Yesterday I said that it is time for the US Conference of Catholic Bishops to add one important detail to every press release or news story where they lecture us (or Donald Trump) about humanitarianism, about social justice, about “welcoming the stranger.”
That important missing piece of information is how much of your money (not freely given) goes to them directly from the US Treasury.
Thanks to reader Joanne for pointing us to recent audited financial reports for the Bishops, here. And, specifically the most recent oneavailable.
As you look at the numbers, don’t miss the millions going to the Bishops for the Unaccompanied Alien Children!
For fun I went back to the 2010 report for comparison. Wow!
During Obama’s time in office they went from $58 million to $95 million!
You need to know too, that individual Catholic Charities (usually through the local diocese) are also getting money separately from the feds for many activities. Use USASpending.govto research your local “charities.”
As we have said repeatedly: refugee resettlement is a business!
See my previous report on what is alleged about the International Rescue Committee (IRC). (This is David Miliband’s organization.)
And, if you are thinking, ho hum, so refugees got placed possibly illegally in inadequate housing (as some of you previously commented), I need to explain why this case is significant.
It is surely not a one-off case, but what is important is that a mainstream media outlet has actually had the nerve to investigate a darling of the left—the US Refugee Admissions Program, and its contractor, the IRC. You might not have sympathy for the refugees, but you should.
Your critical aim should be at the federal policies, the bureaucrats, and the contractors*** hired by the feds to bring the refugees to your towns, not the specific refugees who took advantage of what Congress and the White House have offered them.
We need more investigations (like this one) by mainstream media of questionable practices by the contractors in order to further the education of voting Americans!
Number of bodies resettled, more important than quality of care.
A local refugee resettlement agency is searching for a new executive director little more than a week after the organization’s national office found the affiliate had violated housing policies.
I’m guessing that Murphy was sent more refugees than the office could handle in the first place.
A spokesman for the International Rescue Committee‘s headquarters in New York confirmed David Murphy is no longer the relief agency’s executive director in San Diego, but would not address additional questions. A posting for the position appeared online last week.
Earlier this month, the national office said the San Diego affiliate had engaged in housing placement practices that were “inconsistent” with its policies, but declined to discuss its findings further.
The agency’s statement followed a KPBS investigation first published in July that found seven families, who arrived during a rush of refugees last year, living in El Cajon apartments with more people than were listed on their leases, a potential contract violation.
The resettlement agency receives a one-time stipend of federal dollars to cover housing and other needs for refugees…
***These are the federal contractors paid by the head for refugee “clients” they place (secretively!) in your towns and cities. Congress should be investigating how they are using the millions of federal dollars they receive annually. The San Diego housing irregularity is, I suspect, the tip of the iceberg!
In 2013 the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (57 Muslim countries), which has a powerful UN presence, wanted to open an office in Burma to ‘aid’ the Rohingya. Here fearless Buddhist monks said ‘no way.’ Read those signs!
Maybe you haven’t noticed yet, but Syrian refugees are last years’ refugee poster children.
Now the media is moving on to the Rohingya (click here for what I think is the best pronunciation). Everywhere I turn there is media coverage of the Burmese Buddhist government attempting to limit the expansion and disruptive influence of its Muslim minority population.
I want to move on to other topics this morning, so I can’t possibly fill you in on ten years of posts I’ve written (203 so far) on the Rohingya problem. Someone should write a book and I’ve done a lot of research for wannabe authors in my category called Rohingya Reports, here.
But, I want you to know this morning that the strife in Burma (aka Myanmar) with the Muslim Rohingya (fleeing to Bangladesh, a Muslim country) is being placed front and center at the UN just as President Trump speaks there today.
Hereis Amnesty Internationaltaking its whack. Surprisingly, there is one little line in this article that you don’t usually see as most reports depict the Rohingya as pure as the driven snow. And, of course, it is ALL Trump’s fault!
“The USA’s policy towards refugees has to be viewed in a global context. In the shadow of Trump’s cruel policies, other countries around the world have continued to dehumanize refugees and turn their backs on them,” said Salil Shetty.
Salil Shetty: “…Trump’s cruel policies…”
“Whether it’s the EU condemning refugees to abuse and exploitation at the hands of criminal gangs in Libya, or Australia subjecting refugees to severe physical and psychological damage in its offshore detention centers, rich countries have contributed substantially to the alarming deterioration of refugee rights.
“It is against this backdrop of governments’ callous treatment of people fleeing conflict and violence that the world’s fastest growing refugee crisis is unfolding before our eyes in Bangladesh.”
Bangladesh is a Muslim country and most Burmese believe the Rohingya are just a Bangladeshi ethnic group that illegally inserted itself in Burma decades ago.
Trump is getting an earful in New York this week, but he likely will never be told about the last few words in this paragraph….
World leaders gathering in New York for this year’s UN General Assembly are expected to discuss the spiraling situation in Myanmar’s Rakhine State, from where the long-persecuted Rohingya population have been forced to flee because of an unlawful and totally disproportionate military response to attacks by a Rohingya armed group.
Gotta give Amnesty a little credit, they are at least reporting that the Rohingya have been agitators of recent waves of violence.
You need to know! This is not about some far off Asian country!
We have admitted 19,110 Burmese Muslims to the US since FY07 (according to Wrapsnet).
One of the contractors welcoming the devout Rohingya to your towns and cities is the US Conference of Catholic Bishops. See my story, here, in 2013.