plane in North Carolina

WaPo: Ton Lon Sein just some random guy who doesn’t speak English

Just now I thought I would see if there is anything new about Tun Lon Sein, the Burmese refugee who arrived in North Carolina a week ago on a flight to America that originated in Thailand (there are UN camps for Burmese in Thailand), and who proceeded to jump out of a plane onto the tarmac in Charlotte after trying to bite a flight attendant attempting to restrain him.
WaPo reporter, Avi Selk, left out most important fact about Burmese biter in his story last week—he is a ‘screened refugee’ being resettled in NC by the US State Department through a contracted resettlement agency.

I guess they haven’t found an interpreter for his dialect and thus haven’t brought him before a  judge yet (let me know if you see that news), but I did spot this Washington Post article from May 27th with more details of his sprint across the tarmac.
Is he nuts, a criminal, or perhaps he simply didn’t want to be a refugee to America?
WaPo a day late and a dollar short!
What is missing from the WaPo account is something that was known to the local media published in Charlotte the day before the WaPo report—Sein is a refugee being resettled in the US by Episcopal Migration Ministries through the US (Trump) State Department.
Why did the WaPo reporter Avi Selk leave the all important ‘R’ word from his report? (Or did his editors?)  Didn’t he know how to use google? Instead his ‘news’ is fleshed-out with reports on other recent scary airline incidents with passengers.
For more on the Burmese refugee’s origins, see my report last week, here.
Now, see Selk’s story where you have to get to the very end to see any reference to the fact that Sein was from somewhere else in the world (Selk even had the affidavit that local media in Charlotte must have had!):

According to the affidavit, he was midway through a journey that began overseas and spoke “little or no English” during the incident.

So is it any wonder that the refugee industry activists are out telling anyone who will listen that refugees who have been screened-in to America, don’t commit crimes and are not terrorists? 
It is because the news they read (and watch) isn’t telling the whole truth (and if the activists know the truth they are hoping the general public doesn’t find out!).
And this is too juicy!  See the WaPo banner! Democracy Dies in Darkness! Wow!

Come-on WaPo, how about some serious, unbiased and truthful investigative work for a change!
For a little summer reading, see my ‘refugee crimes’ category with 2,101 posts extending back almost ten years!

Right Wing Watch: Ann Corcoran echoes Rep. Steve King on babies

Yes! Western conservative-minded women must have more babies! Lots more babies!  Demography is destiny!

Most of the educated women my age fell for the Left Wing activists’ admonition to have no more than 2 babies to save the planet—guess who didn’t listen?

LOL! Every time you hear Muslim political activists say that they are all for saving the environment and want global warming stopped, ask them if they plan to limit their family sizes!

Right Wing Watch reporter Miranda Blue

Thanks to Right Wing Watch for getting my words out to a wider audience!

Of all the things I said in the interview with Sandy Rios on Friday, this is what stirs up the Left?

Seems to me that they better learn a little more about Islam and the Hijra.


Anti-Refugee Activist: Conservative Women ‘Better Have Babies’ To Prevent Sharia Takeover

Ann Corcoran, who heads the anti-refugee group Refugee Resettlement Watch, said in an interview with the American Family Association’s Sandy Rios this morning that she always tells conservative women that they had “better have babies” in order to prevent Muslims from constituting enough of the population to be able to “shove Sharia law down our throats.”

Rios, who is the American Family Association’s governmental affairs director and hosts a daily radio show on the group’s radio network, claimed that “many” Muslim refugees “are coming here for a purpose, and that is the purpose to overpopulate and dominate and really take over countries wherever they go eventually.” She cited a recent Pew report that found that Muslims are the world’s fastest-growing religious group in large part because “Muslims have more children than members of the seven other major religious groups.”

Corcoran agreed that “it doesn’t look very good,” warning that “Europe is going down the tubes” and the United States could face a similar fate if the Muslim population isn’t limited.

“It doesn’t even require a majority-Muslim population, it only requires a percentage of somewhere around 10 percent to start pushing for all sorts of Sharia compliance by the general public,” she said. “And the way things are going, and the fear most Europeans have of speaking up about this—or even Americans have, to some degree, to less degree perhaps than the Europeans—they’re just going to be able to shove Sharia law down our throats as time goes on just because people are too fearful to speak up. And I always tell conservative young women, you’d better have babies.”

“Yeah, right, and lots of them,” Rios responded. “Lots of them.”

Corcoran’s comments recalled Iowa Rep. Steve King’s recent remark that we “can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies.”

Steve King nailed it here (with his politically-incorrect truism) or their heads wouldn’t have exploded as they did!

Ms. Blue didn’t like my video in 2015 either, see here. Wow! I see this morning that it is at 2.9 million views!

What you can do:

People ask me all the time, what can they do to save America/Western Civilization (I just started a new category titled: What you can do).  Here is one more idea—encourage like-minded young women to have large families!  Make it a badge of honor. Or, if you don’t know any, at least talk openly/publicly about the subject of demographic destiny and the advance of Shariah law.

Canada to expedite asylum claims from Yemen and Egypt

That is what Refugees Deeply is reporting here.  (To learn more about the pro-more-refugees site, go here.)

Trudeau and Trump earlier this year.

Obama junior (Justin Trudeau) is ‘welcoming’ the Muslim world to Canada while President Donald Trump has appealed the so-called travel ban case to the Supreme Court.
One of the countries whose citizens Trump would at least temporarily ban (as Trudeau welcomes them!) is Yemen.

Canada to Expedite Entry of Refugees From Yemen and Egypt

Canada has added war-torn Yemen and repressive Egypt to its fast-track asylum list. The inclusion of the two countries will mean swifter decisions on refugee status for nationals of those countries.

Egyptians and Yemenis seeking asylum will still have to secure a tourist or other visa to reach Canada and apply. It will mean a smaller hearing and quicker decision once they make it there.

Petra Molnar, a migration researcher, told the Middle East Eye that the expedited country list aims to recognize that conditions in certain countries may “require a faster processing.”

Canada’s existing expedited list includes Syria, Iraq and Eritrea, with Burundi and Afghanistan also expected to be added this month. [Yikes!–ed]

A claimant from one of the designated countries still has to prove his or her need for protection.

Yemen is in a state of civil war that has created one of the world’s worst humanitarian disasters, with 19 million of its 28 million people in need of aid. Egypt under the government of Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has locked up hundreds of thousands of people in a crackdown on all forms of opposition.

Readers, most of those al-Sisi is trying to control are the Muslim Brotherhood agitators.  The ‘Brothers’ are banned in Egypt.  At one point Donald Trump talked tough about banning them here as well.
I have 196 previous posts on Canada, go here to learn more about what is happening north of our unsecured border.