Sure looks like it!
On the morning we are getting news that the President is selling out American workers and sacrificing the safety of US citizens by soft talk on the border wall and DACA, we see this announcement.
First, readers may remember that the Heritage Foundation published a dreadful report, here, on the Refugee program demonstrating a total disconnect from what is happening in communities where refugees are secretly dropped off, and now this….
Here (below) we have a panel of bureaucrats and policy wonks who will discuss a bunch of esoteric BS in the Washington swamp about “reforming” the program. I don’t see one serious critic on the panel and not one person who knows what is happening in communities where the refugees are placed.

There are several very very good spokesmen for our point of view in Washington who could get over to the Heritage Foundation in a heartbeat—at FAIR, at the Center for Immigration Studies and at NumbersUSA—why isn’t one serious critic of the program on the panel?
These people will suggest tinkering, or worse!
And, to top it off the program is headlined by Larry Bartlett, pro-refugee bureaucrat extraordinaire. Just two of many posts on Bartlett you should review are here and here.
In the first post Bartlett went to Twin Falls, Idaho and told the audience a whopper—that they don’t place refugees in communities that don’t want them—and he went on to say that was not because of sympathy for the townspeople, but for the refugees (he feared for them, that some local yokels might hurt them!) (go here for more).
And, here, we see Bartlett tell Senator Jeff Sessions that communities are consulted, but failed to mention that citizens everywhere were being blocked from attending the “stakeholder” meetings where plans were being made for the community, while representatives of ethnic groups could attend.
Here then is the Heritage panel lineup scheduled for next Wednesday:

Readers are always asking what they can do. Here is something you can do….
Call Heritage and tell them to stop the propaganda about the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program. Or, better still tell them to have a follow-up panel of experts who know what real reform should look like! (Don’t hold your breath!).
Because Heritage touts itself as a “conservative think tank” that tells Congress what to think, it is up to you to tell Heritage what you think!
If you have been frustrated where you live about how the US Refugee Program is working (about the lack of transparency, crimes, the cultural upheaval going on, and the cost to taxpayers of welfare, etc) tell Heritage what you think!
Here is the Heritage Foundation contact page if you prefer to comment on line: