HIAS leads the pack: wants Congress to admit more refugees than Trump’s 45,000 ceiling

Nevermind, that the Refugee Act of 1980 gives the power to the President to set the CAP/CEILING*** for refugee admissions for the coming fiscal year which begins on Sunday.

I have to laugh because I can always count on the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society to be the first of the nine federal contractors to break from the gate on the next political action the refugee industry will take.

mark-hetfield-hias logo
As CEO of HIAS, Hetfield makes an annual salary of $358,718 (doing well by doing good!). Will he take a pay cut if there aren’t enough paying ‘clients’ (aka refugees) entering the US this year?

For new readers, see how much of your money,  your tax dollars, goes to each of the nine to resettle refugees on a per head basis, here.

There can never be serious reform while the nine are rolling in your money using it to hold rallies and lobby on the Hill while the media tries to make the public think that this is all about ‘humanitarianism’ and ‘religious charity.’

As you surely know by the keening sound coming from contractors like HIAS they aren’t happy with the 45,000 cap announced this week. (I can see huge bidding wars between the contractors as they bid for bodies in a smaller pool of refugees.)

I’m very unhappy with the number too, as I said here.  The UN/US Refugee Admissions Program should be reviewed by Congress to determine if it is still even a program the US should continue.

If the President had suspended the program and said a ‘determination’ would not be sent until Congress reviewed the program, he might have achieved some important campaign promises.  Sending a determination of 45,000 was meaningless—splitting the baby—and will do very little, if anything, to bring about needed long term change.

I digress, more later on what Donald Trump should be doing on the issue.

Here is HIAS telling its followers what to do:


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This is a screenshot, so links are not hot.  If you want to see the text of what they want their followers to send the Washington reps, go here: https://www.hias.org/stand-against-record-low-cap-refugee-admissions


This is what you should be doing today. 

Tell the President that you are unhappy with 45,000.  He clearly wimped out! And, tell your representatives in the House and Senate how you feel too because you are up against lobbyists, like those at HIAS (likely teamed up with global corporation/Chamber of Commerce lobbyists) working the halls of Congress.

*** You will be hearing more from me about the fact that the 45,000 is a CEILING (NOT A TARGET). Trump could stay well under 45,000 and still be operating within the law.

He doesn’t need an Executive order to stay under the ceiling—he never did!

Trump takes easy way out: says we will admit up to 45,000 refugees to begin arriving Sunday

And, no one is happy except maybe the Republican leadership in Congress—they will get some cheap labor for big business donors and the President has asked nothing of them in the way of trashing or reforming the system.

Trump shit eating grin
No one is happy when you split the baby!

They can go home to angry voters who wanted a lower number (or none at all!) and pass the buck to the Prez.

Looking at the wailing headlines this morning (quoting the refugee industry) about how Donald Trump, the meany, has slashed refugee admissions to an all-time low, it seems to me that only Breitbart got it right!

Trump Administration Misses Opportunity to Suspend Refugee Program, Sets FY 2018 Ceiling at 45,000

If Trump had suspended the program (Bush suspended it for two months at the beginning of FY02), it might have lit a fire under the House and Senate Judiciary Committees to begin seriously investigating the program and either trashing it or reforming it.  There is now zero incentive to do that.

And, does anyone think any serious effort will be made in Election year 2018?

The program can move along at this slightly lower level until Trump is no longer President and then they can kick it in to high gear again, and away they go.  They will push up the numbers dramatically to make up for lost time in demographically changing America.

BTW, Breitbart reporter Michael Patrick Leahy did a little calculation and points out that the average annual admissions under George Bush were guess what?  Under 45,000.

So, Donald Trump has done what politicians always do—tried to split the baby—and turned off his base of voters who wanted to see this program and other legal immigration programs reined in.

I’ll have more to say later (have a family gathering to host) when I may be able to calmly give some guidance on what we might do next.

Looks like deep state bureaucrats are blabbing to the New York Times on refugee ceiling issue

If Donald Trump continues to make no move to replace the top levels in the US State Department with people supportive of him, he has more than three years of this c*** ahead of him.

Here are some snips from the New York Times yesterday:

miller at podium
It is worth reading the whole NY Times piece. You will see how they are gunning for Miller.

WASHINGTON — President Trump plans to cap refugee admissions at 45,000 over the next year, according to current and former government officials briefed on the decision, setting a historically low limit on the number of people who can resettle in the United States after fleeing persecution in their own countries.

Blabbermouth bureaucrats:

Administration officials plan to inform senior lawmakers of the decision on Wednesday, according to the officials, who insisted on anonymity because they were not authorized to pre-empt a formal announcement.

