Here is what the ‘Refugee Act of 1980’ says the Prez and Congress must do right now…

It is the beginning of September and the new fiscal year begins on October 1.  That would be FY18.

The President will submit his ‘determination’ letter and report to Congress about how many refugees COULD BE admitted for FY18 and designates where in the world they would come from.

You and I might not want Congress involved in consulting on the number of refugees to be admitted in FY18, but the original law does give them a role (besides funding) whether they like it or not. And, it is time the Republican leadership goes on record about how many refugees they want!

The Refugee Act of 1980 is here.  Note that in the first three years after passage the number was limited to 50,000 unless the President determined there was an emergency requiring a higher number.

As far as I can tell, other than the first 3 years, the law is silent on numbers less than 50,000.  That means to me that the President could come in anywhere under that and be within the law!

I’ve been arguing that, in light of the Supreme Court having tied the law in knots, the program should be suspended right now until there is clarity from the Supremes, and I think the President could easily make the argument for suspension.

(Add the enormous number of hurricane Harvey refugees to the discussion!)

But, if Trump is going ahead with a ‘determination’ now, he must be pretty close to completing the plan because the law requires Congressional hearings after ‘consultation’ and two weeks in advance of making a ‘final determination’.  As far as I know (or at least for the last 10 years) the law has not been followed and the President sends a ‘determination’ to the Hill literally with only days to spare before October 1.

See my report in 2015 when I learned that TWO DECADES ago, a House report cited former Democrat Congresswoman Elizabeth Holtzman (who was involved with the drafting of the original act) about the ‘determination’ process and how she argued that Congress must have a role.  You and I might not want the wimps in Congress involved, but frankly that is what the law says!

Here are some screenshots of the pertinent sections of law describing the process. In order to meet the time requirements presumably the Administration and Congress are well underway:

CONSULTATION with the House and Senate Judiciary Committees is required!


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‘Consultation’ with Congress is supposed to happen prior to the President sending a final ‘determination’! The substance of the ‘consultation’ is supposed to be (shall be!) PUBLISHED IN THE CONGRESSIONAL RECORD.

Jeff Sessions serious
In 2015, then Senator Jeff Sessions held the first hearing I had seen in nearly 10 years on the Refugee Act of 1980 and how it was being administered.

Have the Cabinet-level representatives of the Prez been up to the Hill?

If so, where is the report in the Congressional Record?

But, most importantly, reread the section above.  Before the President makes his final ‘determination’ a hearing “shall be held” in the House and Senate Judiciary Committees!


Where is the hearing? Has it been scheduled?

Up until 2 years ago, Congress did not hold hearings on the Act at all (too lazy, or too chicken?).  Senator Jeff Sessions held an oversight hearing here on October 2nd (one could not count it as a required hearing for ‘consultation’ since the fiscal year had already begun.)

Consultation defined….

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As I read this, the report to Congress must have already gone to the Hill in advance of the in person ‘consultation’.  Has it?  (Here is last year’s report if you haven’t seen one.)

Timeline (as I read it) described in original Refugee Act (possibly law was changed over the years?  Some Hill lawyer can correct me if it has!):

~Report to Congress (like this one) two weeks in advance of ‘consultation’ with House/Senate.

~In person discussion (‘consultation’) between House/Senate Judiciary Committees and Cabinet-level reps of the President.

~Results of ‘consultation’ reported in Congressional Record.

~Hearings to be held in the House and Senate “to review the proposed determination.”

~Final ‘determination’ made by President.

So, it is September 2nd, they all better get cracking if they expect to follow the law (for a change) and begin ‘welcoming’ a new batch of third worlders on October 1 (a mere 29 days from today).

By the way, I think the State Department has a report done (or nearly so) or else we wouldn’t have learned that Charleston, WV was not going to get its new resettlement office.

This post is filed in my ‘where to find information’ category, click here.

‘Government Slaves’ website gives list of 400 websites Google is attempting to chill, RRW is on it

Here is the news, hat tip: Judy

Government Slaves:

The war on truth has reached a fever pitch as Google has made it their mission to annihilate the independent media. The ‘New Media’ lead by the likes of Infowars, Breitbart, Natural News and many other great independent sites will have an uphill battle when it comes to getting their content in front of readers. Google has announced they will be doubling down on their ‘Orwellian’ practice of making stories disappear from their monopolistic search engine. Outlined in their Gestapo like 160-page handbook, Google describes exactly how they plan to suppress any information they deem unfit for readers.

Continue here, see the list and learn about other search engines to consider.

Screenshot of a portion of the list of 400. We are in good company:

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Malta patriots defend ship and its message

Invasion of Europe news…..

No time for a thorough discussion, but do want you all to know about this ship (and LOL! since I have ships on my mind, see my previous post) sailing the Mediterranean.

The photo pretty much says it all:

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From the British National Party:

The C-Star vessel that has been sailing European waters to stop illegal immigration reached the Mediterranean island of Malta on route to Cyprus.

However, the Maltese government denied access to their territorial waters leaving the crew unable to restock or refuel.

Defend Europe is a movement against the Islamic invasion of Europe.

It has members from many European countries.

In July, Defend Europe chartered a ship and sailed to the Mediterranean to stem the flow of refugees and migrants from Libya.

Continue here for the rest of the story.

My ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here.

Malta-to-America Express

And, I have a huge archive on Malta.  I have been following the illegal action of our US State Department which has for ten years (Bush started it!) been bringing illegal aliens from Africa (who arrived on Malta) to America as refugees!

Trump may have stopped the Malta-to-America express, but I don’t know for sure because Trump’s State Department is as secretive as all the previous ones I’ve seen on this issue.

Looking for a page-turner for the holiday weekend?

Three days ahead and it might be raining….

Check out Matthew Bracken’s The Red Cliffs of Zerhoun!

I just finished it and could barely drag myself away for my daily duties on the farm (and here at RRW).

Cliff's cover

It’s set in the future, but only a few years from now.  The US is gone (we are not told what happened), European civil wars have raged and the world is in chaos.

Pirates are terrorizing the world’s oceans as the novel’s main character, former Marine, Dan Kilmer, is eking out a living selling commodities like diesel fuel he can pick up in one part of the world and transport to another—selling it for gold of course.

Here is what Amazon says about the story line:

Dan is a former Marine sniper in his late thirties.


In The Red Cliffs of Zerhoun, Dan’s trading schooner is located in southwest Ireland, where he is attempting to sell drums of diesel fuel salvaged from an abandoned NATO base in Greenland. The global financial system has collapsed, and both paper and digital currency have no value, but diesel fuel and gold still do.


While waiting to sell his remaining thirty barrels, Dan is approached by a retired SAS colonel and asked to carry a dozen former special operations commandos to the Canary Islands, where they will be transported by a landing craft to Morocco to conduct a rescue operation. Two months before, nearly seventy Irish and English girls had been kidnapped by sea-jihad pirates from their elite Irish boarding academy and taken to Port Zerhoun, which is under the control of a cartel of modern corsairs. There, they will be sold at auction as sex slaves, unless a ragtag team of former commandos can get them out in time.

Bracken’s enormous knowledge of weapons, boats and strategies for defeating an enemy on the battlefield captured my attention.  (I was surprised to find the details of various fire arms so interesting).

And, besides the entertainment value of this novel, you will learn more about Islam.

This book would make a great action movie, but alas, I can’t see that ever happening in the America of today. The Left has for decades used the big screen to promote political messages to the masses. Sure wish we were smart enough (and rich enough!) to do it too!