Daniel Horowitz at Conservative Reviewhas gotten his teeth firmly sunk into the issue of the deceptive and dysfunctional Refugee Admissions Program and is sounding off much more articulately than I could ever do—he says many Republicans who claim to be conservatives aren’t really in the battle over the major issue of our time (or any time), immigration.
Case in point is the number of Republican governors, endorsed by Trump, who have now turned tail and “betrayed” him, says Horowitz
He also throws sharp barbs at so-called ‘conservative’ media that is mesmerized by impeachment and what the Democrat candidates are saying at their boring debates while a major civilizational issue goes unnoticed.
BTW, I noticed that other than Tucker, Fox News did not follow the Republican governors pandering to the Left and kissing-up to the refugee contractors. I’m not sure Texas Governor Abbott’s tough standwas even mentioned.
If you read nothing else over the weekend, please read this Breitbart story (and you can also access the audio of the interview):
(LOL! And, I am going to know if you click on the link to read the story because my blog stats tells me how many of you follow a link!)
Daniel Horowitz: Trump-Endorsed GOP Governors Betray President’s Immigration Agenda
Most Republican governors endorsed by President Donald Trump during their gubernatorial campaigns are “betraying” the president’s immigration agenda said Daniel Horowitz, host of the Conservative Review podcast, offering his remarks on Thursday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with host Rebecca Mansour and special guest host John Binder.
Horowitz mentions Breitbart reporters John Binder (pictured) and Neil Munro as two conservative writers who do focus on the greatest issue for the future of America First—immigration.
Binder invited Horowitz’s comment on a federal judge’s blocking of Trump’s executive order allowing communities and states to stop refugee resettlement.
“A judge can’t affirmatively grant a visa,” explained Horowitz. “Even if the judge would be correct on the merits, there is no standing. Refugees can’t get standing to come here. So what do they do? They have non-profit groups — and this is unbelievable, it’s as self-censored as it gets — the nine VOLAG (Volunteer Agency) groups, these are the contractors that get taxpayer funds — $3.5 billion over ten years to transform our neighborhoods and our communities — they get standing to say, ‘Wait a minute. Well, if states can reject refugees, then there will be fewer of them admitted and resettled, and guess what? We’re going to get less revenue, so we have an actionable grievance.’”
Horowitz went on, “It’s the most vivid illustration of what I call, ‘social transformation without representation.’ The key decisions in a republic have to flow directly from the people or through the people’s representatives, and there’s no greater decision that a society makes than the future orientation of that society, [who] become members, the future of their communities, their neighborhoods, and here, like you mentioned, you have all unaccountable, unelected players — the U.N., State Department bureaucrats, and private, self-centered, taxpayer-funded contractors whose executives get $400,000 salaries — [transforming] our neighborhoods with no questions about the prudence of their decisions.”
Horowitz said, “Trump gave us a gift where we could decide a national civilization issue at a local grassroots level and yet the left is on the field — our side didn’t even know this was happening — they’re winning in counties Trump carried by 40 points, Burleigh County, North Dakota, and that is because 90 percent of the Republicans that are elected are on the other side. Trump endorsed most of these governors, almost all of them, and yet we have this generic tweet — ‘Tough on crime. Good on immigration.’ — and incidentally, they’re all terrible on crime and immigration.”
“Someone needs to get to the president and say, ‘Look, these guys are betraying what you started doing,’” determined Horowitz.
I’ve only snipped a small segment of Horowitz brilliant analysis of where we are on the issue of refugee resettlement and immigration generally, but indeed much of what he says applies across the board on where the Republican elected officials stand today—mostly not in the fight at all.
See my post yesterday.I said that our side isn’t organized enough and that this episode with the governors demonstrated that.
The three major immigration restriction groups (headquartered in the Washington, DC area) are not doing any significant grassroots organizing on the issue of refugee resettlement and so we have to establish something new and I hope to be working on rectifying that soon.
But, first, as we start to build a network, be sure to find your place in the Presidential campaign. We need to buy another four years with Trump at the helm and he has to know that if he wins he is going to be beholden to immigration hawks!
2 thoughts on “Daniel Horowitz sounds off at Breitbart: Republican Governors Betrayed the President”
As I have said for decades, without a Chosen Leader, the White Race is too independent to defend themselves from an organized enemy! Sadly, for far too long we have had “leaders” that do not represent us and who are actually “Judas Goats” leading us to enslavement under a One World Order Tyranny. Maybe, Prez Trump will lead us if it is not too late?
After leading the Nation in allowing so-called refugees into his state, Texas Governor Greg Abbott finally stands tough …hypocrite or have the the people of Texas finally taken noticed?
As I have said for decades, without a Chosen Leader, the White Race is too independent to defend themselves from an organized enemy! Sadly, for far too long we have had “leaders” that do not represent us and who are actually “Judas Goats” leading us to enslavement under a One World Order Tyranny. Maybe, Prez Trump will lead us if it is not too late?
After leading the Nation in allowing so-called refugees into his state, Texas Governor Greg Abbott finally stands tough …hypocrite or have the the people of Texas finally taken noticed?