Mr. Trump’s decision follows a fierce internal debate among senior members of his administration. Military and foreign policy officials pressed for resettling more refugees as a national security and moral imperative, while other top officials, led by Stephen Miller, his top policy adviser, and backed by John F. Kelly, his chief of staff and former secretary of homeland security, advocated slashing the number to as low as 15,000 based on concerns about cost and safety.


But Rex W. Tillerson, the secretary of state, ultimately lowered his recommended limit to 45,000, the people said, and that was the number presented to Mr. Trump.

The White House declined to comment on the decision or on the deliberations surrounding it.

Linda hartke 3
Of course the NYT will never tell you that Hartke’s Lutherans are paid by the head to resettle refugees and that her organization is 96-97% funded by you, the taxpayer.

I’ve been telling you, the refugee contractors are going to scream bloody murder over 45,000, so Trump should have gone for some really significant number—heck, even zero!

Refugee assistance groups reacted with outrage to the anticipated cap, calling it a departure from the American tradition of welcoming immigrants in times of need.

Partner! Partner! (grrrrr!) Does the NYT intentionally lie or are their reporters just lazy?


“Today a dark shadow has passed across the great American legacy and promise of protecting refugees,” said Linda Hartke, the president of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, one of nine agencies — most of them faith-based — that partner with the United States government to resettle refugees. “The threat of a drastically low ceiling on refugee arrivals in the U.S. is contrary to American values and the spirit of generosity in American churches and communities.”

Just when I think I can’t do this anymore, I see the NYT write this deception (by omission) about the contractors and it energizes me to continue to get the truth out to you.

Here is the latest financial information on the refugee agencies (federal contractors) whose budgets are based on the number of refugees (aka “clients”) admitted each year. As the numbers decline, so too do their federally-funded budgets!

BTW, the outraged Hartke is pulling down a salary/benefits/related income package of over $300,000 a year—doing very well by doing good! 

(That is a government-funded salary larger than a US Senator or a Supreme Court Justice makes annually!)

Finally, here, toward the end of the article, is the PR stunt letter I told you about in my previous post:

On Monday, 34 senators — all Democrats except for John McCain of Arizona and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska — wrote to Mr. Trump pleading for a cap higher than 50,000, calling the refugee program “a critical pillar or our national security and our foreign policy.”

Read the rest of the NYT piece here.

It is not too late, Donald Trump could still suspend the program and send Hartke (WHO WORKS FOR HIM!) to Puerto Rico and help American refugees for a change!

***Update*** Jordan says on twitter that she wants to hear from you:  miriam.jordan@nytimes.com

Members of Senate Jihad Caucus ask Trump for “robust” number of FY18 refugees; joined by two RINOs

A couple of years ago, when Obama was considering how many Syrian Muslims to admit to the US, a bunch of far Left Senators sent a letter demanding he admit 65,000 Syrians on top of at least another 100,000 refugees from around the world.

Murkowski and McCain
Two Republican Senators (Murkowski and McCain) demand Trump admit more third world poverty to America.

So, friends of mine coined the term ‘Senate Jihad Caucus’ to describe them, see one post here:

I had a good laugh here in September of last year when we saw that the New York Times had picked up our nickname for the group but couldn’t bother to link or even name where they got it!

Now we see that Republican Senators John McCain and Lisa Murkowski have joined that distinguished growing group.

Here is their letter (notice in this anti-Trump PR stunt they can’t even agree on what they think is the appropriate number so have opted for the Left’s favorite word—robust).


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Dear Donald, Send refugee resettlement agencies to Puerto Rico!

Tomorrow or the next day, if you ‘welcome’ the admission of 40,000-50,000 impoverished people (in need of housing, food, and medical care) from Burma, DR Congo, Afghanistan, etc. to begin arriving on Sunday (Oct. 1, the first day of the new fiscal  year), all hell is going to break loose for you from the nine major federal resettlement contractors*** who will say you are mean and racist because they want at minimum 75,000 third worlders to care for.

Conversely, all those Americans who believed your campaign statements (like the one about how communities should have a say when their town is targeted for resettlement) and who believe 40-50 thousand is way too many, are going to be pretty ticked off.

Here is a compromise!

donald-trump smug

How about this:

Suspend the US Refugee Admissions Program for right now and send the employees of the nine federal resettlement contractors (they are all quasi-government agencies anyway) to help our people, the poor people of Puerto Rico rebuild their country

Give them some modest remuneration if necessary (travel expenses, food and shelter) and let them put their humanitarian drive to a very good purpose.

So what will they and their friends at the UN say, that you are mean and racist for helping Puerto Ricans?

What will the mainstream media, already raising a ruckus claiming you aren’t doing enough for our own people in Puerto Rico say (that you shouldn’t send so much help to the devastated island!).

***These are the nine major resettlement contractors, each is paid millions from the US Treasury every year to do their charitable good works. Let’s put them to work helping hurricane refugees in Puerto Rico!