Lutheran Refugee Contractor Promotes “Welcoming Refugees 2021” Letter to the Prez

And did you know! Forcibly displaced people declined in 2020!

As I said in my previous post this morning, September is the big month for pressuring the President to set a high ceiling for the number of refugees to be admitted to the US in the fiscal year that begins October first.

I was curious to see if I could find out who is behind this year’s ‘” campaign and as best as I can figure out it seems to be the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service federal resettlement contractor which has a special “toolkit” for the project here.

I’m guessing however that most of the other eight contractors are helping to gin-up local elected official support to pressure the President to set a ceiling of 95,000 refugees for the upcoming year.

Although 95,000 seems to be the magic number again this year, the letter they have prepared for Trump this year leaves that number out.  I’m guessing that is because it is so high it would turn off prospective local elected official support.

You can see last year’s letter here.

Be sure to see who in your state signed it!

Take note of the fact that the number of daily needy refugees has dropped from last year.  Wow!  It is not often that the scaremongers actually report a reduction in the numbers!

Last year’s letter:

Each day, an estimated 44,000 people are forcibly displaced from their homes due to violence, persecution, or war. 

This year’s letter:

Each day, an estimated 37,000 people are displaced from their homes due to violence, persecution, or war.

The goal is to get this year’s letter signed by as many local and state elected officials they can wrangle by a week from today!

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