There is an excellent piece at the World Tribune you all should take a minute or two to read. It is about the transformation of Virginia and the soon to be transformed Montana if the Open Borders Democrats continue their great replacement strategy (only slowed at the moment by the President).
For new readers, I have written often about what is happening in Montana, click here, for more background. I visited the state in 2016 while touring the West and Midwest to meet many Americans who have concluded that diversity is not strength and who love their towns and cities just the way they are without the importation of needy third world refugees.
From Joe Schaeffer at the World Tribune (just a bit of it because you should read it all):
Many in Big Sky Country protested ‘invasion’ of Congolese, Eritreans, Iraqis and Syrians
Last week we focused on how the former red bastion of Virginia has been flipped to blue thanks in large part to demographic change spurred by massive Third World immigration. [The do-nothing Virginia Republican Party must share the blame!—]
Having lived in Northern Virginia for some 20-odd years in the 1990s through the Oughts, I watched with my own eyes as respectable middle-class neighborhoods in Falls Church, Fairfax and abutting towns were transformed into decrepit crime-plagued eyesores due to the “enrichment” that comes with Third World immigration.
There really was little left to do but find a way to earn well over $100,000 a year and join the “tolerant” white liberals and privileged career federal employees in their upscale Leesburg and McLean zip codes or leave. I never did make it to McLean.
So it is sad to see the process repeating itself all over again in, of all places, the natural beauty of Big Sky Country.
As CEO of the International Rescue Committee, British citizen and globalist David Miliband is responsible for placing refugees in Montana. He lives and works in Manhattan and pulls down a partially federally funded salary of $900,000 a year! I call that doing well by doing good!
In short, our ruling globalists are determined that there be no corner of America left untouched by Third World immigration. A powerful global NGO called the International Rescue Committee helped settle Hmong refugees in Missoula in the 1980s. The IRC was able to successfully re-open its refugee resettlement operations in this city of 74,000 inhabitants in 2016 thanks to the emotional distress felt by a group of Missoula female book club members upon seeing the infamous photo of a drowned Syrian boy on a Turkish beach in 2015.
If you want to know how Virginia was lost, this is how it begins. Beyond all the virtue signaling about diversity and openness there of course lie very genuine concerns about importing foreigners who do not share the traditional American values that buttress our Constitutional freedoms.
This is especially prevalent with Muslims from the Middle East and Africa. Then there are the shocking health fears. The Ebola plague is currently raging in the Congo. Also underreported are the high financial costs to struggling U.S. taxpayers that come with resettling refugees.
This is the brave new world globalist organizations have in mind for formerly stable American neighborhoods from Manassas, Virginia to Missoula, Montana. If their work continues, Democrat majorities will hardly be the only distinguishing feature of these sullen heterogeneous, multilingual locales.
By the way, the author says the IRC resettles the most refugees annually in the US. I thought the US Conference of Catholic Bishops held that distinction. No matter, I am sure one or other is a close second.
Update November 17th: This publication is calling RRW a “conspiracy site” due to my tagline: They are changing America by changing the people!
A writer for a website calling itself Citizen Truthand claiming to be alternative news for free thinkers! reports on the latest attack on the President, his aide and us by the Southern Poverty Law Centercalling RRW a “fringe” anti-immigrant and white nationalist website.
“Peter Castagno is a freelance writer with a Master’s degree in International Conflict Resolution. He has traveled throughout the Middle East and Latin America to gain firsthand insight in some of the world’s most troubled areas, and he plans on publishing his first book in 2019.”
I wasn’t going to bother with the latest broadsidefrom the SPLCin which a Breitbart writer who had been fired by the publication apparently (shamefully!) went to the SPLC with a trove of e-mails from Miller in 2015 and 2016 when Miller was a high level staffer for then Senator Jeff Sessions.
However, I thought you should know about this especially as the writer for Citizen Truth singles out RRW for special attention.
I’ll bet writer and ‘truth-teller,’ Peter Castagno, has never read any of RRW’s9,000 plus posts.
Oh, and let me be clear, I am very happy to learn that my work was being shared at high levels in Washington, DC.
But, before I get to that, hereis what Citizen Truth (hilariously) says about its publication:
Citizen Truth is an independent and alternative media organization dedicated to finding the truth, ending the left-right paradigm and widening the scope of viewpoints represented in media and our daily conversations.
Have the “free thinkers” and ‘truth-tellers’ have no shame? How can they write that s*** and then publish this:
Dem Leaders Call For Stephen Miller To Resign After Proof Of White Nationalism
Democratic leaders are calling for White House senior adviser Stephen Miller’s resignation after new evidence of his extreme white nationalist views was published by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SLPC) on Tuesday. Critics argue the evidence proves that Miller, the chief architect of the Trump administration’s immigration crackdown, is projecting his racist views into deliberately cruel policies.
Resign! says Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
“Stephen Miller, Trump’s architect of mass human rights abuses at the border (including child separation & detention camps w/ child fatalities) has been exposed as a bonafide white nationalist,” tweeted Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. “He’s still at the White House shaping US immigration policy. Miller must resign.”
The SLPC’s investigative report is based on a collection of over 900 emails from 2015-2016 that showcase the relationship between Miller and the far-right website Breitbart. Miller, a staffer under then-Senator Jeff Sessions at the time, demonstrates an obsessive focus on race and immigrant related issues in the correspondence, mentioning the themes in more than 720 of the emails as he shares ideas and sources to influence the hard-right website’s 2016 election coverage.
The 1973 NOVEL was incredibly prescient about the invasion of Europe unfolding before our eyes right now!
Miller provides links to fringe white nationalist and anti-immigrant websites like VDare, American Renaissance, and Refugee Resettlement Watch to former Breitbart writer Katie McHugh in the emails, and praises the explicitly racist book “Camp of the Saints,”telling McHugh someone at Breitbart should write an article connecting its grotesque depiction of immigrants to the Pope’s pro-refugee rhetoric.
The Leftwing never quits, and that is what I wanted to try to get through to all of you when I wrote my post about community organizing here on Thursday.
Never forget that anyone who suggests there must be limits to immigration and that reforms are needed will be labeled by the Leftists and their media lackeys as “white nationalists,” “racists,” or “haters” of some sort, so toughen your hide!
Note to Peter: I know you are trying to look really cool on that horse, but you need a riding lesson or two. Just saying!